Essay "Impressions from Boburnoma".


Essay "Impressions from Boburnoma".
1. Bobur's way of life
2. What I know about "Boburnoma"
3. About the Taj Mahal of the Baburi dynasty
"According to Babur's character, he is worth loving more than Caesar."
Edward Holden
Babur (pseudonym; full name Zahiriddin Muhammad ibn Umarshaykh Mirzo) (1483.14.2, Andijan 1530.26.12, Agra) - a great representative of Uzbek classical literature: a great poet; historian, geographer; a statesman, a talented commander; founder of the Baburi dynasty, Timurid prince.
Babur's father, Umarshaikh Mirzo, was the governor of the Fergana region, and his mother, Kutlug Nigorkhanim, was the daughter of the khan of Mongolia and the governor of Tashkent, Yunuskhan. Bobur's mother was an educated and intelligent woman who actively assisted Bobur in the administration of power and accompanied him on his military campaigns. Umarshaikh Mirzo lived in the arch of the capital Andijan. The governor spent the summer on the banks of the Syrdarya, in Aksi, and the rest of the year in Andijan.
"Boburnoma" is a work of literary and historical significance. It contains information about the experiences of many people of their time in different situations, many mountains, rivers, forests and deserts of Asia, climate, population, social, economic and political situation.
Boburnoma is a beautiful example of Uzbek prose. Prior to that, in the introduction to Yusuf Khas Hajib's Qutadgu Bilig, Rabguzi's works contained examples of prose. Alisher Navoi took him to the top. However, "Boburnoma" appeared in this regard as a unique discovery of Uzbek prose.
The play tells the story of Babur's life. These events cover Andijan, Samarkand, Khojand, from Herat to Kabul and Agra. In other words, almost 50 years of events from Central Asia to India have found a true expression and value in it.
The description of the events in the Boburnoma is clear, concise and concise, impressive, and most importantly, relevant to the realities of life. In the narrative, the author pays special attention to the description of nature, the description of certain places, and the descriptions of individuals
in. Let's get acquainted with another monument of the Baburi dynasty:
The Taj Mahal is an architectural monument from the Baburi dynasty in India (1631-1652). It was built by King Jahan on the banks of the Jamna River near the city of Agra after his death (July 1631, 7) after his beloved wife Arjumand (known as Mumtoz Mahal Beg, Mumtoz Bibika Rauza). He was later buried here.
The mausoleum (project architect Usto Ahmad Lahori) was built under the direction of Turkish architect Muhammad Isakhan. Taj Mahal has a square design, 3 floors, 5 domes. Built on a marble platform (104x104x7 m). The slender towers at the 4 corners (45 m high) give the mausoleum a special charm. The walls are covered with white marble, step patterns made of precious stones of different colors (real, pearls, pearls, amber, emeralds, rubies, ivory, etc.). The main style (width 56,7 m) has a roof arch. In front of the mausoleum there are two rows of trees, a fountain pool and a long flowerbed. Stairs lead to the marble platform and enter the mausoleum through a carved door. The large domed room in the middle has a black marble sagana (from Sri Lanka). The unique beauty of the Taj Mahal can be seen through the southern gate of the park. The construction of the majestic building reflects the unique style of architects not only from India, but also from Central Asia, Iran and Byzantium. Muhammad Hanif from Kandahar, Muhammad Sayid from Multon, local master Ismailkhan Rumi from Samarkand, Muhammad Sharif from Samarkand, Kozimkhans from Lahore and many other painters and calligraphers took part in the construction of the mausoleum.

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