What are the benefits for young people?


🔰 The following is the Ministry of Justice about some benefits given to young people in the legislation reminded:

🔹The Labor Code establishes special guarantees for young people, including that working hours for those between 16 and 18 years old should not exceed 36 hours per week.

🔹Socially active students who have completed military service and are studying under a contract will be paid 35 percent of the contract amount.

🔹Students studying on the basis of a contract are given an education loan.

🔹A new system of working with youth problems - "Youth Register" has been launched.

🔹 Disabled family members of those included in the "Youth Register" will be given assistance in the amount of 5 times BHM for the purchase of medicines, wheelchairs, hearing aids and orthopedic products.

🔹Subsidy up to 15 million soums will be allocated to young people with disabilities to cover the costs of education, living and transportation.

🔹President's grant was introduced for 200 young people who scored the highest points when entering state higher education institutions.

🔹Socially active young people are given privileges for admission to OTM.

🔹Based on the recommendation of youth leaders in the neighborhood, 12 types of support are given to young people.

🔹Some young people are exempted from the fees charged for participating in the tests for admission to OTM.

🔹 As part of the "Travel to Moziy" program, those included in the "Youth Register" will be admitted to state museums for free.

🔹Conditions will be created for young compatriots abroad to work in ministries, agencies and organizations.

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