What should those in front of a dying person do?


The legs of a person approaching death become loose, the color of his face fades, his nose turns to one side, his skin becomes loose. It is sunnah for those who are close to death to lie down with their right side facing the qibla. If this is not possible, he should lie on his back, raise his head, place his feet towards the qibla, and raise his knees slightly in honor of the qibla. If these circumstances cause him discomfort, he is left to his own devices. In his presence, the analysis (La ilaha illallahu Muhammadur rasulullah) is recited aloud. But he is not told to "tell." If he says the word analysis once, he will not say it again ("Mukhtasar", "Fatwa of India", "Hidoya"). Vallohu a'lam.
Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan
fatwa board. @diniysavollar

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