2nd grade lesson plan on A and O vowels


The vowels A and O are 2nd class
Course Objectives:
educational: to teach students to distinguish vowel sounds and to know the position of vowels "a" and "o" in words;
educational: teaching the need to follow traffic rules, creating a friendly environment among students;
developer: developing students' oral and written speech, developing quick thinking skills.
Course type: unconventional, travel lesson.
Course methods: question and answer, activating methods.
Classroom: textbook; bus layout, slides, ticket sample cards, road sign layout, visual aids and magnetic board.
Interdisciplinary connection: reading, the world around us, traffic.
The course
  1. Organizational part.
  2. A) greeting.
  3. B) determine attendance.
  4. D) spend a short question-and-answer minute.
(It is determined which lesson it is, poems dedicated to our native language and “Year of the Healthy Child” are recited).
  1. Postedasking and reinforcing the topic.
(Students' answers reveal that the previous lesson covered the topic of "Vowels and Letters." Homework is checked and notebooks are replaced).
Teacher: - Guys, in today's lesson we will divide into two groups and organize a trip with you to the beautiful city of Karshi, the central city of Kashkadarya region. The Uzbek-made UzOtoyol bus will help bring us closer. (The slides show the UzOtoyol bus).
You know, children, the city of Karshi is becoming more and more beautiful with its multi-storey houses, wide streets and convenient service points. It is a joy to see something new every day. If you also want to enjoy this beauty, take a trip with us. We only have assignments. We get to know them during our travel lesson and try to do them in two groups. (Terms are announced on a slide or written on a piece of paper and hung on the board).
Condition 1. Introducing groups.
Condition 2. Create a cluster and answer the questions.
Condition 3. Minutes of Husnihat.
Condition 4. Exercise "Remember".
Condition 5. Memory exercise.
Condition 6. Word formation game.
Teacher: - Group 1 - Group "A", Group 2 - Group "O". I will evaluate you with the cards of "Yolchirak" in red ("3"), yellow ("4"), green ("5") colors.
Condition 1. The groups introduce themselves.
"AT" group:
I am the leader of group "A" -
Get to know the team.
The first letter of the alphabet "A"
It starts with everyone.
The bear starts with "A",
Honey starts from "A".
I am with my parents
Homeland full with me.
Preface and middle,
I decorate the end of the word.
Tomorrow he is composing a poem
Shayman first of all.
"O" group:
I am the leader of the “O” group
Helping you every moment.
The letter "O" round to the ground
The definition is obvious.
Olim, Otabek, Arif,
The moon also writes with me.
I am in the distant sky
A beautiful world with me.
Apples, cherries, plums,
Know that you can't write without me.
Wise, wise boy,
Know that you will not be without dreams.
Condition 2.
Teacher: - Dear students, in order to get on the bus, you need to write only one syllable on the pre-distributed tickets and then place them in the form of sunlight. (Teacher 
Provides magnetic papers to students as a ticket before announcing Condition 2).
When the condition is met, the following view will appear on the board:
(Words are checked and groups are encouraged).
Teacher: - How do we distinguish a vowel from a consonant?
- How many vowels and letters are there in Uzbek language?
(Group A answers the first question, Group O answers the second question).
A minute of rest.
The poem “The Traveler” is recited with gestures. (The slide shows the "Traffic Light" picture).
Traveler in three different colors,
Red, yellow, green, but
If you do not follow,
You know, it's a mess.
When the red light is on, stop,
If it burns yellow, be careful,
When it is green, the road is open,
But look to your right and left.
  1. New topic statement.
Teacher: - Well, guys, we have reached Karshi. 1- stop - «Husnixat » it is called a station.
Condition 3 according to which if you write the letters “A a” and “O o” in calligraphy, you can get off at the station and see the city. (The teacher writes the letters on the board according to the spelling. Students who write the letters beautifully are encouraged to follow the rules of writing).
Teacher: - Next stop "Remember" as they are called. You will need to complete Exercise 19 in your textbook to get to the station.
(Both groups take turns reading the words, then closing their textbooks, memorizing the highlighted words and underlining the letter “a”. It emphasizes that the letter "a" is always written in the syllable.
Homeland, car, assessment, answer, task.
A minute of rest.
Teacher: "The next stop." "Memory exercise" stop Condition 5 you have to show the models of the characters you saw on the road and tell them what kind of character they are, how many “a” and “o” letters are involved in these words. (The slide shows traffic signs).
When the teacher shows signs such as "intersection", "roundabout", "sidewalk", "give way, children", "pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "vehicle entry is prohibited", students verbally.
(A group that tells the content of multiple characters will be encouraged).
  1. Strengthen the new theme.
Teacher: - The next «Rain of joints » at the station Condition 6 on «Word formation » exercise is performed. In doing so, a group that is quick, accurate, and composes a lot of words from the joints is encouraged. Group 1 students should write a word on the board from the syllables with the letter "a", and students from group 2 from the syllables with the letter "o" and write it in accordance with the spelling.
(“A” group: school, sugar, brown, barra, karra;
Group “O”: side, straw, wise, healthy, sky).
Teacher: - So, guys, you’ve learned the place of using the vowels “a” and “o” in words.
(The teacher briefly explains and reinforces the topic).
  1. Completion of the lesson.
Teacher: "Look, guys, the last one."Summary » we also reached the station.
(Incentive cards collected by both groups are counted, scores are announced and the winning group is determined. Depending on their active participation in the lesson, each student is encouraged individually. Students will be asked about their impressions of the travel lesson).
  1. Homework. In Exercise 21, write the words, substituting the dropped vowels for the dots.
Rozakhan Yusupova,
Primary school teacher of the 12th school of Kasan district of Kashkadarya region.

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