The lesson "Hello - Geometry" will be developed


Subject: Hello GEOMETRY
Lesson type: Non-traditional. Consolidation of new concepts of geometry for students;
The goal:
1) Educational: to expand and strengthen the knowledge obtained in chapter I by repetition;
2) Educational: learning geometry with love, teaching to understand that science is necessary for life in every lesson, understanding the meaning of geometric words and sentences in life;
3) Developer: developing mental activity, imagination, sharpening memory;
4) Vocational guidance: To arouse interest in the professions of architecture, engineering, agronomy;
5) Ideological purpose: Spiritual upliftment by showing the contribution of our ancestors to the development of geometry.
Teaching style: Oral, written, guided
Teaching method: Collaborative method.
Connection of the lesson with subjects: Mother tongue, literature, geography, visual arts.
Equipment of the lesson: Textbook, posters, measuring tools, Obruch tape, peg board.
Lesson steps:
I. Organizational part.
II. Repetition on the topic of the lesson.
III. Didactic games.
IV. The final part
Course Outline:
Hello dear teachers. Today, students will demonstrate their knowledge of geometry.
In Egypt, Babylon, Asia, Geo – earth, metric – measurement,
They founded it. And Euclid, "Fundamentals".
And the Greeks quickly, Archimedes, Apollonius and
They also gave a name. Roots of erotosphene.
Khorezmian "Hundreds", Arrangement of Forms,
Stereo and planum. The basis of all sciences is that
Space is the traces of the plane, its structure is like this,
This is the gloss of beauties. It is called Handadir
Mathematics is the king of all sciences.
Algebra-geometry right-left ministers.
All forms are aware of the mystery of bodies,
Therefore, they are worth studying in depth.
Starting from the simplest form, the definition,
Today we will tell one by one what we know.
Truly famous in the garden of poetry and art,
Enjoy listening and watching.
It comes at the end of the sentence, it is put first.
He will be small. Sunflower, sun, flower,
When you draw a picture, you are always beautiful with Him.
In geometry, the simplest shape that has no dimensions is a point, any set of points is a geometric shape.
A straight line.
Always straight smooth, Clear border, pass.
Ladder for shapes. Come on it's interesting
For a plane, every moment is a straight line.
A straight line is an infinite shape, a part of which can be represented in a drawing.
Property 1. If we choose an arbitrary straight line, there are points that belong to this straight line and points that do not.
Only one straight line passes through two points.
Property 2. One and only one of the three points on a straight line lies between the other two.
Summing up all the points,
Any plane will be formed.
All points of a straight line passing through two arbitrary points of a plane lie in this plane.
It is interesting to run between two points and say "Masofa".
Several lines connect it. It has three remarkable properties,
Among them, the shortest comes and requires tools to measure "Distance".
Property 1. The distance from one to the other of two points A and V is greater than zero, that is: | AV | >0
If the points overlap, the distance is equal to 0, i.e. | AV | =0
Property 2. For any points A and V, the distance from A to V is equal to the distance from V to A, that is: | AV | = | AND |
Property 3. For any points A,V and C | AS | distance | AV | and | VS | is not greater than the sum of the distances, i.e. | AS | < | AV | + | VC |
It starts from a point, along with the numbers.
He embarks on an endless journey. Relative to a straight line,
We are like the sun, His name is light.
Each of the half-straight lines is called the complement of the other. Each of the half-straight lines is also called a ray with its origin at point 0.
Don't cut.
On a straight line, Long stick Ladder.
Two points are surprising. connected them,
Thoughts built a wonderful shape wherever we stand.
How to build a shape. The name is very cool.
This moment will come running, God bless you
Put Ninasin on the ground, Bring it to life in the picture.
Turn the pen. What is the point of this,
The shape of the hole, say it all by heart.
I am different from the circle, I am always from all sides,
I'm always full. It borders on
In this world circle, Segment, sectors too
I don't have a better friend. It pulls to the bow.
Our corners, corners, Sharp, impenetrable and straight,
Triple earrings, the best of shapes.
III. Didactic games.
1) Papers of three colors - yellow, blue and green - are distributed. By folding them, make sharp, impenetrable and straight corners.
2) Mathematical dictation from basic words.
Basic words
1. Basis 6. Planimetry
2. Structure 7. Roulette
3. Projection 8. Hakka
4. Cartography 9. Bisector
5. Stereometry 10. Segment.
3) Build a geometry castle using riddles.
The same from one point, I love the word equal,
I lie far away. I find the surface,
Connect one by one, if I have strength and energy.
I'll get in shape. I am a simple square
Optional two points, My angle in your drawing,
Vatarim is without a doubt. Let my measure be correct.
If it passes through the center, our base is a polygon,
Diameter is shapeless. Menchi is a rectangle.
Half of the diameter, Inside polygons,
It is called Radius. I am the youngest.
All my elements, in the chapter on durability,
Gives me a glow. I am excellent and strong.
Each and every one of my properties, Otmasu, straight, sharp,
You are also what you learn. It will be the type of corner.
Respect to the one who knows me by putting it into practice,
Do great things too. Full slice net.
Draw a straight line from any point, from the normal surface of the earth,
Let it be in two pieces. Up to outer space.
About every part, Daily life,
Let's say this way. Sun, water, air.
Called Rays, Incalculable at all,
Every bit of it. Unsurvivable never.
You must have studied, for the sake of this mighty science,
It will happen one day. The main element is a dot.
The final part.
Every science has its origin, Knowledge is human life,
In this sentence-world. Enriches, decorates.
Read my friend again and again, Scholars are everywhere,
If you don't stay, it's a dream. Thousands will drink.
We are also the future of the country,
Light-free to build.
Constantly reading and searching,
Let's be a wing.

Hamdamova Marhabo Sadriyevna, teacher of mathematics at the 7th general secondary school of Uchkuduk district

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