December 23 is the day when Saturn's moon Rhea was discovered


December 23 is the day when Saturn's moon Rhea was discovered

Rhea is Saturn's second-largest moon, the ninth-largest moon in the Solar System, and the tenth-heaviest.
According to its distance from Saturn, it is the fifth among the seven main moons of Saturn.

Rhea was discovered on December 1672, 23 by Giovanni Cassini. Cassini named the 4 moons of Saturn that he discovered "Stars of Louis" (lat. Sidera Lodoicea) in honor of King Louis XIV of France.

Astronomers have long called Rhea the fifth moon of Saturn (Saturn V).

The modern name of the natural satellite was proposed by John Herschel in 1847 in honor of the Titan Rhea.

According to his idea, it was found necessary to name the seven satellites of Saturn after the brothers and sisters of the famous titans Kronos (the analogue of Saturn in Greek mythology).

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