What to look for when caring for a baby?


What to look for when caring for a baby?
Umbilical hernia
The umbilical cord usually falls off within 4-5 days after delivery and can sometimes extend to 8-10 days. If there is moisture in the umbilical area, a 70% alcohol solution is instilled and wiped off using a sterilized bandage. Occasionally there is a swelling in the umbilicus due to the baby being regularly restless and crying. If the baby's umbilical cord remains within 15 days, or if there are signs of redness or inflammation around the area, see a doctor right away.
The newborn's head circumference is normally 34-36 centimeters and is around 36-37 centimeters in the second month of life. By the age of one, the figure reaches 46 centimeters. The non-frozen area at the top of the baby's head is a thick protective layer on the brain, normally 26-28 mm for chilly babies, 22-25 mm from the second month, and shrinking to 8-10 mm by the age of one. . If the rash on the child's head is tense and swollen and he is upset, an increase in brain pressure is expected. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Changes in body weight
During the first 4 days of a newborn’s life, 10% (around 200-300 g) of weight loss is normal and occurs due to the body’s adaptive process. By 6-8 days of life, the child will gradually regain body weight.
Breastfeeding time
Doctors recommend breastfeeding every 1-1,5 hours. This time interval also has an effect on the quality of breast milk, which accumulates the necessary nutrients for the baby. Before breastfeeding, the nipples should be cleaned and then placed in the baby’s mouth. If the baby does not want to release the breast after breastfeeding, do not pull. If you pinch your nose a little, it opens its mouth. For breast milk to be of good quality, a woman's diet should include products rich in beneficial vitamins.
When will you be baptized?
If the baby's umbilical cord has not yet fallen, bathing should be postponed for a while. In this case, it is enough to clean the baby's body with a damp cotton ball soaked in warm water. When the umbilical cord is completely lowered, it is possible to bathe in warm water at 37-37,5 degrees. It is recommended to add a little bit of chamomile tincture to the water to prevent various rashes on the baby’s skin. On cold days, the baby is bathed once every 2-3 days for 8-10 minutes. Do not apply various oils to the skin after water treatments. Because ready-made oils can affect the skin differently.
Sleep time
A chilly baby can sleep up to 4-5 times a day. These sleep times last longer at first and then gradually decrease. It is recommended to bathe the child in the evening so that he can sleep peacefully at night. If there is a disturbance in the baby's sleep, check the breastfeeding and sleep routine from the beginning of the day.
Why return?
Once the baby is breastfed, it is not possible to shake it, lay it on its stomach. Hold for a while while lifting upright. If it returns a little after breastfeeding, it is not dangerous. The child thus expels the excess in the stomach. In infants, digestive activity is not yet well developed and may return after breastfeeding. However, if it returns frequently and beyond the time of breastfeeding, see a doctor.
Why does he sneeze so often?
Babies can sneeze up to 3-4 times a day. This process is normal for the child's body and is not a cause for excessive concern. However, if the sneezing is accompanied by a discharge of mucous fluid from the nose, a cold is suspected and should be referred to a pediatrician.

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