Vitamin D (calciferol)


Vitamin D (calciferol)

Basically in 2 views:
1) D2 - ergocalciferol (found in plant products) enters the body mainly through consumption.
2) D3 - cholecalciferol (found in animal products) is formed mainly under the skin, under the influence of sunlight.

The main functions of the body:
1. Ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the small intestine.
3. Regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body.
2. Ensures strong bones.
3. Increases immunity against tuberculosis (tuberculosis) and fungi.

Daily requirement:
- 1 mcg (10 XB) under 400 year
- 1 mcg (70 XB) for 15–600 years
- 70 mcg over the age of 20 (800 XB)
- 20 mcg (800 XB) for pregnant and lactating women


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