Lions about Alisher Navoi


Alisher Navoi

The light of your ancestors
My throat never fades
Forgotten by your ancestors
There will be no future

Today is the ninth of February
Sharia was created today
We will never forget
Great grandfather

You are a five-story hamsang
If you know the treasure for us
We learn by reading
We will be great like you

I am lucky to be a child
Navoi has a grandfather
If I learn a ghazal epic
I have a tutor.

✍️: Islamova Mukambar

Alisher Navoi

Grandfather Navoi
Leave it to us
We become wiser by reading
Etiquette written on it

Uzbek sharia
My grandfather introduced me
Literature is art
My grandfather who made it bloom

The footprints of my grandfather
I want to click too
The words they said
I also want to say

His real name is Alisher
Our grandfather Navoi
A ghazal is a body of an epic
Our unquenchable fire

✍️: Islamova Mukambar

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