Information about the rose


The rose occupies a prominent place among the various decorative plants in the world due to its beautiful and colorful opening, beauty and long flowering. People have already noticed these invaluable properties of roses.
When creating new varieties of roses, breeders initially sought to breed vigorous roses. At that time, there were mainly varieties of roses with large, round flowers, but not very elegant and attractive shapes. Today's cultivated roses were created at the beginning of the 1867th century. New hybrid roses are beautiful and have the feature of re-opening, i.e. remontant, even in the second half of summer. In 1873, La Franca rose was obtained by crossing remontant and tea roses. This Lya France variety became the basis for the creation of new tea hybrid roses grown in flower gardens. Since 1900, these flowers have been cross-bred with multi-blooming (Rosa multiflora) tea-hybrid rose varieties, and a long-blooming, multi-blooming rose variety was obtained. This variety was called multi-opening or polyant roses. In 1935, the French breeder Perne Duchet created the Solei d'Or variety by crossing the yellow Persian rose with the remontant variety (Antoine Ducher). As a result of numerous crossings of the Soley de Or variety with tea-hybrid rose varieties, various, colorful varieties were created, and these varieties were called Pernetsian roses. Since XNUMX Floribund roses became popular. This flower was created by crossing polyant roses with tea-hybrid and pernetsian rose varieties. A variety called grandiflora was created by recrossing the floribund rose with a tea-hybrid rose. The shape and size of roses in this group are similar to tea-hybrid roses.
Currently, there are many roses called tea-hybrid, polyant, pernesian and floribund. They can be grown in houses, in flower beds in residential areas and cut for bouquets. These flowers are numerous and open continuously, they are diverse in shape, colorful and very fragrant.
Most of the roses grown in the botanical garden of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan consist of tea-hybrid and pernetsian roses grown abroad (in Germany, France and England). Despite the fact that the climate of Uzbekistan is very different from the climate of these countries, these varieties grow very well and open a lot. They are resistant to both summer heat and winter cold of lush Uzbekistan. But all imported varieties are affected by fungus or powdery mildew.
The works in the field of acclimatization of new varieties of roses in the Tashkent Botanical Garden are mainly the selection of varieties that will allow more extensive greening of gardens, avenues and yards, as well as the hybridization of some varieties that give a very beautiful landscape. and aimed at creating new varieties that are resistant to diseases and winter cold.
When several varieties of roses are grown in one garden, they naturally pollinate and pollinate each other. These seeds can be a natural basis for creating a new, local variety.
From some shoots of the plant, branches can emerge, which are distinguished by the shape and size of the leaves, the color, size and freshness of the flower. A new variety can be grown from these branches vegetatively. The breeder intends to create a specific variety during artificial pollination. However, it is difficult to obtain a specific variety when pollinated naturally. For this reason, this third method is the most convenient.
A florist working on creating a new variety by means of artificial breeding, selecting mother and father plants
takes When choosing them, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that both of them bloom at the same time, and that the mother plant is free to pollinate and fertilize well. Sankist, Golden Ophelia, Larisa, Nataliya Bottner, Dama edid Hellen tea-hybrid roses in Tashkent city; Pernetsian roses of Golden Rapcher, Padre, President Herbert Hoover and Gloria Dei varieties and floribund roses of Kordes Zondermeldung variety have finished many seeds.
The plant selected for breeding must be healthy and embody all the characteristics of this species. In such plants, all flowers are preserved until the time of pollination and fertilization, and then these flowers are cut as soon as they begin to bud. This event allows seeds to ripen quickly and with high quality.
The flower of the mother plant is specially prepared for breeding, that is, when the buds are half opened, the pollen grains are removed from it. In this case, it is enough to leave the lower row of crown leaves. Then these flowers are put on a paper cap, tied with a string and watched every morning. When the mouth of the mother flower is moistened with a shiny liquid, it is considered time for pollination, and the mother plant is pollinated with the dust of the parent plant. It is applied with dust, brush or cotton. After pollination, the flower is wrapped and tied again. Just in case, re-pollination after 1-2 days is appropriate.
Pollen of the parent plant should be taken from well-grown, half-opened flowers. The powder is dried in a paper bag and stored in a glass container. A label with the name of the parent plant and the time of collection of dust is attached to the container. A label with the name of the father and mother plants and the time of pollination is attached to the pollinated mother plant. In order for the pollinated flower seeds to grow well, the paper caps are removed after a week. At the same time, it is very important to take care of the plant on the basis of high agrotechnics.
In the city of Tashkent, you can collect rose seeds (fruits) from the second half of October. It is better to separate the seed from the fruit before planting (at the beginning of December). The seed is planted in specially prepared boxes. The composition of the soil in the box: 3/4 of the soil taken from the garden, 1/4 of the river sand. The seed is buried 2 cm in the soil. The boxes should be kept in a greenhouse or greenhouse with an average daily temperature of 18 degrees from the time the seeds are planted until the day warms up (until April). Once a day, the soil where the seeds were planted is carefully sprinkled with water from a bucket with small eyes. In this case, special attention should be paid to ensure that the soil is not washed away. If treated in this way, the seeds will germinate in 35-40 days.
Rose seeds of different varieties germinate in different periods, even if they are stored and cared for in the same conditions. It depends on the fertility of the seeds. Cordes Zondermeldung, Etual de France and other rose seeds germinate quickly (32, 42-48 days). Lidochka Koch, Sankist, Prince de Bulgaria, etc. rose seeds germinate after 116-118 days. In addition, the germination percentage of seeds is also different. 64-55 percent of rose seeds of Etual de France and Cordes Zondermeldung varieties germinate.
Rose seedlings produce buds after 7-8 leaves (3-3,5 months after seed germination). The first bud of the sprouts is small, 1,5-3 centimeters long, the corolla is few and the shape is unclear. If they are cared for by advanced agrotechnical methods, if the extra branches and buds that grow repeatedly are cut off in time, a strong bush can be formed by September. After the flower opens, at the end of the growing season (in September), it is possible to determine the variety of the hybrid seedling based on their color. Bud and flower shape, freshness, resistance to winter and pests and diseases are determined in the second-third years. Since the time between the germination and flowering of the rose is short, it is very easy to hybridize.
These types of roses are the oldest. They are characterized by large flowers, bright and colorful petals, fragrant, repeated flowering, winter resistance, ease of cutting, growing and establishing a flower garden. At the end of the 1300th century, these roses became very successful, so in a short period of time, about XNUMX varieties were created. Many of these varieties are currently being grown in flower gardens.
Heinrich Munch - Rozovaya drushki (Heinrich Munch) blooms profusely, grows strongly, the flower is very large, lively, fragrant, elegant pink color, slightly yellow color. It opens a lot at the beginning of the season, but a little in the summer. Very resistant to dew disease. '
Paul Nero (Paul Neuron). It blooms abundantly, grows very strongly, reaches 1,5-2 meters in height, has no thorns. The flowers are large, bright, turban-like, fragrant, dark pink in color, open singly in long, ripe and erect peduncles. It blooms abundantly in summer, less in summer. Somewhat resistant to dew disease.
Frau Karl Druschki (Frau Karl Druschki). It blooms abundantly, grows strongly, reaches 1,5 meters in height. The leaves are large and dark. The bud is cup-shaped, white-red-pink in color. The flowers are very large, bright, fully open, snow-white in color without smell. This variety is also called the Snow Queen, depending on the color. It opens a lot in Koklam, less in summer and autumn. It is convenient to grow in the orangery in winter and early spring. It is quite resistant to dew disease.
These roses are characterized by a combination of fragrance, color, beauty and long flowering. The flowers are usually singly on one branch, sometimes in bunches, the smell is close to that of centifol, remontant or tea roses. The color is very diverse: white pink, apricot - pink, yellow, red. It is often made in two different colors. The ball grows like a ball, the height is low and high. Tea-hybrid roses bloom in Tashkent from May to November. According to its biological characteristics, it opens even after November, but the buds die from the cold and the plant stops growing.
Tea-hybrid roses are widely grown in winter and early spring for growing in greenhouses, planting in flower beds and making bouquets.
Breeding works on tea-hybrid roses are being carried out in many countries. Therefore, there are more than 3000 varieties of these roses. These flowers supplant remontant roses and make up the majority of roses grown today. Below are described tea-hybrid rose varieties that grow well in the conditions of Uzbekistan.
Amo`let (Amo`lett). The bush grows strongly and blooms profusely. The leaves are thick, dark green. The buds are ovoid. The size of the flower is medium, the corolla is bright, very fragrant, the color is fiery-red, the color of the flower does not change in summer. Tikka opens on mature and mature buds. Resistant to powdery mildew. It is convenient to make bouquets, to grow in greenhouses and in early spring.
America (America). The bush grows like a bush, it is medium in height, the thorns are hard and sharp. Young branches are covered with pink dust. The leaves are thick, dark-green, the edges and veins of the leaves are colored purple-pink. The buds are longer, the shape of the flowers is beautiful, large, bright, the smell is a little weaker like that of a tea rose, four to five, sometimes singly, in long, erect and mature peduncles. The National Society of Florists of Great Britain awarded this variety with a gold medal. Very resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for planting in groups, growing in winter and early spring in the greenhouse.
Atlantis (Atlantis). Blooms profusely. It is tall, the lower branches grow spreading, the main stem grows upright and strong, the thorns are many, sharp and large. The leaves are dark green, thick. The buds are sharp-pointed, the flowers are large, cup-shaped, the corolla is medium-thick, it has an elegant scent like a tea rose, it is beautiful, it blooms in a yellowish pink color, it opens in strong, long, straight branches, it is very resistant to Unshudring disease, it grows in groups. suitable for cutting and cutting.
Aspirant Marcel Rouyer (Aspirant Marcel Rouyer). It grows steeply and strongly, opens a lot, the branches are covered with sparse and large thorns. The leaf is light green, slightly shiny. Buds are a little long. The flower is apricot, pinkish in color, has no smell. The flower stalks are ripe, long, several flowers open on each branch. It is almost resistant to dew. It is recommended to cut and plant in groups for bouquets.
Barcelona (Barcelona). The height of the bush is medium, it grows like a bush. There are few thorns. The leaf is dark green, thick, large. The size of the flower is medium, very bright, the color is orange-red, black stripe; and there are spots, it is shriveled like a dukhoba; the shape is cup-shaped, the middle is flat, large, flexible. The branches are ripe and long. In each flower, usually one blooms all summer long, the color of the flower almost does not change from sunlight. It is recommended for making bouquets and planting in groups.
 Golden Ophelia (Golden Ophelia). It blooms a lot, it grows. It is medium in height, the thorns are hard, large and sparse. The leaves are shiny green. The buds are cup-shaped. The flowers are smaller, the crown is medium, the smell is as fragrant as that of tea roses, the center of the flower is golden-yellow, the edges are whiter. Long, straight, thin and mature; in gulpoyas, they usually open singly, sometimes in bunches. The National Society of Florists of Great Britain awarded this variety with a gold medal. It is considered to be the highest grade variety due to its frequent opening and continuous flowering. Very resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for cutting, grouping and individual transfer, grafting and propagation in the greenhouse in early spring.
Gloria di Roma (Gloria di Roma). It opens a lot, grows upright, tall, up to 1 meter. The leaves are large, dark green, 1^alin. It's the budstkiR pointed, red. The flowers are large, very bright, round, elegant like a tea rose, the inside of the flower is light red, the surface is hairy; red It often opens singly on long, upright and mature branches. It is resistant to dew disease, but it opens up well in hot summer days and maintains its beauty for a long time. Suitable for group transmission and disconnection.
Pomegranate (Pomegranate - Pomegranate). The bush is bushy and medium-growing, with sparse, small thorns. The leaf is dark green, egg-shaped, glossy, shiny. The bud is round:^. The flower is purple-red, spherical, large, ser^ate, weak. fragrant Often, it opens one by one on a single, long and thin branch. It blooms a lot in Ezda, but the color of the flower changes a little due to the influence of heat. It is recommended to disconnect and group.
Dame Edith Hellen (Dame Edith Hellen). It blooms a lot, grows in clumps, medium height. The leaves are thin, slightly wrinkled. The buds are chuzi^ro^. The flowers are large, very bright, dense, cup-shaped, very bright, pure pink in color, slightly yellow. Often long, erect and ripe; open singly on branches. In 1926, the British National Society of Florists awarded this variety with a gold medal. This variety blooms a lot in Tashkent, the flower does not lose its beauty for five days even at 40 degrees. This variety is not resistant to spider mite, but is quite resistant to powdery mildew. It is grown in an orangery in winter and early spring, suitable for making bouquets.
Queen Louise (Konigin Louise). It opens a lot, the bushes are tall, the thorns are sparse. The leaves are large, light green and shiny. Runchas chuzitsrock. The flowers are large, bright, fragrant, open slowly. large flowering branches are bent.
Usually, single, sometimes several flowers bloom on one branch. Suligan flowers do not bloom, they stand on bushes. Resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for growing in gardens, cutting, as well as growing in winter and early spring in an orangery, in which one bud is removed from each stem. _
Claude (Clande). It is low-growing, slightly thorny, hardy, and has small thorns. The size of the leaf is medium, green, slightly dull, fine. The bud is medium, slightly long. Flower feather; red, it is roasted like dukhoba. Slightly elongated when half opened; takes the form Very cool. >^idi is weak. The branches are ripe, several flowers are clustered at their ends, sometimes they open singly. Very resistant to unshudrin. Suitable for cutting and grouping.
Lauren Carle (Laurent Carle). It opens a lot, is branched, reaches one meter in height, has many small and large thorns. The leaves are green, elegant, the edges of the leaves are purple-pink. The buds are small. The flowers are large, bright, open, the flowers are very bright, the corolla is reddish-red in color, and they open singly on short, thin branches. Resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for growing in the greenhouse, cutting, growing and early budding.
Leni Neuss (Leni Neuss). It opens a lot, grows strongly, has many branches, and has large and sparse thorns. The leaves are shiny, shiny. The buds are chuzik^rok;. The flower is very large, the corolla is not very bright, it is fragrant, the color is pink, the surface of the corolla is pinkish-pink, it opens singly on long, downwardly bent branches. Resistant to dew disease. Suitable for group connection and disconnection.
Luna (Luna). It opens a lot, grows strongly, has many branches, the thorns are sparse and large. The leaves are soram. The buds are pointed. The flowers are large, bright, the center is thick, very delicate like a tea rose, pale yellow in color, open on long, straight, mature branches. Resistant to powdery mildew. Suitable for group feeding and disconnection. ^
Larisa. This variety was bred in Tashkent Botanical Garden by crossing Freiburg II and Columbia rose. It flowers a lot, is tall, and has large thorns. The leaf is large, dull. The bud is chuzi^ro^. The flowers are very large, serrate, elegant, silky, pale pink in color, yellow in the middle, usually open singly on long, straight, mature branches. It is resistant to winter and autumn rains, opens well on hot summer days, and improves the beauty of the face for a long time. Resistant to dew disease. Recommendation for disconnection, group* connection. It is hung.
Madame Butterfly (Madame Butterfly). It blooms a lot, grows strong, bushy, medium height, beautiful, large, dark green leaves. It opens beautifully, the flower is bright, very attractive. Its color is flame-pink, yellow-pink and golden-yellow. Most of the time, they open in bunches, but there are also those that open singly on long, upright, mature branches. In SUMMER, when the flowers are high, this flower often blooms poorly. Very resistant to dew disease. For growing and cutting in the greenhouse in winter and early spring
is recommended.                                     s
Madame Jules Bouche (Madame Iules Bouche). It blooms a lot, grows strong, tall and lush. Therefore, in order for the flowers to be large, it is necessary to remove small branches and branches without flower buds. The flowers are sharp-pointed, the flowers are large, the crowns are dense, the taste is elegant, fragrant, the color is white, slightly pink, it is a bush on long, erect and thick stems and opens singly. Resistant to powdery mildew. They are planted in groups in gardens, parks and roadsides, cut and hung in bouquets.        m
Melar rose (Malar Ros). It opens a lot, grows upright, tall, thorns are very rare and large. The leaf is oblong in shape, narrow, smooth, with a mulberry-pink tuber. The runes are chuzincho^ in shape. The flowers are large, the middle of the ser^at is thin. Very attentive. The color of the tulip is red. Long, straight, ripe; open in branches. Resistant to powdery mildew. It is grown for cutting and is considered one of the best red roses grown in greenhouses in early spring.
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Mistris Henry Winnet (Mrs Henry Winnet). It blooms profusely, grows in clumps, and is medium in height. Thorns are many and sharp. The leaves are large and smooth. The buds are oblong. The flowers are large, ser^at, the middle is yellow. )^idi muattar. The color is dark. Abundant in long, straight and bending branches; opens in front of the individual. summer heat; During the days, the color does not change, and the beauty of the face is enhanced. Very resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for planting in groups, cutting, and growing in greenhouses in summer and spring.
Mistris VS Egan (Mrs William S. Egan). Blooms profusely, medium height. It has few thorns. The leaf is large, dark green. The bud is chuzi^rsshch. The flower is large, ser^at. The color is pink, very beautiful. )^idi is fragrant like tea. It opens one or two times on long and upright branches. It is resistant to dew. Suitable for group welding, cutting and welding.
Marquisa de Urquijo (Marguesa de Urquijo). It grows strong and upright. It has small, thin and sharp thorns. The leaf is chuzik^rots, tuft^ green. The bud is beautiful, slightly chuzi^- poi^. The flower is large, golden-yellow, goblet-shaped, ser^at, the smell is weak. The branches are smooth, long, each branch opens one by one. Almost resistant to unshudrin. It is suitable for cutting, grouping and individual cultivation.
. Miranda (Mirandy). It flowers a lot, is medium in height, and has large thorns. The leaf is green, slightly dull. The buds are small. The flower is orange-red, the middle is pale, bright, it is not very large, and it is slightly fragrant. The branches are mature, grow high, and open as a single bush. The color of this variety is similar to the Mistris Henry Winnet variety. But on hot summer days, Karaganda opens up to him quickly. It is practically not damaged by dew. Suitable for cutting, grouping and single growing.
Natalia Bettner (Natalie Bottner). It blooms profusely, grows upright, is medium in height, and has sparse and large thorns. The bud is chuzi^. The flower is large, ser^at, elegant, pale yellow in color and sari^. On long, straight, ripe> twigs opens singly. Seryomgir almost does not open in bad weather. Resistant to mildew. It is considered the highest level variety for group growing and grafting in gardens.
Nargiz (Nareiss). It opens a lot, grows strongly, the thorns are large, sparse and sharp. The leaf is dark green, pale. The buds are long, pointed, beautiful. The flower is large, bright, the middle is bright. Elegant, fruity, yellow-yellow, long, straight and ripe; on branches
is opened alone. Unshudrin intolerant. It is suitable for planting in groups, cutting, and growing in greenhouses in summer and early spring.
Priscilla (Priscilla). It flowers a lot, grows strongly, the bush is thick, the thorns are large and sparse. The leaves are large, thin, shiny. Runes are long, pointed. The flowers are large, ser^at, round, elegant, the edge of the crown is pink, the middle is red-pink. It opens on long erect and mature branches. Resistant to heat. Flowers do not lose their beauty until 5 days after opening. When it starts to rain, the flower doesn't bloom, it falls off. Dew-resistant, it is suitable for planting in groups in parks, making bouquets by cutting, and growing in greenhouses in summer and early spring.
Prince de Bulgaria (Prince de Bulgarie). It opens a lot, grows upright and thick, medium height. The color of the branches is purple-pink. Leaf edges, veins are light green. The buds are small, spear-pointed. The flower is large, bright, elegant like a tea rose, beautiful in color and shape, feathery; pink, golden color. It is a bush or opens singly on long, erect and mature branches. Resistant to powdery mildew. It is suitable for cutting, grouping, grafting, and growing in greenhouses in early spring.
Poinsettia (Poinsettia). It opens a lot, stands and ba[1] the land grows, the thorns are sharp. The leaf is pale green, delicate, shiny; the bud is small, beautiful with a sharp tip. The flowers are large, serkat, tula open, elegant, light-pink in color, purple, and do not fade. Long, erect and mature; It is a bush and opens singly. In Portland, this variety was awarded with a gold medal. Resistant to powdery mildew. It is suitable for hanging in groups, cutting and making bouquets, planting in greenhouses in summer and early spring.
President Machia (President Machia). opens a lot,
It grows like a bush, it is medium in height. It has few thorns. The leaf is ynryak,
salin, mulberry green. Buds are chuzinchots. The flower is large, ser- sat, pink in color. The shape is cup-like, and it is fragrant like tea. A long, upright stipule usually opens one at a time on branches. Almost resistant to unshudrin. Suitable for splicing, splicing and welding.
Suyosh bush (Sunkist). It opens a lot, grows very strong and tall. The leaves are large, saline, dark green. The shape of the buds is cup-like. The flower is large, sersat, very delicate like a tea rose, colored hair; sari^-pink, golden- color is refined. Often a long, erect stem; it is opened individually in gulpoyas. It is resistant to powdery mildew. It is grown in bunches and cut for bouquets.
Sunburst (Sunburst). It flowers a lot, it is not tall, its branches are thin, sparse, covered with sharp thorns. The leaves are small, slightly pinkish. The buds are beautiful, sharp. The flower is medium-sized, the corolla is sersat, cup-shaped, the color is yellow, sari-yellow. Shoots when it starts to rain. The National Society of Florists of Great Britain awarded this variety with a gold medal. Buds open quickly in the hot weather of Tashkent. Very resistant to powdery mildew. It is suitable for disconnection, isolation, welding.
Little Larisa. This variety was grown in the Tashkent Botanical Garden by crossing Freiburg II and Columbia varieties. It blooms a lot, it grows like a rose, it is medium in height, the thorns are large and sparse. The leaf is light green, dense. The buds are small, the size of the flowers is medium, sersat, the color is pink, when the flower opens, it turns a little white. the middle is light pink. It is long, upright and opens in a bush or singly. Cut flowers are stored in a vase with water for a long time. Resistant to dew disease. The recommendation for group connection and disconnection is deleted (Fig. 3).
San Fernando (San Fernando). It grows strong and upright, blooms a lot, and is covered with double thorns. Poinsettia is very similar. But it differs from it by the slightly longer leaves and dark green coloration. The runes are small. The flower is light-blue, it is shriveled like a dukhoba, not very bright. )^idi ^am weak. The branches are mature, long. X^r is a bush in the gulpoya, and it seems to open on its own. Almost resistant to dew. Suitable for cutting and grouping.
Phariseer (Pharisaer). It opens a lot and grows tall. Thorns are large and sparse. The branch is dry. The leaf is thin, smooth, and yellow. The runes are narrow, pointed. The crown is not very sweet, and the center has a chili flavor. The color is o^-pink, the middle is feather-pink. On long straight, thin and ripe branches, they usually open in bunches, sometimes singly. Resistant to powdery mildew. Suitable for cutting, grouping and single cutting. It is propagated in greenhouses in winter and early spring.
Ellie Knab (Ellie Knab). It blooms a lot, grows strongly, is medium in height. The branches are dark purple in color, the thorns are sparse. The leaf is large, ^alin. The runch is cup-like. The flower is large, ser^at, the flower center is weak. The surface of the crown is shiny pink, the inside is pale pink. The branch is long and grows upright. Yakka opens. Resistant to powdery mildew. - It is suitable for cutting, grouping, growing in spring and early spring.
Etoile de France (Etoile de France). It grows strongly, it is medium in height, the thorns are large and sparse. The leaves are dark green and blue, the buds are small. The flowers are very turkish, large, bright, very bright, colored hair; Dark, dark-red, dark-red on the back. When the rice begins, it can turn red. It rarely opens in sunny and rainy weather. In long, erect and ripe flowers, they form a bush or open singly. Resistant to powdery mildew. Suitable for cutting, welding and group welding.
Edel (Edel). It is medium in height and grows upright. Stumped with small, fine spines. The leaf is dark green, salin. The buds are egg-shaped. The flower is medium, sersat, goblet-shaped, fragrant like tea, often opens singly on long, erect branches. Suitable for cutting and grouping (Fig. 4).
Edith Krause (Edith Krause). The bush grows strong and thick. Sparsely but with a large spike. The leaf is not that big. The flower is large, sersate, cup-shaped, almost without stem. The branches are thick, long, usually singly, sometimes in a bush. Dew is affected by moisture. It is considered the best variety because of its color. Suitable for cutting and grouping.
Pernetsian roses are very similar to tea-hybrid roses. In recent years, the roses of these two groups have become so mixed with each other that it is almost impossible to tell whether one or another variety belongs to the same group.
Pernetsian roses are rosy, golden yellow, their leaves are shiny; and it is characterized by the fact that it is sattik, its thorns are large and thin, and the crown of the leaf is not very sersat. The main characteristics are continuous flowering, the beauty of the bush and flowers is better than tea-hybrid roses. The article describes the varieties of pernetsian roses that grow well in the conditions of Uzbekistan and are selected from the collection of the Tashkent Botanical Garden.
Adolf Koschel (Adolf Koschel). It opens a lot. It grows strongly, it is medium in height, it is beautiful, the shape is like a bouquet, the thorns are large and sparse. The leaves are smooth, large, dark green and shiny. The runes are beautiful, cup-like. The flower is not very large, ser^at, color is yellow-yellow, it is red-yellow from the side, it opens in long, straight, mature peduncles. Very resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for propagation by group cuttings, cuttings, and greenhouses in early spring.
Adolf Kerger (Adolf Karger). It opens a lot, it is big, it grows like a rouge, the thorns are large and sparse. The leaves are large, slender, hairy; green The runes are chuchinchok;. The flower is not very big, medium-sized, elegant like a tea rose, color is pale yellow, pale yellow when the flower opens; takes color, opens on long, erect branches. Resistant to dew disease. Suitable for group welding, cutting and welding.
Golden Rapture (Golden Rapture). It blooms a lot, it is tall, it grows upright, the color of its branches tends to pink, the thorns are large, thin and sparse. The leaves are large, dark green. The runes are chuzi^rots, the royat is beautiful. The flowers are large, yellow in color, not very bright, elegant like a tea rose, and the tips of the petals turn pale yellow when the flower opens. It is a bush on long, erect and ripe branches, which seem to open singly. Resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for group welding, welding and cutting.
Gloria Dei (Gloria Dei). It is also called "Mir", "Madame Meyan". This variety was created by the French florist Meilland and was originally named Madame A. Meilland. Now it has become a symbol of peace in the whole world. This variety is the best of Pernetsian roses adapted to Uzbekistan.
It opens a lot, grows strongly, tall, thorns are large, small and sparse. The leaves are large, smooth, shiny and shiny. The buds are small, the surface of the petals is beautiful, the inside is pale yellow - with a beautiful border. The flowers are large, sercat, beautiful on the back. When the flower is opened, it takes a cup-like shape, has elegant stems like tea roses, golden yellow color, pale yellow at the edge of the crown, and small petals. The bouquet is soaked in water for a long time. Long, upright and spiky flowers form a bush on the stems and open singly. He was awarded several times with a gold medal in America and England. It is not damaged by spider mite and powdery mildew. It is suitable for cutting and grouping.
Louise Catherine Breslau (Louise Catherine Breslau). Average height, large leaves, light green, shiny. The buds are long and small. Guli sersat, feather; pink, tea-like aroma, weak, medium size, slightly dry in the middle. The branches are ripe, and the certicon is opened in a bush. Resistant to mildew. It is suitable for individual and group cultivation.
Mevrouw GA Van Rossem (Mevrouw GA Van Rossem). It grows strongly, it is medium in height, the thorns are large and sparse. The leaves are large, shiny, yellow in color. The buds are small, almost spherical. The size of the flower and the size of the crown are average, very good. The colors are yellow and gold. The underside of the crown is brownish-gray. Long, erect and mature; there is a hole in the branches, sometimes it opens singly. Dew resistant. It is suitable for spreading in groups, to the edges of flowerbeds, making paths, and cutting.
President Herbert Hoover (President Herbert Hoover). It opens a lot, grows strong, upright and tall, has a lot of thorns, large, sharp, and the tip is slightly sharpened. The buds are small, shiny with a sharp point, the color is yellowish, and the tutsarits are roasted. The flowers are large, bright, open, fragrant, pale pink or yellow, pale yellow or yellow. Long, upright and spiky branches are rosy or open singly. The American Society of Florists awarded this variety with a gold medal. Resistant to spider mite and powdery mildew. It is suitable for planting in groups or individually, and for cutting (Fig. 5, see cover).
Padre (Padre). It grows strongly, it is tall, it reaches 1 meter, it opens a lot, the thorns are large, sharp and sparse. The leaves are large, thin, shiny and tuberous. The chu-ziu crown with runes is not very bright. The flower is not very big, it is fragrant, it is yellow, it turns a little pale when it opens. It grows erect, thin and mature> and opens in bunches. Very resistant to dew disease. Suitable for cutting, especially for group and single use.
Souvenir de Claudius Pernet (Sowenir de Claudius Pernet). It opens a lot, grows strongly, is medium in height, has large, sparse thorns. The leaves are dark green, scaly. The runes are small, pointed, straight in shape. The flowers are large, sersat, elegant like a tea rose, golden-yellow in color, the middle is darker, they often open singly on long, thin, ripe branches, - awarded with a gold medal in Bagatelle. Resistant to powdery mildew. It is suitable for cutting, growing in groups, growing in greenhouses in summer and early spring.
Solei de Op (Solei ed' Or). It grows strong and tall, blooms profusely. The leaf is dark green. Runchasi chuzinchots sharp-pointed, yellow>. Flower rather large, ser^at,- cup-shaped, pubescent; sa- rits, pale yellow; in gold and silver. It is fragrant. It blooms on thorny branches. It is suitable for group and individual playing and playing.
Seyanets No. 8. This variety was created by PK Ozolin in the Tashkent botanical garden by selecting from freely pollinated flower buds. It opens a lot, grows densely, is medium in height, and has large and sparse thorns. The leaves are large, smooth, smooth, shiny. The buds are slightly chuzinchok;. The flowers are large, bright, cup-shaped, beautiful in color, pale pink, golden-yellow. Most of the time, the long, upright shoots are opened singly on the branches. Resistant to dew disease. The recommendation for group or individual connection and disconnection is deleted.
Polyant roses are characterized by cold resistance, low or medium growth, short branches, thin branches, uniform thorns, large stem flower, long blooming period, color variety, flower size, size, and weakness. Polyant roses can be grown in the conditions of Tashkent, they bloom from May until frost. The bush stops growing only after the frost destroys the branches. Poliant roses were created earlier than pernetsian roses, but until now they are not considered as a flower for decorating gardens and parks. The selection work carried out on these roses has been carried out to create varieties with red and yellow flowers. According to the size of their flowers, polyant roses are divided into two groups: small-flowered and large-flowered. To grow at home in Uzbekistan scary Varieties of polyant roses collected and selected from the collection of the Tashkent Botanical Garden are described.
Small flower varieties
Denise Kasergen (Denise Casseqrain). It is short, very bushy, and spreads out. The leaves are dark green, saline, small. The flower is white, slightly purple in color, small, weak, serrate, there are 5-15 flowers in one flower. The flower band is short. It grows well from the ground. Dew resistant. Sow for group planting in flower beds.
Dandy Robin (Dandy Robin.) It is a bush, grows pastrots, sparsely but with sharp thorns. The leaves are small, slightly wrinkled, the buds are small, long, light pink in color. The flower is pink in color,
gives a silky shine. The size is small, the serration of the crowns is average, the middle is a little thin. Flower cake,
Each branch has several flowers. Dew resistant. Can be planted in groups.
Ideal (Ideal). This variety comes from the Miss Edibh Cavell variety. It opens a lot, reaches 50 centimeters in height. The leaves are shiny, bright, shiny. The flower is small, opens in clusters, the corolla is not very sersat, the flower opens, spherical, weakly fragrant, the color of the flower is thin, soft. tend to grow old. summer heat; during the days, the ► color of the flowers fades slightly, but the beauty of the flowers is appreciated. Somewhat resistant to dew disease. It is widely planted in flower gardens and its edges.
Seyanets No. 1. Created by PK Ozolin in the Tashkent Botanical Garden by free pollination of the Ideal rose (Fig. 6). It opens a lot, reaches 50 centimeters in height, and has few thorns. Leave the leaves, ask. The flowers are small, open in bunches, the corolla is not very dense, weakly fragrant, the color is pink, and it blooms in front of the flower. The color does not change under the influence of Kjeni. This variety is characterized by continuous and long-term blooming. Very resistant to Unshundring disease. They are placed in groups and singly at the edges of the flowerbed.
Cameo (Sasheo). The bush grows like a bush.
The leaf is green, shiny. The color of the flower is pink, gold-gold, and pink. The flower is small, cup-shaped, weak, and opens in a panicle. Unshud- | ring resistant. It is suitable for planting in groups and growing on the edges of flower beds.
Large flower varieties
  1. T. Paulsen (DT Poulcen). It blooms a lot, grows strongly, is medium in height. The thorns are sharp. The leaves are large, mulberry green, salin. Buds are slightly chuzinchots. The flower is the largest of the polyant roses, not very sersat
no, the tula is opened, it is weak, and the color is shriveled like dust. It opens as a bush, it does not get sick from the heat. This variety has received awards in London and Copenhagen. Very resistant to Unshundring disease. It is suitable for cutting, grouping and spreading along roads, especially for growing in large numbers.
Joseph Guy (Joseph Guy). It blooms a lot, grows strongly, leaves are large, delicate. The flowers are large, bright, bright red in color, and open in clusters in long inflorescences. Resistant to dew disease. It is good for planting in groups and for propagation in pots.
Ingar Olsson (Ingar Olsson Pol. N.). It blooms a lot, the bush is a little chervil-like, the leaves are soft and smooth. The flowers are large, not very bright, weak, pale pink, brownish-red. It opens as a bush. Resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for planting singly and in groups and growing on roadsides.
Salmon Spray (Salmon Spray). It opens a lot and continuously, grows strong and tall (up to 1 meter), has large thorns. The leaves are dark green, pale, the flowers are large, not very bright, cup-shaped, fragrant, the color is dark pink, the surface is red, and it opens as a beautiful bush. Resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for planting in groups and in parks.
Frau Astrid Spath (Frau Actrid Spath.) Blooms a lot, blush, medium height, dark green leaves, shiny. The flowers are large, bright, spherical, weak, reddish-pink in color, and open in clusters. Resistant to dew disease. Good for planting in groups, planting on flower beds.
This hybrid variety of roses opens colorfully like polyant roses and blooms continuously. Polyant roses have a wide variety of shapes and colors.
farce with a variety of twists. Floribunda roses are very suitable for grouping and planting, cutting bouquets and rapid reproduction. Breeding works are being carried out on these roses to create varieties that are more resistant to swelling, diseases and pests.
Kordes Zondermeldung (Kordes Sondermeldung). It opens a lot and continuously, it is short, small, with sharp thorns. The leaves are large, saline, siliceous. The buds are medium-sized. The flowers are not very big, sersat, cup-shaped, flame-red in color, open in a bush on long thin and thick branches. The flowers do not change their color, they give beauty to the bushes; the term is open. This variety has a wonderful characteristic of pernetsian roses. He was decorated with many medals. Very resistant to dew disease. It is suitable for planting in groups, planting on the edges of paths and flower beds, cutting and grafting (Fig. 7, wrap in a mutsova).
Red Pinocchio (Red Pinocchio, Figure 8). The bush is not very tall, but it is thick. The leaf is medium, light green in color. The flower is purple-white, sersat, cup-shaped, seedless, pink. The color of this flower is very bright, it is made from the best varieties that do not fade in the heat of the sun. The flowers are more beautiful in spring and fall. Dew resistant. It is suitable for planting in groups, planting on the edges of flower beds, grafting and cutting.
Starlit (Starlet). The bush is dense and low; grows, the thorns are sparse and sharp. The leaves are green, small, slightly elongated. The buds are small, round. When the flower starts to bloom, the plant can grow. It is very sersat, cup-shaped, without lids, and opens in a bunch. It is slightly affected by dew disease. It is suitable for planting in groups, for spreading along the edges of paths and flower beds, and for grafting.
Chic (Chic). It does not grow very high, it is branchy, the thorns are large and sharp. The leaf is orange-green, small. The bud is small, round. The flower has semi-pink, light pink spots, it is medium-sized, vigorous, weak, and opens in bunches on mature branches. Very resistant to dew. It is suitable for planting in groups, growing on the edges of flower beds and grafting.
In nature, the bushes of roses grow like weeds. However, there are species with long and dense branches. Such branches can be raised much higher by directing them in a certain direction along a piece of wood or wire.
)^chirmovuk in the present time; varieties of flowers were created as a result of cross-breeding of multi-flowered (Rosa multiflora Sger) and Vikhura (R. Wichu-raiana Sger) roses. Chirmovuts roses open small or large, the petals are small or small, the buds are large. The inflorescences are short, the flower opens from the lower and upper stem of one-year branches. The flowers are red, pink, purple, yellow and blue. Most varieties are weak. Purple roses open once in a doll, but they bloom profusely and for a long time. First, the upper and then the side buds open.
In the next time, continuously blooming varieties of roses were created. When the roses bloom, they reveal a very beautiful scene. These flowers can be used to decorate houses and walls, make beautiful wreaths, arches and pergolas.
In Uzbekistan, chermov and roses are not beaten at work. In addition, the varieties with glossy, thick, bright and dark green leaves are resistant to fungal diseases.
Green roses are often propagated from one-year cuttings and by grafting. Glen Dale, New Dawn, Eva, Crimson Rambler, Dorothy Perkins and other varieties of purple roses are widely distributed.
Before starting to grow roses in large numbers in collective farms and state farms, an agronomist or amateur florist should ensure light, heat, moisture, soil during the growth period of this plant; and the need for air should be studied. Studying them allows you to learn agrotechnical methods, to use the scenery and beauty of this flower correctly in beautifying different places.
Most of the roses that are grown in flower gardens will germinate, but they cannot be propagated from seeds. Because it is grown from seed, it cannot maintain its previous characteristics. For this reason, propagation of roses by vegetative method is widespread.
When roses are propagated vegetatively, they are propagated by cuttings, cuttings or cuttings. The grafting method is recommended to produce a lot of power. In this case, one bud (kuzi) of the desired rose variety is connected to the graft (namatak). In the central regions of the Soviet Union, it takes at least three years to transplant a rose, counting from the time of germination. Due to the heat of the summer and the long maintenance period in Uzbekistan, the power will be ready in two years. In the first year, standard grafts will be created and grafts will be removed after all agrotechnical rules have been followed. In the second year, these grafted plants are given shape and they are brought to the level where they can be transferred to the flower garden.
Among the sections in the nursery where roses are grown, there should be: a section for sowing seeds, a section for grafting, a section for growing high-quality varieties of roses for grafting, and a seed section. The forces in each section are measured according to a certain measure.
In the first section, the seed is grown, and when it has two or three leaves, it is transplanted to the second section - the grafting section. Here, the graft is grown to a level that allows grafting, and the desired variety of rose is attached to it. If this method is used, it is possible to grow rose hips one year earlier. Next year, these forces will be shaped and a force will be prepared for planting in the flower garden.
In the room where grafting is grown, salamis for grafting are prepared. In the seed room, in the future, in the preparation of grafting, the seeds of the plant will be grown.
Choosing a place for seedlings. In the cultivation of high-quality and standard rose bushes, it is important to choose a suitable place for the nursery, work the soil and fertilize it. The nursery where rose bushes are grown should be open, flat and have deep groundwater, and the soil should be serunum and granular. The soil with heavy and healthy soil becomes suitable for intensive tillage only after several years of application of organic fertilizers. Lands with strong silt or a lot of weeds, as well as pests such as symsurt, golden sedge and buzotsbosh, are not suitable for khachatzor.
For the nursery, rich in organic matter, granular, light, healthy soils: sumots, ordinary and sora buztuprots are good. The path leading to the nursery should also be good.
Weld tag selection. A grafted plant consists of two parts: scion and scion. A graft is the root system of a plant. A graft is a bud taken from a good flower variety. the name of the plant that grows on the ground comes from it. The welder should meet the requirements of the house: it should grow well with the weld and ensure good development of the weld, strong growth and long life; it can grow in different soils and is resistant to frost;
resistant to diseases and pests, the pods are easy to separate, the body holds water for a long time, the root burs is long and thornless;
The first year should develop normally and be suitable for grafting.
The botanical garden of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR tested 19 different varieties for grafting. Only two of them (Rosa corimbifera, Borh. Rosa canina L.) were considered the best. Rosa canina navita is better in Karaganda due to the germination and rapid growth of R. corimbifera variety in Tashkent conditions.
FN Rusanov identified these species from a botanical point of view. It is possible to use the seeds of high-growing and few-flowered varieties in the greenhouses where these types of plants are not available. However, in this case, the weld is not the same and the welding takes a long time. Because each botanical type of flower is different, one grows slowly and the other grows quickly.
By the end of August, the fruit of Namatak turns purple and golden yellow. Namatak ururi z>sa fruit ripens earlier without turning color. The skin of the ripe urur is very thick, and it is densely packed. For this reason, the fruit of the namatak seed should be harvested as soon as it begins to ripen. If the skin of the seeds of such fruits is not sattits, then the seeds are fully ripe. In Toshkeit, the namatak fruit begins to ripen at the end of July. At this stage, the harvested fruit is de-stratified, i.e. it is mixed with a mixture (three parts of fruit are added to two parts of fruit). Then they are moistened with water and mixed and piled on the previously prepared chutsur. The mixture of fruit and sum is put into the pit until it is 20 centimeters deep, and then it is poured with 10-15 centimeters of salinity above it, and the soil is placed on top of it. The mixture is stored in this way until the time of planting.
At the end of October or the beginning of November, the pit where the seeds are buried is opened, the seeds are taken, and the cracked pods are separated. Wet seeds are immediately sown on the floors in the previously prepared incubator. Floors are made 5-8 centimeters below the ground, 1 meter wide and 35 centimeters apart. Floor saliva is light and serous; a little sum and rotten gunk are mixed into it to break it.
The seed is sprinkled with salt. 3-4 cm thick humus is placed on the sown seeds. If the seeds are placed on the surface of the soil or if the soil is not mixed well, they may be pushed and germinated. If the seeds are watered, they will germinate. The seeded floors are moistened by sprinkling water in the vase. In the fall and early spring, the floors should be cleaned frequently, and if necessary, sprinkled with water. Namatak begins to germinate in March. If good care is taken, the seed will germinate up to 70 percent.
Caring for a plant in Kuklam consists of weeding and watering.
The flower is sprinkled with water every morning and evening. After sprouting, when the grass has two true leaves, it can be sprinkled after 3-4 days. To protect lawns from powdery mildew, it is necessary to sprinkle sulfur powder mixed with DDT (3 parts of gold-match, 1 part of 5 percent DDT).
After 2-3 true leaves appear (at the end of April - beginning of May), the plant is transplanted to the greenhouse. When transplanting, one-third of the stem is cut from the tip of the main root. As a result, the roots of the plant grow quickly, and there is enough time for grafting.
The nursery is the most important part of the nursery, where varieties of roses are given shape. Therefore, the best place in the greenhouse is reserved for the nursery. Ni^olkhana is being prepared to be strengthened. In the fall, a deep plow is used, the soil is softened again, plowed to a depth of 18 centimeters and harrowed. The ridges and ridges that appear during rolling are smoothed out. After that, the interstices are cut to 75-80 centimeters, and strength is obtained. —
The seedlings are placed on the ground at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. They do not bend the stems with ashes, but the moisture of the water that has jumped over the edge is absorbed. After the power has been transferred, water should flow from the egates for another 2 days. In this case, the water should not splash on the edge and not press the buttons. After 10 days, the interstices are softened, the water-drained edges are sanded, and a new edge is opened from the push. After four days, it is watered, and after a week, it is watered again. By this time
the chats have grown and grown a lot, and after watering, the cultivation between the rows is removed, and the area around the plant is softened with straw. After that, before watering, 300 kilograms per hectare of ammonium nitrate or 450 kilograms of ammonium sulfate are added. Further maintenance consists of softening the ground, watering, removing weeds, and controlling pests and diseases. During the entire care (from the beginning of May to the end of August), the soil is washed 4-5 times, the weeds are removed 2 times, fed with nitrogen fertilizer 3-4 times and watered 10-12 times. In addition, in order to prevent powdery mildew, seedlings should be dusted with a mixture of sulfur powder and DDT (2 parts of sulfur, 1 part of DDT) at least twice during the summer. If such maintenance is performed, the strength will grow quickly and the graft will be ready for cutting at the end of August.
Buds can be grafted on both sides (awakened and unawakened). Grafting of unopened buds is responsible for growing many roses. In the conditions of Tashkent, the grafts removed from the cotton wool from August 20 to September 1 hold well. If grafting is done early, the bud often grows in autumn, but it is cold in the bush; hits, and the late grafted ones grow slowly.
It is necessary to reach a diameter of 7-10 millimeters of the diameter of the root of the graft before the time of welding. It is necessary to weld in such a way that at least 95 percent of the buds are active. For this purpose, 3-4 days after grafting, water is sprinkled on the graft area and on the flowers to be removed. Before starting welding, the interstices are smoothed.
Successful welding depends in many ways on the skill of the welder. He should work with a well-sharpened welding knife and always keep it clean. The welder has two assistants. The first one walks ahead and opens the graft, cleans the root from dirt and wipes it with a cloth, the second assistant follows the grafter and ties the grafted bud with a ticket or hemp.
The welder cuts a bud from a variety of clematis, cuts the bud in the shape of the letter "T" and places the bud in this place. When the work is organized in this way, an experienced grafter can graft 600-700 flowers in one day. An agronomist or florist foreman, who knows well the grafts and varieties, prepares them and records the following in a special journal: the number of grafted plants; the name of grafted varieties; The number of graft shoots in ^ar ^ator; ^ar ^ator is the surname of the people who grafted it.
The cuttings are prepared before grafting or just before planting. They are taken from the one-year stem of the flower. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the flower bush that is taken as a flower is completely unique and embodies all the signs characteristic of that variety. The buds on the stem should be ripe, but not overripe. For grafting, it is recommended to take buds from the top and bottom of the branch. This branch has been removed, and the bud has just started to grow. When cutting the leaves on the cuttings, it is necessary to remove half of the leaf band. Then the ends of the branch, the flower and the stem are also removed. The ready-made logs are divided into varieties and given to the welder. The welder carries these pieces in a bucket with a little water during welding.
If the cuttings for welding are not used quickly, they are put in a pile, put a label with the name of the variety on each piece, and put it in a place where it can be tightly rubbed with a ticket or an iron. Water is sprinkled on them with vatst-vatsti.
Grafting roses is almost no different from grafting fruit and landscape trees. But suyi has some features:
The weld should be installed as close as possible to the root of the weld. This will prevent many small branches from sprouting from the graft later.
The bud should be carefully separated from the stem, using a sharp knife. If the bud is ripe and properly cut from the salami, the wood of the stem is easily separated without damaging the bud. Such a bud is plastered to the graft and takes effect quickly.
After removing the graft and wrapping it, it is necessary to soften the base of the flower and bury the soil. This work is done by the welder.
After 3-4 days, the joint is watered. Grafts should take effect within 15-20 days.
After 20 days, the rotting of the grafts is checked. For this purpose, several of their bushes are cleaned of sap and examined in the fall: the bud that is holding it is twisted, and the sapling that is attached to it falls off. In his urn, there will be a cake. The bud that has not caught does not change, the japrot band sticks to the bud by pushing it. By anizing the grip of the welds, the first year's work in the power plant is usually completed.
When the weather warms up, the grafted roses are cleaned of soil. The graft is cut from the tip of the bud to which it is attached (tatsab to this bud) with a sharp garden knife. Under the conditions of Uzbekistan, a support made of welding; it is not necessary to remove the branch, in this case the gardener will be freed from labor-intensive work such as cutting the support. At the same time, the ticket attached to the link will be removed. It should come apart very easily. Then, the unburnt welds are also removed. A slightly green color of the bud means that it has started to ripen, and those that have turned yellow mean that it is ripe. The sprouted shoots grow quickly, and the branches, which are called grafted flowers, grow. As the grafted bud grows, other non-grafted shoots on the graft quickly grow and produce a branch. It is necessary to keep them on the road often. Otherwise, the graft can grow without damaging the bud. It is necessary to remove such small branches four or five times during the summer. When the grafted flowers grow up to 8-10 centimeters, the interstices and interstices are softened, and the interstices should be strengthened. Grafted flowers grow up to 15-20 centimeters, they are given a shape, that is, the growth of flowers and premature flowering is stopped. For this, the ends of the flowers are cut off with a sharp garden knife, only 10 centimeters are removed. After 10-15 days, side branches grow from the grafts. It is necessary to remove them. It is necessary to prune the branches several times, depending on their growth, and do not allow them to bloom until the second half of summer. Because tea-hybrid, pernetsian and polyant roses have runes on the tips of uncut side branches. Do not allow these runchas to open. This is how beautiful and beautiful bushes of roses are created. At the end of July, cutting is stopped and the grafts are allowed to bloom. At the end of October and the beginning of November, the strength of these grafts is calculated.
The two-year-old seedling is watered in the summer, the soil is softened, it does not suffer from foreign matter, pests and diseases. During the season (from March to November) it is applied up to 20 times, it is cut six times, it is removed four times, it is sprayed with nitrogen three times, it is dusted three times with powdery mildew (with a mixture of sulfur and DDT).
At the end of August and the beginning of September, the number of bushes and the purity of their variety will be determined. To do this, the initial entries in the uchot journal are compared to the existing flower bushes. Tea-hybrid, pernetsian, polyant and floribund grafted roses are opened at this time. If it is found that there are lines mixed with the main variety, then a note is written in the journal and a label with the name of the special variety is attached to the foreign bushes. l
At the end of September, beginning of November, after the first frosts have fallen, all grafted roses are dug up from the plant. At this time, the flowers and buds get cold, and the growth of flowers stops. The flowers are separated into varieties and dug with straw or with a tractor equipped with a special scoop. At the same time, bush varieties are planted separately, and mixed varieties are planted separately. The received data is written to the log. Bushes are piled in a special plot, which is plowed in advance according to the varieties. Before planting, the roots are thoroughly moistened. Then the soil around the bush is compacted and crushed. Between each variety, an indicator board is placed, and the name of the variety and the number of bushes are written. Buried bushes are recorded in the logbook about the number of seeds, the number of varieties, the number of seeds and other information. By doing these things, the cultivation of grafted rose buds is completed. After approval and approval by the quarantine inspection, the plants can be presented for planting.
We have described the best roses that can be grown only by grafting, and we recommend this method to be widely used. Propagating roses by artificial methods (stemming and sprinkling) is recommended for amateurs. The tea-hybrid, pernetsian, poliant and floribund roses mentioned above do not bloom evenly when planted in a row and in a light shade. The method of planting the bushes separately is completely unsuitable. With this method, only roses grown from the roots can be propagated. Chirmovu^ and some polyant rose varieties are good for scalding and sprinkling.
The flower garden is very important for the good growth and blooming of roses. If a mistake is made in the construction of the flower bed, the rose will not develop well, it will not bloom abundantly and for a long time, and often they will die.
The place (flower garden) chosen for planting roses should be suitable for their biological characteristics. The flower garden should be located in such a place that the roses planted in it take a beautiful shape and harmonize with other decorative plants. It is difficult to give any perfect advice in this type. Let's plan the place where the flower garden will be built and the taste of the person involved in this work. For this reason, we will focus only on the general principles of building a flower garden.
First of all, the flower bed should be located in a place opposite to the sun. 1\ubba and egates must have a road on the side. Kj66a and egats soil4should not be higher than the surface area, because in the hot days of summer, soil
moves quickly. Among all types of roses, chermovuts flowers grow strongly and can be planted in front of porches, arches, verandas, pergolas. For group planting, tea-hybrid, pernetsian, floribund roses, yule sycamores and polyant roses for planting on flowerbed edges. It is not suitable to mix roses with decorative shrubs or annual flowers. There should be a bush between the flower bushes on the borders of Kj66a and the flower bed, that is, no other flowers should be planted. This is necessary for watering and softening the soil under the flower bushes. In addition, roses planted in a mix with the flower will absorb a bit of turmeric's tinge.
It is also not correct to mix different roses (for example, tea-hybrid rose with remontant or chermovuts rose). In this case, the height of the roses is short and tall, the colors of the flowers do not match and do not match each other, the flower garden looks like autumn.
Flower varieties can be placed in flowerbeds in order: tall varieties (Farize, Gloria di Roma, President Herbert Huber) in the center (front), followed by medium varieties (Gloria Day, Lady Edith Helen, etc.), low varieties on the edges (Madame Butterfly) , Golden Rapcher, Kordes Zondermeldung) varieties should be planted. .
A flower garden should be established in spring or autumn, regardless of climatic conditions. It is better to start planting a flower garden in Uzbekistan in the fall (end of October, beginning of November). Because autumn lasts long and long, and my baby is very small and rainy. The long duration of autumn allows the plants to take root until the cold afternoon.
The roots of roses grow strongly, reach a height of 30-50 centimeters. For this reason, this plant requires well-cultivated serositic soil.
It is necessary to soften the soil of the place where the flower garden is to be planted to a depth of 30-35 centimeters and apply 1-5 kilograms of humus (gung or compost) to 10 square meter of land. Due to the strength of the rose, it is arranged squarely in the scheme of 70x70 centimeters. The width of the seedling hole is 30-40 centimeters and the depth is 40-50 centimeters. When preparing Chutsur, the surface layer of the soil is placed on one side, and the bottom layer on the other side. All damaged branches and roots are removed from the plant. In addition, healthy branches are also pruned, for example, in tea-hybrid, pernetsian and large-flowered polyant roses, 3-5 buds are removed, and in remontant group flowers, 7-5 buds are removed and the remaining ones are removed. . After that, the damaged areas of the root tips are renewed, that is, the tips are pinched with scissors. After that, it is dipped in the shallot made from a mixture of gunk-turprots. Kuchat will be ready to play on this front. The bottom of the pit is softened and 10-15 centimeters of serous soil is placed. Serous; soil; it is prepared by mixing 1,5-2 kilograms of humus or rotted soil in ordinary soil, if there is no humus, it is possible to use the surface of the soil. The roots of the flower pot planted in the soil should be firmly covered with serous soil. The root zone of the seedling should be slightly below the deep surface, and the place where the graft is placed should be buried in the soil. On the other hand, in the summer, many small branches grow from the root of the graft. Powers are soil in such conditions; It is soaked and watered until it is moist. In this case, the surrounding soil dries up. After that, the bottom of the pot is softened and soil is piled around it. This event saves the branches from being pushed in the summer or from freezing in the work. In the conditions of Uzbekistan, we have tested that it is best to plant roses in pots with soil.
It is not recommended to apply mineral fertilizers before planting.
In Kuklam, with the onset of cold days (at the end of March, beginning of April), the area around the tree is cut, and the branches are cleaned of soil. Further care consists of softening the roots, weeding, pruning and spraying. It is necessary to prevent the appearance of foreign weeds, pests or diseases in the flower garden.
During the growing season (March - November) 20 times of brushing, up to 6 times of running, 2 times of 1 m2 30 grams of saltpeter and 45 grams of ammonium sulfate should be applied to the ground, dusting with sulfur powder mixed with DDT at least 3 times to prevent powdery mildew.
Roses (tea-hybrid, pernetsian, polyant or floribunda) will grow without fail if they are cared for according to agrotechnical methods. By the second half of summer, many will open. If the flowers are not plucked at the time of blooming, then after blooming, two or three buds should be placed on each bud. Raised shoots should turn yellow on the side of the flower bush. Every time a flower opens, it should be held like this. In Uzbekistan, it rains up to six times during the whole summer. Accelerates the growth of cuttings, shortens the flowering time of the site. In addition, in the summer, the flower bush does not rot, becomes serjussa and takes a symmetrical shape.
When these actions are carried out, the roses will develop well until the end of summer and will be successful. It is not recommended to trim the branches before silvering, because the cut branches become weak and cannot withstand low temperatures. Bushes that were not pruned before planting are pruned next year, after they are opened from the soil and the branches are cleaned. The branches are thinned and dried with a sharp knife. For this purpose, first of all, the old and damaged branches of the bushes are cut off and thinned out, then the ends of the branches are cut off and the lizard is thinned. During selection, the development and flowering biology of flowers in different groups is taken into account. The branches of roses (mostly chermovuk; roses) located above the flower-bearing runes are very little penetrated. The branches of roses (remontant, tea-hybrid polyant, floribund) with the same number of flower-bearing runes on the branches are removed with 4-b buds, and the back is pruned. Care of the roses in the second year and the last years of the flower garden, and the agrotechnics of springing in the summer are different from the xylit agrotechnics of caring for the garden in the first year; can't It is necessary to pay special attention to the heating.
Urite allows the rose bush to grow strong, open a lot and be resistant to frost. It is necessary to add mineral urites, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus, to the flower garden. The rose is very good for these things.
Manure and compost are also very important nutrients for roses. These are made artificially from plant and vegetable seeds. Poultry gunk is a fast-acting, symbiotic antibiotic.
Organic urites are divided into slow-acting and fast-acting in terms of serosity and effect on plants.
Low in slow-acting uric acid; the plant is affected late, after the decay of organic matter. This includes gunk, compost, peat and ^okazos. It is recommended to put them in the soil during the planting of the flower bed. Later, these urits are 1 m, depending on the rose's need for the astringent substance2 2,5-3 kilograms per place, and 4 kilograms in the second year. .
In fast-acting fertilizers, the nutrients dissolve quickly in water, and the plant uses them well. This includes poultry, mustard greens, and vegetables. These nutrients are mainly used to feed plants.
It is better to apply manure and compost in the autumn when the flower bed is established. Mineral fertilizers dissolve quickly in the soil, so they should be applied in spring and summer to feed plants. Before sprinkling poultry gunk and gunk shallot, it is necessary to add water in the ratio of 1:2-3 to the first and 1:10-12 to the second. It is necessary to water the flower bed while feeding the plant. It is appropriate to apply organic-mineral fertilizers to the flower bed alternately. Then the rose bush grows well and quickly, blooms profusely, and is resistant to cold. In our conditions, it is possible to feed ?^am for the last time in early September.
As the years go by, the rose bush begins to produce fewer flowers. To prevent this, roses should be transplanted every 3-4 years. Autumn (October-November) months are the best for this. When transplanting, the tip of the root system is usually removed. As a result, the tap roots grow faster and the plant's absorption from the soil improves. In autumn, these roses bloom quickly and bloom a lot. If the roots of the roses attached to the tractor are pulled out, it is possible not to uproot them. In this case, their root system should be cut at a depth of 25-30 cm. This event was held in spring (end of March - beginning of April). If these measures and agrotechnical practices are followed, the flower garden will produce the desired fruit in 15-20 years.
Roses recommended for breeding in Uzbekistan are less affected by pests and diseases. Therefore, we will not focus on all the pests and diseases that affect roses, but on the widespread ones.
One of the fungal diseases is the bel or false dew disease, which is caused by the fungus Shpaerotheca pannosa rosae, cor. It appears when it rains in spring and summer. Infected leaves are attacked by aphids, quickly curl, shrivel and die. As a result of damage, the bush becomes very weak. The fungus works on flower pods, branches and buds. Densely growing and shiny leaves belonging to the group of pernedian and chermovu roses; the varieties are considered to be resistant to powdery mildew. The best way to control fungal disease is to dust with two parts of sulfur and one part of DDT. Flowers should be pollinated with such a mixture once in early spring, two-three times in summer and once in late autumn, before pruning the bushes.
One of the most widespread pests is the rose aphid (Siphonophora rosae). It lays eggs in the stem and begins to appear on the leaves in the spring. In the early stages, the aphids are very small, green or brown in color, and it is very difficult to harvest them in the fall. Soon, they will turn into huge cities. These ^urts do not strike; gives a lot of news, new news quickly turns into a sign. If the sap falling on the plant is not absorbed quickly, it will pick up the whole bush and push the juice on the leaves and branches. As a result of the juice in the cell, the plant becomes very strong, leaves
leaves and young branches do not swell. Plant buds and flowers cannot develop normally. The appearance of sap at the bottom of the flower can be seen from the fact that ants first hit the bush. The best remedy for shiraga is to spray 1 grams of thiophos per 0,5 liter of water. If the plants are regularly treated with a mixture of sulfur powder and DDT for powdery mildew, aphids may appear in a very rainy year. Aphids do not appear on roses sprayed with DDT when there is no caterpillar.
Some varieties may be attacked by tetranychus urticae in summer and winter. They gnaw the soft tissue under the leaf, as a result, the leaf turns yellow and withers. Urgim-chakkanaga is treated with thiophos (in the dose used for sap sarshi). The dead leaves should be burned.
In some years, rosebuds and flowers are also severely damaged by goldenrod (Cetonia aurata). They are very voracious and can destroy roses completely if not prevented in time. The way to win goldfish is to pick them early in the morning, in the evening (after the sun goes down) with straw.
Cultivation of rose varieties ................ ...
The best varieties of roses to grow in flower gardens
and varieties………………………………………… 8
Remontant roses. , ……………….. 8
Tea-hybrid roses ……………… 9
Pernetsian roses ……………………. 19
Polyant roses …………………… , 23
Floribund roses ……………………. 25
Black roses …………….. .. 27
Growing a lot of roses ………. 28
Kuchatzor……………………………………… , 29
Preparation and stratification of Namatak seeds... 30
I am going to plant …………………………. 31
Tightening the welds, sending them to the nursery and care
^ilish………………………………………… , , , 32
Care of the nursery in the second year 35
Transferring roses to a permanent flower bed and care. . 38
Early fight against rose pests and diseases. . 44
Translator B. Shonazarov Editor R. Sodirova Sub-editor A. Bakhtiyorov Proofreader S. Nazarova
Issued on 6/III 1965. Permission to print was granted on 14/1V 1965. Format 84xYU81/zo Bos l 1,5. Condition. boss l. 2,52. Edition. l. 2,08 f 2 vkl. Circulation 20000. Index f(Jx "Uzbekistan" publishing house. Tashkent, Navoi street, 30. CONTRACT No. 7-65.
Printed in the 3rd printing house of the State Press Committee of the Soviet of Ministers of the FzSR from the matrix prepared at the Specialized printing factory, Tashkent, Leningrad street, 15. Order YA» 418 Price 8 t.
  • r as m. Sister Larisa is a hybrid tea rose.
  • ra s m. Edel is a hybrid tea rose.
6-r as m. Seyanets No. 1, created by selection at the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR, is a polyant rose.
8'ras m. Red Pinocchio is a floribund rose.

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