The benefits of reading to a child


The benefits of reading to a child

A parent who cares about a child's mental development should definitely read to him. The research of the University of California speaks about it.

If a child is read aloud every day before going to bed, it has a great positive effect on his mental development.

Psychological studies have shown that when a child is read a book, he:

vocabulary increases;
he develops a love for books;
the treatment will be beautiful.
The more perfect words the book contains, the easier it will be for the child to learn these words in the future.

Reading to a newborn baby, even for 5 minutes, is very beneficial for his mental development.

Another study found that when children between the ages of 3 and 5 are read to a lot, their left hemisphere develops. This means that the child's abilities such as conversation, imagination, language skills will increase. A child who has heard the book read a lot begins to see a lot of connections between objects and words. This encourages the development of the child's brain in a scientific and academic direction.

In addition, if a book is read before going to sleep, the child falls asleep easily and sleeps peacefully, and the mental relationship between parents and the child is strengthened.

❓ What book should be chosen for a child?

The best book is classic fairy tales and stories. But a better option is to read the book that the child is interested in. It is necessary to go to bookstores with the child often. There, it is appropriate to take the book that the child chooses with interest and read it to him.

Sometimes you can buy 10 small books for the price of one toy. Parents will make a great positive contribution to the child's future by buying a useful and interesting book instead of a low-quality, unnecessary and sometimes harmful plastic toy. Later, the child prefers to go to the book store instead of the toy store.

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