National spiritual heritage, structure and manifestations of values.


National spiritual mеros, composition of values, appearances.
 The concept of national spiritual heritage and values ​​is a comprehensive concept, and its composition consists of the following:
- historical heritage and historical memory;
- cultural monuments, artifacts, ancient manuscripts;
- scientific achievements and masterpieces of philosophical thought;
- works of art and national literature;
-moral qualities;
- religious values;
- customs, traditions and ceremonies;
- enlightenment, education, etc.
Historical heritage and historical memory occupy an important place in the system of national spiritual values. Historical heritage and historical memory are very important in raising spirituality and raising the spirit of the people. It is necessary to study history truthfully and draw lessons from it.
The Uzbek people take a proud place among the nations that have made a worthy contribution to the treasure of world culture. Cultural monuments, examples of architectural art, ancient manuscripts are priceless masterpieces of national spirituality, the most precious and sacred wealth for our people. Careful preservation of these and passing them on to future generations is the most urgent task in the field of spirituality.
Science and its achievements - is a wealth that goes beyond national or territorial borders, is recognized by the whole world, and serves the entire humanity. However, the work of a scientist and his scientific discoveries first of all introduce his nation and homeland to the world, and turn national value into an achievement of the entire humanity.
Nationalism, the spirit and spirituality of the people, is especially vividly expressed in the development of art and literature. Great works that sing of goodness and purity, humanity and truthfulness, no matter what genre or language they are created in, are known to the world, and ultimately increase the international prestige of this nation.
In the system of national spiritual values, moral qualities and religious values ​​occupy a worthy place and appear as an important condition and factor of realizing the national identity. In most cases, moral and religious values ​​are interrelated, and they are equally important in the spiritual development of the society and in the education of the young generation.
Considering these Prеzidеnt Islam Karimov «Turkestan-Prеss" Answering the questions of the correspondent of the agency, he said that religion has an incomparable service in preserving and passing on cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​from generation to generation, "Religious values ​​and Islamic concepts are so deeply embedded in our livesеwithout them we lose our identity»[1], he says.
The spiritual values ​​created by each nation, nation, its outlook on the world and its attitude to life, its own unique characteristics are fully manifested, especially in traditions and rituals. Rituals perform a number of social functions, are of great importance in preserving national identity, educating young people, and instilling certain ideas into the psyche.
The national characteristics of upbringing and education also differ in the system of spiritual values has a place. As much as it is true that the future of the nation depends on the youth, the need to educate them in the national spirit is also universally recognized. National education is a factor of the nation's self-preservation and future prospects.
In short, each component of national spiritual values ​​is important in strengthening the independence of the nation and securing its future.
National values ​​are the spiritual essence of the national ideaеnutrition. The national idea is a product of the nation's thinking, a high-level form of social consciousness, and the core of the people's philosophy. The national idea of ​​different peoples expresses their goals, hopes and beliefs, and at the same time it develops based on certain principles and principles. According to the lessons of history, evil ideas and ideologies based on fleeting interests and evil intentions, aimed at aggression and invasion of other peoples and countries, have brought nations and states into decline. Only the national ideas formed on the basis of noble ideas and high values ​​have led nations to development.
         The idea of ​​national independence of the people of Uzbekistan is universal and national values
relies on One does not negate the other.
"National the idea of ​​independence: basic concepts and principles» brochure mentions the following national characteristics:
- the superiority of the spirit of community living in the life of our people since ancient times;
- the sanctity of the concepts of family, neighborhood, country, which is a symbol of the community;
- high respect for parents, neighborhood, community in general;
- love for the mother tongue, which is the immortal soul of the nation;
- respect for the elder, honor for the younger;
— a symbol of love, beauty and elegance, the eternity of life — respect for the female race;
— patience and hard work;
— honesty, kindness, etc.»[2].
Uzbek national values ​​are manifested in all aspects of human and national life. By describing the unique qualities of our national nature, such as kindness, kindness, concern, honor, modesty, chastity, tolerance, hospitality, and volunteerism, which distinguish our people in many ways. it should be noted that they have a place in the whole value level.
         During the many thousand years of human history, family and family relations have made great progress. Different eras had their influence on them. Although the essence is the same, in different peoples, family relations were manifested in different forms.
         In Uzbek families, representatives of three, four, or even five generations (ie, grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren) live in harmony with each other. Each joint has its own duty and responsibility, its own will and position.
         Family is sacred. Building a family is a very responsible job. «Family is not an element of antiquity". He is the embodiment of the national future in the holy family. Educating young people, bringing them to maturity, teaching them skills, making them a home is the highest goal of most families.
The real goal of Uzbeks in life is to have children, to see their wedding, their dreams. Bringing the young generation to life, creating a certain starting point for them - a starting position - is different in different nations. In the mentality of some peoples, when children become adults, they leave their families and parents and leave their homes to stand on their own. When he builds a family, has a child and brings it up, he also leaves his family, putting an end to the succession of generations.
         Uzbeks create a very high starting position for young people and go to life. A house with at least 1-2 rooms will be provided to the young man who is getting married, and furniture and household items will be provided to the girl who is getting married. After having two young children, in his turn, he accepts the baton and starts preparing the next generation for life. This national value eliminates the process of alienation that may arise in family relations, and creates the ground for the succession of generations. At the same time, this value negates vices such as carelessness, carelessness, leaving responsibility for one's life only to adults, and encourages the desire to create one's future with one's own hands. In united families, most issues are resolved through mutual exchange of opinions, advice and council. Some disputes between husband and wife, mother-in-law and siblings are resolved through the mediation of the neighborhood and relatives.
         Neighborhood - is the greatest achievement of the Uzbek people, a reasonable form of self-government. It is clear to many that the neighborhood is a place of education, support and support for every family. Fair-minded foreigners who are acquainted with the life, everyday life and values ​​of the Uzbek people recognize the neighborhood as a unique value, a great discovery.
         Neighborhood relations has a long history, and certain values ​​have been formed in this regard over the centuries. The process of alienation, which prevailed in the last few centuries of world history, had its effect on this field as well. In some areas, complete indifference to neighbors has arisen. It is important to avoid this situation.
In the system of values ​​of the Uzbek people, relations with neighbors occupy a large place. Proverbs and sayings created by the people (for example, "My neighbor is my soulmate","A close neighbor is better than a distant relative","don't buy a yard - buy a neighbor» and hq) indicates that he has his own philosophy on this matter.
In cases where good neighborly relations are broken, when neighbors do not see each other for a trivial reason, it becomes clear how deep national values ​​are violated, and the principles of tolerance and compromise are broken.
Kеrespect for ksas — a value created by a person that expresses his spiritual existence. Living nature «fight for survival","only the strong еhappened" have such laws. Animals also have the ability to leave offspring, to love the new generation, to sacrifice their lives until it is raised on its feet. However, honoring the elderly, showing respect and kindness to the elderly is a human virtue. We cannot imagine our national idea without them.
It is said that there was a custom in one tribe: when the father got old and lost his strength, his son carried him on his back and carried him to a deserted mountain. A child has mercy on his fatherеhe took food secretly and saved his father from death. When the father saw his son in disarray and asked the reason for this, he found out that cholera had spread in the country and that there was no cure. Due to the advice given by the wise old man, the trouble was averted. Another time from a natural disaster, kеThe old man's advice saved the tribe from the attack of the enemy again. When his compatriots asked the reasons for the young man's "wisdom", the son said that he took care of his father, despite the threat of punishment, and that his teachings and advice were useful. That's itеIt was a picture to put the respect of people in place.
The national value of respecting the elders does not recognize such situations as sometimes the elders are left with age and knowledge, and they are servile to their superiors. At the same time, the high respect shown by the people also imposes a great responsibility on the elderly.
Respect for women - is the highest point of attitude towards women, who make up half of humanity. The period in history when women dominated economically and socially was called matriarchy. In the eras when the rule was passed to men, attitudes were introduced that discriminated against women's rights and freedoms. The most important achievement of democracy is to ensure equal rights and freedom of both sexes.
All nationalities and peoples living in Uzbekistan follow the provisions of the Basic Law in accordance with international law in relation to women. Uzbeks look at a woman, first of all, as a mother, a kind sister, a daughter of honor. A woman has a unique position and place in the family. The people's rich cultural heritage, literature, art and philosophy are reflected in the national idea. It is also embodied as a symbol of the beauty and elegance of women, their loyalty and loyalty.
Respect and loyalty to mother - is the highest value. That is why the name of Mother is added when referring to the Motherland and the national language. The idea of ​​national independence aims to create a comfortable life and a beautiful life for mothers and all women in the society, to create conditions for women to realize their freedom and dignity, to realize their potential and opportunities. embodied through his mother.
The framework of national values, which are the moral foundation of the national idea, includes traditions and rituals, the principles of humanity and community, and moral qualities. It also serves as its support and basis. Because these values ​​embody the spirit of the nation and the people.
[1] Karimov I.A. We shape our future with our own hands. T.7. - T.: "Uzbekistan", 1999, pp. 349-355
[2] The Idea of ​​National Independence: Basic Concepts and Principles, p. 49.

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