Information about Pomegranate Fruit


There is a saying in the vernacular, "The more pomegranates there are, the better." This is not said in vain. Pomegranate fruit contains 80% water, 12-15% sugar, 19% ascorbic acid, pure organic acids - malic, citric, cholic acid. Contains B vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9 and carotene, vitamin A, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, cobalt, iron, calcium, phosphorus. Pomegranate increases blood flow, has antioxidant properties and has a rejuvenating effect on the body. In addition, various drugs are prepared from the peel of the pomegranate fruit, flowers, leaves and roots of the tree.

Pomegranate can be used to treat a number of diseases that are just beginning.

In diseases of the respiratory tract

Rinse the throat with a tincture or juice of pomegranate peel helps with angina, diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis). The additives in pomegranate relieve pain, while organic acids eliminate infection.

In the treatment of skin rashes

Do you often get all kinds of rashes and blemishes on your skin? In that case, fry the pomegranate peel in a small frying pan and mix with a teaspoon of butter. Store the ointment in the refrigerator, apply on face twice a week. It is also possible to treat a burn wound using pomegranate peel powder. 5-6 drops of pomegranate juice are sprinkled on the burn and the powder made from the peel is sprinkled on it. The treatment is performed 2 times a day for a week.

In lowering blood pressure

Patients with depression (hypertension, high blood pressure) consume pomegranate 3-4 times a week, soon blood pressure returns to normal. Italian and American scientists have studied the effects of this delicious fruit on heredity. It is known that if pregnant women eat this fruit, they can prevent heart disease and brain defects that can occur in the unborn child. Drying the membrane between the fruits and adding it to herbal tea calms the nerves and has also been proven to help get rid of insomnia.

Increases the activity of hormones

If you suffer from overheating, nausea, severe headaches (migraine) during menopause, eat pomegranate seeds. If our women eat this fruit often, they will also be protected from the risk of breast cancer.

Stops diarrhea

Pour 1 liters of water over 2 tablespoon of crushed pomegranate peel and boil for 10-15 minutes until the color comes out, drink the finished juice 1 cup half an hour before a meal. The sultan of medicine, Abu Ali ibn Sina, used pomegranate peel for diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, and other ailments.

There is a cure for cough

Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoon of pomegranate peel and bring to a boil with the mouth closed. Drink 1 glass hot 1 time a day.

In inflammation of the colon

1 teaspoon of pomegranate peel or flower is boiled in 1 cup of water and infused for 2 hours. Drink 3 tablespoon 1 times a day.

It leaves nausea

Take an equal amount of pomegranate juice and mint tincture and drink it to treat nausea and vomiting.

It is used for bleeding from the uterus

Adding pomegranate flowers and peel, 3 g of the tincture 50 times a day for 5 days is useful in the treatment of bleeding.

Pomegranate relieves vomiting

The antiemetic properties of pomegranate have been known since ancient times. 50 g from the roots, bark and twigs of the pomegranate tree. Take, pour half a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. After cooling, swim and drink in 2–3 hours. Helps drive out tapeworms.

Use when gums bleed

Pomegranate flowers and seeds are squeezed by mixing, and if the juice is kept in the mouth for a while, the bleeding of the gums stops. Or boiled by adding vinegar to pomegranate peel. If you rinse your mouth with it, the toothache will remain and the bleeding of the gums will stop.

He urinates

Drinking bitter pomegranate juice helps with urination.

© Khalida OCHILOVA, doctor

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