Article genre and its types


Article genre. Its types
Article as a leading genre of analytical journalism. Its historical roots. The main characteristics of the Magola genre, its uniqueness and different aspects from other genres. Requirements for him and his duties. Genre types of stories: propaganda, problematic, scientific-enlightenment, religious-educational, sad stories. Promotional slogan. Genre features. ¤The best examples of propaganda stories in Uzbek journalism. Methodology of campaigning
One of the most complex genres of journalism is the article genre. The main feature of this genre is that the reality should be based on comprehensive, deep logical conclusions and generalizations, foresight, analysis and verification, and original (original) considerations.
The historical roots of the article in journalism are deep. And their types differ. From this point of view, the article should be preserved for many years with its superiority of reality over other realities, originality, illumination and relevance of the important situation of its time.
The article is a very serious genre. It requires great knowledge and skill from the journalist.
The compositional structure of the article is based on accuracy and simplicity and is determined by the broad coverage of reality, which is the main law of journalism.
The article is one of the complex genres of journalism. One problem written in the genre of the article is precisely because it ensures accuracy and does not deviate from the topic, it allows you to express your opinion based on clear and obvious facts.
Interpretation of reality in the genre of an article begins with the expression of a clear fact, and this phenomenon may correspond or contradict the author's point of view. It is in this case that the author's point of view about the object represents the circumstances of whether this reality is beneficial or harmful to the society.
It is taken into account that the point of view of the author plays a key role in the analysis of facts. For this reason, a journalist should thoroughly study the issue from all sides and be armed with the facts, evidence and proofs that caused the problem and reality, and be able to clearly express his analysis based on this knowledge.
The value of the facts expressed in the article must be based on arguments that prove the correctness of the author's views and opinions. On the other hand, evidence should serve as a logical object that serves as the basis of proof of the opinion expressed by the author.
While the facts in the article are typical and reliable, the author's approach plays a key role in this process review.
The article provides a final, generalized conclusion by citing specific facts, and shows ways to overcome the problem based on the author's descriptive-analytical proposal for achieving specific results. In turn, the article has several forms. Before talking about it, it is important to focus on the main features of the article.
The main article should serve as a specific directive expressing the main directions in the social development of the society. The main article should correspond to the logical structure of the directive document.
The main signs of directiveness are relying on the objective laws of the development of society based on the analysis of concrete reality, the topic of the article comes from the interests of the general public, the community, social group classes, and the ability to express not only the goal, but also the factors of achieving this goal by defining the directions of the practical action program for solving the problem. consists of
In the main article, while the elements of the symbolic letter and essay are limited, the journalistic color of this genre is strengthened by emotional argumentation, reliable political propaganda, and clear analysis of the facts.
Promotional article - the scientific basis incorporates the elements of theoretical knowledge - thereby it should convince the team of the correctness of the logical-emotional views of the author.
Promotional article promotes and advocates this issue by analyzing the problems of theory and practice in various spheres of society's activity and development.
Marks of the article
1. Consistent development of clear thinking.
In this, one specific topic should be selected, studied and covered. If a journalist tries to answer several questions in one article, he will surely lose his way. The article loses its power as a genre. A newspaper article should be devoted to only one question or issue. The very fact that finding an answer to one question or issue in the article is directed in a certain direction frees it from multi-topicalness. For this, the requirement for the article should be clearly targeted and consistently researched. It will be necessary to divide the question into small details, to analyze the reality in different aspects and dimensions.
2. Equality of the article with other genres. It also begins with a fact. The opinion and the author's reasoning behind it should not be self-evident. The beginning of thinking is carried over to a clearly evidentiary message. This message (signal) may correspond to the views of the author or be contrary to it. In response, the mind begins to work by evaluating the object. Thinking about this topic raises several questions related to this topic. By searching for answers to these questions, the journalist opens the topic he wants to cover with investigation.
Whether the fact is real or unreal, or random, whether it depends on the situation or is special, what happened, what are the beneficial or harmful aspects of the reality for society or a certain group, what are its integral aspects with other events that happened there is
3. Raised and developed completeness. The author's opinion ultimately determines the topic of the article. To prove it, it is necessary to organize and prove the article. The problem of argumentation is one of the most important tasks for a journalist, especially an analytical journalist.
4. Putting the question in the topic.
A lot of questions arise when working on the topic. By investigating them, the journalist reveals the reality first to himself and then to the reader.
5. Gather facts and evidence in the article.
When writing an article, a journalist should have a very wide range of knowledge and reserves. Every time, his stock of theoretical knowledge is enriched with new knowledge through discovery and research. But sometimes theoretical knowledge is insufficient to reveal the circumstances of the journalist's life in various fields, processes, situations, and events, and prove it with facts. In such cases, the journalist should use special literature, references, and dictionaries.
In addition, in order to clearly prove the facts, in addition to knowledge, the journalist should also prepare for personal observation. Along with evidence, specific facts play an important role in the article.
It is very important to be a witness, to be a witness. That's why, to prepare an article, a journalist thoroughly studies one topic, finds as much evidence as possible. Not all these facts need to be reflected in the article.
6. Expression of the author's opinion in the article.
Based on the totality of facts, the opinion of the author should find its confirmation. That is, the opinion that the author wants to express should be expressed on the basis of facts.
And they give the correct opinions and views of the author.
The system of the author's views is proven by his observations of reality. The fact in the article must be true and believable, otherwise it may not match the conclusions of the article or contradict the conclusions drawn by the journalist.
When working with facts, the author must have his own position, the path he took in determining whether they are right or wrong.
The author of the article prompts the reader to draw a conclusion as the idea gradually develops and is supplemented by facts and evidence.
Conclusion is a logical speech that appears through the consistent development of the author's thought.
It gives the reader an idea of ​​a certain reality in life. By showing the solution to the question raised in the article. Based on these, we will describe the article.
The article is one of the most basic genres of journalism, and it is the conclusions based on the author's concrete results, due to the development of serious thoughts about certain events and events in society, based on concrete facts and evidence.
Articles are divided into several types according to their content.

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