TOP-10 coloring products


TOP-10 coloring products
The period of active dyeing begins at the age of 10–13 years and lasts until the age of 18–20 years. Although the height of the neck depends in many ways on the gene, but the lack of some household can be caused by the lack of color. In countries where life indicators have improved, staining around 10 cm has been observed. So it is possible to grow the neck with proper and quality nutrition.
1. Oatmeal is rich in beneficial trace elements: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, zinc, iron, chromium, as well as vitamins "A", "V", "Ye" and "K." All of these substances maximize the development of bone and muscle tissue.
2. Bananas are one of the best sources of potassium, which means eating bananas every day will help your child grow well.
3. Legumes are a source of plant protein and B vitamins, as well as a complex of vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the active growth of muscles and bones.
4. Eggs are a source of quality protein and vitamin D. If you want them to develop normally, you need to give them to children on a regular basis. Boiled eggs are fully digested by children's bodies.
5. Beef contains more protein, iron and zinc than other products. All this plays an important role in the growth of the child. Beef is also rich in vitamin V12.
6. Seafood is another source of high quality protein. In addition, record amounts of vitamin V12 stimulate the brain. It is recommended to consume any seafood in the evening as they store a lot of protein and low in carbohydrates. Stimulates the production of growth hormone during child sleep.
7. The benefits of walnuts, especially their beneficial effects on the growth and development of the body, have been known since the time of Hippocrates, who emphasized this in his pamphlets.
8. Cottage cheese is an undisputed leader in the ease of digestion of proteins by the body, so it should be in the diet of children. Under the influence of sunlight, provitamins rich in cottage cheese, the human body produces vitamin D. This vitamin is actively involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which has a positive effect on the condition of bones and teeth.
9. Honey - provides the child's body with a complex of mineral elements necessary for growth and development. Honey in a child’s diet allows for better absorption of calcium and magnesium, which promotes normal development of bones and teeth. Honey should not be given to babies under one year of age - it makes it difficult for the baby to digest and can lead to severe allergies.
10. Apples - they are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, beta-carotene, B vitamins and many other nutrients that can significantly increase bone density. Also, unlike other fruits, only apples are the best for strengthening bones and contain flavonoid fluoride.

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