In which area is the highest resolution recorded?


📊 Which region has the highest number of rulings?

🏢 According to the State Statistics Committee, as of January-March 2021, 9 cases of rulings were registered in the country.

✅ As of January-March 2021, the number of registered rulings by regions:
🔸Karakalpakstan R. - 288 pcs
🔸Andijon - 995 ta
🔸Bukhara - 500 pieces
🔸Jizzax - 337 ta
🔸Kashkadarya - 711 pieces
🔸Navoi - 289 units
🔸Namangan - 682 units
🔸Samarkand - 912 pieces
🔸Surxondaryo - 581 ta
🔸Sirdaryo - 298 ta
🔸Tashkent - 946 units
🔸Ferghana - 999 units
🔸Khorezm - 344 units
🔸Tashkent - 1 331 ta

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