The concept and types of patience


Patience in the dictionary means "to block", "to bind". The term means to give up what is pleasing to the heart, to surrender without rebellion to fate and destiny, and not to complain when calamity or hardship comes.

Patience is obligatory by the consensus of the ummah and is half of faith. The other half is thankful. The place of patience in faith is like the place of the head in the body. Junayd al-Baghdadi states that the adornment of a believer is faith, the adornment of faith is reason, and the adornment of reason is patience.

Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. We often think about the past and spend time with "if" and "if". All sorts of things in the past have caused us to steal our minds, to distract ourselves, to turn away from the Truth, to sit in despair. This disease is also overcome with patience. A wise person does not worry about the past and the future, he knows the value of the moments he lives. It is like an apple orchard cutting down branches that grow from the bottom of a plant to support the flowers and fruits above.

It is possible to study any kind of science, but it is useless without patience. That is, knowledge and patience are like two inseparable companions or a soul and a body.

Sirri Saqati was asked about the importance of patience. As he answered, a scorpion began to bite his foot. When he saw the Lord sitting in silence, he said, "Why don't you kill him?" they said.

"I am ashamed of Allah, both speaking of patience and shouting that a scorpion is biting," he said.

Patience is divided into three. Patience in worshiping Allah, patience in not committing sins, patience in the trials of the Creator. The first and the second of these are at the discretion of the slave. The third is not so.

It is narrated in a hadith: “Patience is threefold. Patience in adversity, patience in obedience, patience in not sinning. Whoever is patient until the calamity befalls him, Allah will write three hundred degrees on him. Whoever is patient in obedience, Allah will write six hundred degrees on him. Whoever perseveres in disbelief, Allaah will punish him nine hundred degrees. ”

There are also three types of patience:

Farz sabr. Obedience to the commands of Allahu ta'âlâ and patience in refraining from what is haram are obligatory for every servant;

Nafl sabr. To be patient with things that are disliked;

Harom sabr. It is haraam for a Muslim to be patient in the face of aggression against his property, life and honor, which Allah has sanctified.


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