More about Islam Abduganievich Karimov


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Islam Abduganievich Karimov was born on January 1938, 30 in the city of Samarkand, born into a family of servants. Reference - higher. He graduated from the Central Asian Polytechnic Institute and the Tashkent Institute of National Economy. He is a mechanical engineer and economist. Candidate of Economic Sciences.
He began his career in 1960 at the Tashkent Agricultural Machinery Plant. From 1961 to 1966 he worked as an engineer, a leading design engineer at the Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after VPChkalov.
In 1966, he joined the State Planning Committee of the Uzbek SSR, where he went from chief specialist to first deputy chairman of the State Planning Committee.
In 1983, I. Karimov was appointed Minister of Finance of the Uzbek SSR, in 1986, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR, Chairman of the State Planning Committee.
From 1986 to 1989 he served as First Secretary of the Kashkadarya Regional Party Committee, and from June 1989 as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan.
On March 1990, 24, at a session of the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR, I. Karimov was elected President of the Uzbek SSR.
On August 1991, 31, I. Karimov declared a historic event - the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On December 1991, 29, in the by-elections, Karimov was elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Following a nationwide referendum on March 1995, 26, Karimov's presidency was extended until 2000.
According to the results of the by-elections held on January 2000, 9, in accordance with the amendments to the Constitution, I. Karimov was elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for a term of 7 years.
According to the results of the by-elections held on December 2007, 23, I. Karimov was elected President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for a term of 7 years.
On March 2015, 29, the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held on an alternative basis. According to its results, in accordance with the amendments to the Constitution, Islam Karimov for a term of 5 years, elected to the highest office in the country.
I. Karimov is a builder of a sovereign and independent Uzbekistan, a patriot, his tremendous contribution to the creation of a democratic state governed by the rule of law and the maintenance of civil peace and national accord, and, He was awarded the title of "Hero of Uzbekistan", the Order of "Independence" and the Order of "Amir Temur" for his perseverance and courage in this regard.
He has also been awarded orders and medals of several foreign countries and prestigious international organizations.
I.Karimov is a full member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. At the same time, he is an honorary doctor of science of universities and academies of many foreign countries for his great contribution to the development of economics, science and education., and elected academician.
The people of Uzbekistan rightly associate the significant achievements of the years of independence with the name and activity of I. Karimov.
I.Karimov is the initiator and leader of the great work done in the country, historical changes:
  • The founder of the independence of Uzbekistan is a well-known statesman who developed the country's independent development program and determined the path of national development;
  • the main author of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which fully meets democratic requirements and international standards, and is a guarantee of its implementation;
  • developed and implemented the principles of a new political and social system aimed at reforming the central government and its local branches, the harmonization of state, society and human relations;
  • combining the peculiarities of the people and the advanced world experience, developed a new model of economic reform. This path of development includes five well-known principles, such as the supremacy of the economy over politics, the rule of law, the role of government in transition, the gradual implementation of reforms, and strong social protection, and is known around the world as the Uzbek model. 'recognized;
  • He led the organization of the Armed Forces, Border and Internal Troops, capable of protecting the territorial integrity of the state of Uzbekistan, the inviolability of our borders, on the basis of modern reforms;
  • The forces led by the Central Committee of the CPSU set an example of selflessness in protecting the name of the Uzbek people from unjust insults and insults, restoring the honor and national pride of our people during the years of growing injustice and oppression in Uzbekistan;
  • respect for the spiritual values ​​of our people, preservation and development, the revival of our sacred religion, traditions, invaluable historical heritage have risen to the level of state policy;
  • raised the prestige of Uzbekistan in the international arena, made a great contribution to the glorification of the Uzbek name in the world;
  • led the work of changing people's thinking, forming and strengthening in their minds a new national idea, the foundations of national ideology;
  • made an invaluable contribution to the establishment, preservation and strengthening of peace and tranquility in our country, peace and harmony among nations and citizens;
  • In essence, it has become a direct leader in the creation and implementation of a completely new system of education - the National Training Program;
  • initiated the increase of the prestige of the mahalla in the state and public administration, the expansion of its powers and rights, its full support as a system of citizens' self-government;
  • new constructions in the settlements of our country, including the reconstruction of the monuments of our great ancestors, the construction of large enterprises that have played a significant role in increasing the potential of our economy, the radical transformation of many cities and villages, especially Tashkent. led.
In short, Islam Karimov laid the foundations for building the state and statehood of Uzbekistan, building a democratic civil society, developing the main directions of our country's development, uniting our multinational people for the bright future of our country and leading it to great goals. went.
The main priorities of the policy pursued by the head of state at the stage of development of Uzbekistan are:
  • further deepening of reforms aimed at modernization of the country, renewal of society, rapid economic growth and ensuring its macroeconomic balance, the free development of entrepreneurship, small business and farming, which is the key to the implementation of these directions. continuing and strengthening policies that provide guarantees and benefits;
  • raising profound structural changes in the economy to a new level, implementing an active investment policy, reducing the tax burden, creating more favorable conditions for the development of high-tech industries and manufacturing enterprises, small business and private entrepreneurship;
  • representatives of the middle class - to put the interests of entrepreneurship, the farming movement and private business structures, all owners of material and intellectual property, to give them full privileges and opportunities, to support them;
  • increase the real incomes and welfare of our people by ensuring high rates of economic development, successful implementation of important social programs in our lives;
  • creation of new jobs on the basis of further expansion of the modern labor market, protection of health and public health, protection of motherhood and childhood, support of young families, categories in need of assistance and support, low-income implementation of social protection policy aimed at strengthening the attention and care for families;
  • achieving a gradual transition from a strong state to a strong civil society;
  • active pursuit of reforms to liberalize all spheres of life, including the priority of man, his rights and freedoms as the highest value and wealth in the life of our society, the implementation of the principle "The interests of man are paramount";
  • training of a new generation of personnel capable of solving complex and large-scale tasks on the way to modernization of the country and building a modern society;
  • Enhancing the impact and effectiveness of work in the cultural and educational spheres, based on the fact of life that "high spirituality is an invincible force";
  • Further deepening of democratic processes in our society, including the multiparty system, which is the most important condition and guarantee of these issues, strengthening the activities of civil institutions and non-governmental organizations, strengthening their rights and powers, further enhancing their role and prestige in our society. to take all legal and organizational measures necessary for it to function as a fourth power;
  • strengthening the impact and effectiveness of the work on deep reform and liberalization of the judicial system as a necessary component of the rule of law, ensuring the independence of the judiciary;
  • To take new, practical steps to raise our efforts to the level of modern requirements, aimed at strengthening the principle of "Justice - the rule of law";
  • not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in the field of foreign policy, to cooperate with the countries of the world on an equal footing, to resolve any conflict and problem only peacefully, through political and legal means, to interact with our distant and close neighbors strict adherence to the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation and harmony;
  • peace and tranquility in our country, strengthening stability, harmony among citizens, further strengthening of inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony;
  • To increase the strength of our Armed Forces, to further deepen the process of modernization of our national army, to strengthen the defense capabilities of our country, to preserve the inviolability of the borders of our Motherland.
The first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov, who did such a great job, died on September 2016, 2, at the age of 78 in Tashkent.
He was buried on September 2016, 3 in Samarkand.
The tomb and memorial complex is located in Samarkand. A statue and museum of the First President have been opened in Tashkent.

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