Symptoms of tooth decay


Symptoms of tooth decay

The following symptoms may occur when a child is teething, but not necessarily:
1 The child's teeth become swollen;

2. The child's property is painted white;

3. A lot of saliva flows;

4. The child wants to chew everything in his mouth;

5. Body temperature rises (up to a maximum of 37-38 degrees);

6. The child becomes more capricious;

7. The child's sleep is disturbed or sleep patterns change;

8. The child wants to bite the mother's breast or hand;

9. The child loses appetite;

10. The child's stool becomes thin, diarrhea.
Do not confuse the above symptoms with the symptoms of some diseases. For example, if a child's body temperature rises, the child coughs and has a runny nose, then the child may have a cold. Or if the child's diarrhea gets worse and vomiting is added, it means that the child has an infectious disease and should be treated immediately.

The mother herself is the first doctor for her child. Therefore, if you observe the above symptoms in a child and suspect that they are not a disease, then it is better to consult a doctor. Also learn about baby teething schedule and teething problems.

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