Some privileges granted to teachers in legislation


❗️ Some benefits given to teachers in the law

October 1 is marked as "Teachers and Trainers' Day" and this day is a holiday (rest).

( ✅ Teachers do not pay for medical examination.
✅ School principals can also be paid monthly allowances. (

✅ The management of schools with many students enrolled in OTM will be encouraged.

( ✅ Winners of international Olympiads working as teachers are paid a 150 percent bonus every month.

( ✅ Pedagogues of retirement age are not involved in the next attestation.

( ✅ Teachers of inclusive education classes are paid an additional bonus.

( ✅ Women working as physical education teachers in rural schools are paid a bonus.

( ✅ Specialists with PhD and other equivalent scientific degrees are paid a premium.

( ✅ Athletes-trainers are given benefits.

( ✅ Special allowances have been introduced for teachers from other regions teaching in low-quality schools.

( ✅ Mathematics, ( physics, ( chemistry and biology (

✅ Some physical education teachers are given qualification category without attestation.

( ✅ Pedagogical employees of the public education system are given consumer loans and preferential loans for the purchase of motor vehicles.

( ✅ Professors and teachers of the medical field are paid additional fees for performing treatment-diagnostic work.

( ✅ Teachers of foreign languages ​​of educational institutions are given monthly allowances.

( There is responsibility for interfering in the activities of teachers.

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