The innate output of the number


The disease is most commonly seen in children and is said to be a congenital defect that occurs when the head of the hip bone protrudes from the pelvis. This defect is associated with dysfunction of the pelvic floor, head of the femur, joints and ligaments, as well as muscle activity in the surrounding tissues.
The birth of a number depends on the socio-economic situation, climate and national traditions in a particular area. In Asian and African countries, women carry their baby on their backs or sideways with their legs spread between them without squeezing them. This creates the conditions for good development of the pelvic joint. In some countries where it is customary to squeeze a baby, for example, in Georgia, the figure is 1000 per 9 babies. In most cases, there is a one-sided outgrowth of the number, which is 5 times more common in girls than in boys. The disease can sometimes be passed down from generation to generation.
Well, it would not be bad if everyone knew what clinical signs are observed in the disease. There are a number of signs that parents can check for themselves at home.
Signs of congenital outgrowth of the number
  1. As the child lies on his back, bends his thighs at right angles to his thighs, and pulls to the side, a squeaking sound is heard, indicating that the protruding hip bone will fall into place. This can be detected in the first months of a child’s life.
  2. The number of a healthy child can move sideways up to 90 degrees away from the body. This is not possible at the birth of the number.
  3. The folds in the newborn’s thighs should be symmetrical, i.e. in a straight line. In this disease, they are not in a straight line.
  4. The leg on the side where the hip bone protrudes is shorter than on the healthy side. This can be measured comparatively with a centimeter tape.
  5. The leg on the side where the hip bone protrudes will be facing outward relative to the healthy leg.
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If parents notice these signs in their children, they should not be indifferent and indifferent, and should immediately consult a specialist. If this condition is ignored, the child moves late, can take his first steps at the age of 1,5-2 years. The child with a numbness is lame, and in a two-sided numbness there is a "duck" gait.
Under the influence of this, the spine also changes, the patient's leg is twisted outwards. It should be borne in mind that time is of paramount importance in the treatment of the disease. The later you see a doctor, the more difficult and complicated the treatment will be. If treatment is started in the first months of a child’s life, it is 100 percent positive, if it is started in the first six months, it is 70 percent, and if it is started at a young age, recovery is 40 percent. This means that the earlier it is acted upon, the easier it will be to treat the pain.

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