About the pancreas


About the pancreas
The peculiarity of this organ is that it is the only exocrine and endocrine gland that performs two important functions simultaneously throughout the body.
Pancreatic functions
1. Participate in digestion
The human digestive system can be compared to a conveyor belt (up to 10 m long) in which food particles move. They need the help of the pancreas, which produces more than twenty different enzymes to break down to the smallest size and enter the intestines.
The most important of them are:
Amylase - to break down carbohydrates;
Proteases - to break down proteins;
Lipases - to break down fats.
These processes occur due to the secretion of pancreatic juice by the pancreas.
2. Regulation of blood sugar
In addition to its digestive function, the gland produces the hormone insulin, which enters the bloodstream directly from its own cells. Thanks to this mechanism, the level of glucose required for the vital activity of all cells of the body is controlled.
With or without insulin, blood glucose cannot enter the cells. This leads to a constant increase in blood glucose, which has dangerous consequences for human health.
These processes (digestion and hormonal) occur independently of each other. But if the pancreas is damaged, both of them can be damaged.
Thus, the pancreas is very active. If he does not “like” anything (fatty foods, alcohol, excess sweets), he becomes irritated and inflamed, resulting in the development of pancreatitis.
How do you know if the pancreas is inflamed?
Main symptoms:
- Pain in the lower back and abdomen;
- paleness and weakness;
- sudden fluctuation of blood pressure;
- weight loss;
- diarrhea;
- Rise in body temperature;
- Pain in the joints.
Sometimes pancreatitis can be confused with osteochondrosis or pyelonephritis. But the initial stage of pancreatitis always begins with sharp pain.
Its chronic form is a long-term inflammatory process, from time to time the patient's condition worsens.
If there are problems with the pancreas, then in addition to the basic treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet.
- cabbage;
- legumes;
- Garlic and onions;
- mushrooms;
- cakes and pastries (especially cream);
- oily and smoked;
- sweet carbonated drinks;
- alcoholic beverages.
It is better to eat meat and fish boiled or steamed rather than fried. Consumption of salty and spicy foods should be minimized.
The following rules should be followed for the benefit of the pancreas:
- enough sleep (7-8 hours);
- giving up bad habits;
- increase physical activity;
- annual medical examination.

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