The updated Constitution - in the eyes of young people


The updated Constitution - in the eyes of young people
On March 2023, 3, the Oliy Majlis Legislative Chamber was responsible for the preparation of the draft of the Constitutional Law - Anti-Corruption and Judiciary Issues and the Committees of Democratic Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, Citizens' Self-Government Bodies, as well as Youth parliament in cooperation "Renewable Constitution - through the eyes of young people" held a roundtable discussion on the topic.
In a roundtable discussion "On amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan". The work carried out on the improvement of the draft constitutional law was discussed with the participation of active young people, in particular, members of the Youth Parliament.
As mentioned, during the past time Draft Constitution being updated by the responsible committees of the Legislative Chamber intensive work was carried out on it. In this, the main attention was paid to the comprehensive analysis of the proposals given in the discussions with the participation of the public discussion, mature scholars in the field of constitutionalism, the public, international and foreign experts, and special attention was paid to the reflection of the most relevant proposals in the project.
Until today regarding the draft constitutional law More than 220 thousand offers arrived. Theirs More than 60 percent are directly youth given by That is why in the updated Constitution, a number of norms related to youth, even a separate chapter was devoted to the issue of "Family, children and youth".
As noted in the meeting, The system of continuous education for the first time with the draft constitutional law, its various types and forms, state and non-state educational organizations are among the tasks of the state.
Establishing these rules at the level of the Constitution will be a solid legal basis for the development of all educational organizations, from kindergartens to universities, regardless of whether they are public or private.
As mentioned by those who spoke at the event, it is expected to be an important event that the state obligations in the field of education and upbringing of children of kindergarten age will be determined at the constitutional level for the first time. The first community for a child after the family is the kindergarten. Quality preschool education has a positive impact on a person's whole life.
As noted separately, the state is now not only general secondary education that initial professional education will be free guarantees. One of the most important innovations was the provision of inclusive education and upbringing in educational institutions for children with special educational needs. Inclusive education is organized in educational organizations for children with physical, mental, sensory or mental disabilities. This is the norm for our children with such defects in order not to be isolated, to form and mature as a full-fledged member of society very important.
According to the updated Constitution, it is clearly established that citizens have the right to receive higher education at the expense of the state on the basis of selection in state educational institutions. Until 2017, the number of grant places in higher education institutions only decreased. In the last five years, on the contrary, the way of increasing grants has been pursued. In particular, it was allocated to higher education in the past period the number of state grants is 75% and children of needy families number of state grants for women doubled, also, the practice of allocating state grants for the training of specialists in non-state higher education institutions was established. The determination of this constitutional provision is always a positive direction in this regard to ensure that grant places are not lost in state higher education institutions serves.
In accordance with the constitutional law, higher education organizations are given the right to academic freedom, self-management, research and teaching freedom. The determination of issues related to the higher education system at the level of the Constitution serves to limit external interventions in the higher education process, to increase the quality of higher education and its competitiveness in the world.
As noted, children are a perfect person from the intellectual, physical and creative side not only a good environment in the family, but it is necessary to create necessary conditions and opportunities by the state. In this sense, it is best to ensure and protect the rights, freedoms and legal interests of the child, for his full physical, mental and cultural development. It is the duty of the state to create conditions, as in the Constitution sealing.
At the same time, the state and society are in children and young people loyalty to national and universal values, rich from the country and the people pride in cultural and spiritual heritage, patriotism and love for the Motherland cares about the formation of feelings.
As noted in the question-and-answer session, Youth is a special article in the updated Constitution is devoted to rights. According to it, the state ensures the protection of personal, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights of young people, encourages their active participation in the life of society and the state.
State youth for their spiritual, intellectual, creative, physical and moral formation and development, for their education, health care, housing, employment, employment and recreation creates conditions for the realization of rights.
The young people who spoke at the meeting, after comprehensively analyzing the norms related to the rights and interests of the young people of the updated Constitution, this General Encyclical "Youth Constitution" they noted separately that there are all grounds for recognition.
At the event, the fact that new norms for young people are defined in the constitutional draft law were welcomed by the owners of our future in a cheerful spirit, and the project was approved by them. supported.

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