August 28 is the birthday of famous artist Rozi Choriyev


Today, August 28, is the birthday of famous artist Rozi Choriyev.

Rozi Choriyev was born in 1931 in the village of Poshkhurt, Sherabad district, Surkhandarya region. He was brought up in orphanages in Zarabog, Boysun, Surkhan, Termiz.

In 1959, he graduated from the Republican Academy of Painting, and in 1965, he graduated from the Le Repin Institute of Fine Art, Sculpture and Architecture in St. Petersburg and returned to Tashkent.

He started his career in 1966 at the Fine Arts Department of Tashkent State Pedagogical Institute named after Nizami.

Honored Artist of Uzbekistan since 1975, People's Artist of Uzbekistan since 1976. Winner of the state award named after Hamza (1985). After Uzbekistan gained its independence, in 2000, the artist was awarded the Order of Honor of the Country.

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