Spirituality Hour on the theme "Drugs - the plague of the century."


It belongs to the department of public education of Chartak district
48th General Secondary School
Teacher of Fine Arts and Drawing
He wrote on the topic "Drugs - the plague of the century."
an hour
Spirituality Hour 10-A
Topic: Addiction  century plague 
Course Objectives:              Explain to students that addiction is the plague of the century based on theoretical data
  1. a) Learning objectives of the lesson: To inform students about the negative consequences of a healthy lifestyle addiction
  1. b) Educational purpose of the lesson: To teach students a healthy lifestyle, positive human qualities, and appreciation of health.
  1. c) Course Development Objectives: Attributes such as moral beauty, spiritual perfection in students
Course type:                      giving new concepts, forming knowledge.
Course Method:                   unconventional, training session, cluster,
Classroom:                  lesson plan, thematic film, slide, pictures, perfection tree, distribution, cluster
Course Outline:
  1. a) greeting
  2. b) determine attendance
  3. c) check the condition of the room
It's not too late, there's still a chance,
After all, there is no power in the heart,
Show yourself in a moment,
Probably not tomorrow.
Indeed, dear readers, we must appreciate time, as the poet said.
It is not in vain that: Knowledge acquired in youth,
                                      It is a pattern carved in stone.
The motto of the lesson:                  Spiritual perfection is the adornment of humanity.
We divide our students into two groups.
They are today                 Group 1 - "Healthy generation"
                                      Group 2 - "Kamolot"
compete with each other.
Repeat the previous topic.
Questions are distributed to the groups from the tree of perfection
Question: How many directions does the action strategy consist of?
Answer: There are 5 directions
Question: When was the Order No. 30 on additional measures for the implementation of state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted?
Answer: Adopted February 2014, 19
Question: For what years is the Action Strategy Answer: 2017-2021
Question: How many chapters, how many rules does the code of ethics consist of?
Answer: It consists of 9 chapters and 33 rules
Q: What is the name of Cabinet Resolution 360?
Answer: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 360 "On measures to further improve the work of juvenile commissions to prevent crime among them"
Question: What is the description of IAKarimov given to the great thinker Alisher Navoi?
Answer: If we call him a saint, a saint of saints, a thinker, a thinker of thinkers, a poet, a sultan of poets.
Students will report on news from the ZiyoNet network.
Topic: Drug addiction - the plague of the century.
Plan :
  1. Harmful habits are their origin.
  2. The negative consequences of addiction.
  3. About a healthy lifestyle.
Teacher:        When we say bad habits, we mean habits such as drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco and snuff, and consuming drugs and toxic substances. The term "drug" is derived from the word "drug" and "mania" means insanity.
Drug addiction is a disease caused by the constant consumption of substances included in the list of substances, which is a mental, in some cases physical, dependence on these substances.
Drugs are ingested, smoked, sniffed, and injected into the bloodstream.
The constant use of drugs during adolescence has a negative impact on a person's self-esteem, relationships with others, abilities, and future plans.
Then a stage show will be held with the participation of students.
Lying down father:
Father: Asror, look at me. What are you doing?
Asror: Dad, I'm preparing a lesson.
Father: What do you study and become a scientist? Here's the money, bring vodka and cigarettes!
Asror: It's always like that, they don't even let me teach. I wish I could smoke too. How will it be.
Stop! You are risking not only your own life but also the lives of other people. In this regard, the Convention on the Rights of the Child also prohibits any actions that impede the growth of the young generation in a healthy way, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
There will be several different manifestations of drug use:
  • Physical consequences
  • Economic consequences
  • Social consequences
  • Legal consequences
  • Spiritual consequences
It can get in without a way.
Answer "no" to someone's suggestion to "taste."
The average lifespan of a drug 7 yil think do you need 7 years full of mental and physical torture?
The drug causes nervousness, rapid heartbeat, pain in the joints, cases of dependence.
Here’s what this student needs to do to become a perfectionist without drowning in a swamp of addiction.
"Perfect Man" training session will be held with students
Student 1:        After birth, a person is brought up in a family, grows up, and parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children.
Student 2:        The place where the child joins the first community is the kindergarten. In the kindergarten, the child develops a culture of behavior, the ability to go to school.
Student 3:        School is the main place for a child to grow up. In this way, the student acquires spiritual and scientific knowledge. IAKrimov described the school in his book "High spirituality is an invincible force."
Student 4:        We spend our free time productively in out-of-school institutions. All conditions are created for us in music and sports schools. As the President said, 'All good things
Student 5:        The ladder of human development is a Vocational College or Academic Lyceum. In a Vocational College, a student acquires two or more professions and lays the foundation for his or her future.
Student 6:        The role of the mahalla in the upbringing of people is unique. One child was correctly told that there were seven neighboring parents.
Student 7:        After graduating from a vocational college, a person faces 2 paths in front of young people. higher education or profession. It is to go through these stages and reach the level of the "perfect man" without falling into the swamp of addiction.
Tobacco was brought to Europe in 1560 by the French diplomat J. Nico from South America. The word NICOTIN appeared in the name of this diplomat.
Class nurse:
  • The earlier a person starts smoking, the faster his life will be shortened. Who starts smoking at the age of 15 shortens his life by 8 years, and who starts smoking at the age of 25 shortens his life by 4 years.
  • 100-200 mg of nicotine kills a person.
10 Reasons to Say No to Drugs
1. Drugs give a false impression of happiness
2. Drugs make learning difficult
3.Drugs often cause accidents
4. Drugs ruin friendships
  1. Drugs make a person weak and unwilling.
  2. Drugs lead people to theft, violence and other crimes.
  3. Drugs cause many dangerous diseases, including AIDS.
  4. Drugs lead to the breakdown of families.
  5. Drugs cause children to be born crippled and disabled.
  6. Drugs lead to depression.
May 31 is World No Tobacco Day!
Homework: Write a statement on the topic of avoiding bad habits.

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