My neighborhood is my pride (text)


My neighborhood is my pride
The neighborhood is a unique social structure that has been formed for thousands of years and shows the unique image of our people. Sh.Mirziyoyev, the head of our state, said that human qualities such as living with kindness to each other, being shoulder to shoulder in good and bad times are formed in the neighborhood.
A presentation of independent work on the topic "My neighborhood - my pride" was held among the 1st-year students of the light industry of the Faculty of Physics. Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy A. Shaymanova, faculty tutors F. Shaymanova, E. Meiliyev and students took part in it.
In the course of the presentations, students will learn about the history, organizational structure, cultural monuments, places of pilgrimage, libraries and entertainment centers, educational institutions, the great, great, and famous people who lived there, and the existing national tradition. - gave information to their peers about the customs and activities of the neighborhood in the field of entrepreneurship.
My neighborhood - text
Topic 18: My neighborhood
I. Introduction:
Educational of training Purpose:A characteristic of our people. Incorporate concepts such as “Seven neighborhood parents for one child”, “Peaceful neighbor, you are peaceful”, “It is good to live in my neighborhood”
Socially active civic competence — forms the ability to feel connected to events, events and processes taking place in society and to actively participate in them, to know one's civil duties and rights, and to acquire legal culture.
National and intercultural competence — forms the ability to be loyal to the motherland, kind to people and believe in universal and national values, to understand artistic and artistic works, to dress modestly, to follow cultural rules and a healthy lifestyle.
Motto of the day: Neighborhood-education center
Educational of training device:DVDs, CDs, handouts, photos, posters.
Preparation of students for training, information on duty.
Part II:
1. Teacher's information on the topic on a demonstrative basis.
Our neighborhood is big and beautiful. Apricot, apple, peach, pear, cherry and quince trees grow in our neighborhood. The children of our neighborhood take care of these seedlings. They put water on them and soften the bottom. Our neighborhood is becoming more beautiful day by day. The reason for this is the harmony of the people of our neighborhood.
2. Work in groups based on pictures
3. Teacher's summary of the lesson.
1) What kind of place is the neighborhood?
2) Is your neighborhood beautiful?
3) Who lives in your neighborhood?
4) What kind of people are your neighbors?
5) Do you get along with your neighbors?
6) What stores are there in your neighborhood?
III.Final part.
Work in groups based on small questions
1) What do you feel when you talk about your neighborhood?
3). What do you mean by the neighborhood - a small Motherland?
4) How do you show respect for your neighborhood?
5) Is your family a close-knit family?
6) Who lives in your family?
Motivating students at the end of the lesson
Download the full file here
ABOUT THE NEIGHBORHOOD You are passing through a street lined with cozy houses on both sides. Every house was swept and sprinkled with water. Water flows from the stream.
Someone planted a vine on the street side of his house and made a garden. Others planted fruit trees. The small floors are sprinkled with lime. Tomatoes, eggplants, Bulgarian garmdori are growing.
Another household has densely planted poplars in its territory. In the more crowded part of this surface street, you will notice the inscription "... neighborhood office".
Neighborhood... In the book "History of Bukhara" by the Bukhara historian Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ja'far Narshahi, who lived in the 10th century, information about the neighborhood appears for the first time. Now we hear and mention the word "neighbourhood" several times a day.
If you notice, neighborhoods often cover a certain part of one side of a main street and the streets, alleys, and dead ends that surround it.
What is the composition of neighborhoods? Neighborhoods have generally been formed over the centuries based on professions or national characteristics.
Now we hear the names of neighborhoods such as Khashoggi, 0'qchi, Degrezlik. So, in these neighborhoods lived masters who made spoons, arrows (performing various tasks), and poured pots.
Some neighborhoods are named after the topography or other features of the place. Names such as Ganchtepa, Shahidontepa, Chukurqishlaq, Balandmachit, Qatortol came about in this way.
Currently, neighborhoods have become a very important body that works with the population. It is given the right to self-governance by a special law. Consequently, all the problems of the neighborhood and its residents are solved there.
Great educational work is carried out in the neighborhood. Based on the proverb "Seven neighboring parents per child", the residents of the neighborhood actively participate in the education of children.
Currently, various commissions dealing with household, spiritual, social and cultural issues are operating in the neighborhoods.
Neighborhoods are given the right to open small enterprises to cover the population with socially useful work, to create additional jobs.
The neighborhood is managed by a chairman and activists who are elected by the majority of the population and approved by the relevant district authorities. Discipline control is carried out by the inspector of internal affairs, volunteer guards.
The importance and place of the neighborhood in the life of the population, which is of incomparable importance in the life of our society, and a phenomenon that has no parallel in the world experience, is increasing. After all, the neighborhood is "primary and incomparable space that teaches a person to live with society and educates in this spirit."

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