Benefits and harms of gold items, jewelry.


Benefits and harms of gold items, jewelry.

☘️First of all, let's learn the difference between gold and gold. Gold is an alloy of gold and other metals. For example, 583 proof means that there is 58.3 percent gold. And gold means 98-100 percent gold.

Effects on women.

👉Makes beautiful, refreshes, sexually activates. Prevents infectious diseases.

🪴It can hurt when you get old. Heart palpitations, elevated blood pressure.

To men

⚡️ There is damage to the open box. For example, in the form of a ring. The reason is that certain metal particles are released from the ring when sweating, and this affects the male body, especially the prostate. The reason is that the zinc element is dominant there.

🧤 It can be wrapped in some material for biological strength. That's why our grandfathers wore gold around their waists.

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