First of all, should the child be sent to kindergarten or not?
Given that a child under the age of 3 is in dire need of a mother's love and that only the mother can find the heart of a child under this age, it is better to send the child to kindergarten after the age of 3. Giving a child a kindergarten is important for his or her future. Because through this he will face his future society. He learns how to behave in different situations and even how to defend himself. We also saw that the children, who did not eat at home, became more active when they went to kindergarten.
Now let's get acquainted with the problems that arise when starting to send a child to kindergarten and ways to overcome them:
The first problem is that the child refuses to go to kindergarten. To prevent this, first put the child in kindergarten for a short time, for example, for 2 hours, and stay with him. Then come back together. Leave yourself for 2-3 hours the next day. In this way, you can easily extend the time and teach the child to kindergarten. However, many mothers may be dissatisfied with this, as most mothers who study or work send their children to kindergarten. You can adjust your child's time for kindergarten to your vacation time, or you can use the help of a grandmother or mother they are used to. So, it is possible😊.

Well, experienced mothers, what problems have you had or are having in sending your child to kindergarten? How did you find a way to overcome this?
The article was prepared by psychotherapist Jo`rayeva Sadoqat.

@ Bolalarshifokori1

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