Uzbek folk tales


Uzbek folk tales

Once upon a time there was a small house on the bank of a big stream. An old man, his daughter named Zumrad, stepmother and his cheap daughter named Kimmat lived in this house. The old woman had no eyes to see Zumrad and no arrows to shoot. He beat the girl, cursed her, used her from morning to night, and did not give the poor girl a single peace.
Zumrad is a beautiful, polite, polite, intelligent girl. A person who saw him once wished to see him again. So, she is a very wonderful girl. And the price is unlovable, capricious and arrogant. His whole day was spent in fights and riots.
As Zumrad picked up his pitcher early in the morning and went to the spring, the tulips they met on the way bowed their heads and greeted him. When Zumrad rested on the grass, the flowers cheered him, the nightingales happily told him stories.
But these same flowers do not love the old woman's arzanda, they do not caress her, because this girl plucks them, they call fragrant flowers odorless. That's why they keep their lids closed when the price comes.
All this angered the evil old woman. And the old woman saw this from Zumrad.
One day, the old woman insulted Zumrad and scolded the old man:
- Your daughter is rude, she doesn't like it, send her away! Otherwise, I will not stay with you even for a breath!
The old man did not know what to do. Finally, the old woman:
- Take your daughter to the forest and get lost! I will not stay with him! he said.
The old man wandered through the mountains and went to a forest to mislead his daughter. Father and son are walking in the forest for a long time. Finally, they stopped in a dark place. Then the old man went to chop wood. Zumrad was left alone.
At this moment, there is a sudden wind. The old man hung his ax on a big tree in the forest, tied a heavy stone to it and pushed it hard. The ax is swinging from side to side.
The wind is very strong. The ax hit the tree with the force of the wind for a long time and made a "thump-thump" sound.
Zumrad waited for his father for a long time, thinking, "My father is chopping wood." It was late, there was no sign of his father. The wind stopped. The girl was picking chuchmomas in the forest and accidentally went under a tree with an ax hanging on it. When he looked, his father was gone.
"Oh my dear, let's go!" Wow, father?! he cried and ran in all directions. There was no sign of anyone, the girl was lost. The forest seemed even more terrifying to him. The girl didn't know where to go, so she ran down a small path.
Emerald has come a long way. In the dark, flowers lit his way. When he got up and looked for a while, he saw a flickering light in the distance and heard a dog barking. The girl is walking towards that direction. He quickly reached a small house. Looking out the window of the house, an old woman is sitting. The girl was happy and went to the old woman, told the old woman one by one what she had experienced.
The old woman was very happy to see such a beautiful girl come home. This old woman is a witch who lives in the forest. Seeing the old woman crying:
"Don't worry too much, girl, I'll help you," he said, caressing the girl. The girl said to him:
- Thank you! I see you as my mother. "I will do what you ordered with my life," he answered.
At that time, many birds gathered on top of the old woman's house, they were singing and praising the little girl. The old witch, who knew the language of birds, was even more happy. By giving a girl with character picture books and dolls that cannot be found in the world:
"My white girl, my sweet girl!" My hump, my bead! he patted the girl's head.
They have been together for a long time. The old woman took good care of the little girl. Because Zumrad was a tidy girl, she swept the house, wiped the windows, and made everything look like porcelain. Seeing this, the old woman was even more happy.
One day, he wanted to make soup for an old girl:
"Get wood from the roof, my daughter," he said. The girl stood up straight:
"It will be alright, mother," he immediately went up to the roof.
As the roof is high, everything can be seen from it. The girl was looking around and suddenly saw the roof of her house. His heart is crying. The old woman heard this:
"Why are you crying, dear girl?" he asked. Girl:
"I saw our house, I miss my father," he said.
The old woman tricked him and comforted him, they both cooked and ate.
Good morning to the old girl:
"Pack your things, girl!" he said.
The girl is collecting her dolls. To the old woman:
"There is a red and a white chest on the roof, leave the white chest and take the red chest!" - he said and went into the forest. After some time, a cart led by a straw horse came out of the forest and put the girl in the cart.
- Open the red chest after going home! He gave the old girl a key.
The girl repeatedly said goodbye to the old woman and left. In an instant, the carriage was in front of the girl's house. At that moment, the old man was sitting at the door of the house, missing his daughter and crying because of her pain. As soon as the girl sees her loving father:
- Hello, father! he threw himself into his father's lap.
The old man couldn't stop crying for a long time because he was so happy. Finally, she stopped crying and said to her daughter:
"My dear, forgive me," he said.
They entered the house. The arrival of the girl became known to everyone. Neighbors gathered. When the girl opened the red chest, everyone was surprised: the red chest was full of real goods. There is so much wealth, so wonderful that it will last Zumrad's entire life.
This made the stepmother very worried.
He ordered the old man to quickly take his daughter Kimmat to the forest. The old man said "Okay" and immediately led Kimmatt into the forest.
In the evening, Kimmat, like Emerald, went to the tree where the ax was hanging. He felt that he was lost. Even though he cried a lot, there was no one to comfort him. Only in front of him owls sat and wandered about the dark, scary forest. These tunes scared Kimmat. He was scared and ran away from the forest. When it was dark, the sorcerer entered the old woman's house. The old woman welcomed him, pampered him and made him a guest. Then looking at the girl:
"Don't worry, my daughter, I will help," he said.
But Kimmat could not find good words to say to the old woman, because her mother did not teach her good words. The old woman did not love him, did not tell him good stories, did not give him picture books and dolls that could not be found in the world.
The precious one sat lazily from morning to night. As long as he does not clean and sweep the house.
One day the old woman came back from the forest and said to him:
- Take firewood from the roof, my daughter! - said the girl:
- Take it yourself, you have no money! he said.
The old woman was very upset, but she tricked the girl into the roof. But instead of fetching firewood, the girl was screaming and crying on the roof. The old woman heard this:
"Why are you crying, girl?" - as he asked, Precious kicked the ground:
"I saw my house, I'm leaving," he hummed again.
To the old witch:
"Very well, take the box from the roof," he said.
He took out the precious box. Then, handing a key to the old woman:
"Here is the key, you can open the chest when you go home," he said.
At that moment, the girl forgot to cry and left behind the white box. The old witch did not even give her a cart, the girl came home on foot carrying a heavy chest.
The dog first sensed the girl's arrival. He went to Kimmat's mother and said:
"Whoah, whoah, whoah," the old woman did not listen, the dog barked again:
"They are bringing my sister, what they are carrying is a white box full of snakes," he said.
The old woman got angry and hit the dog with her arrow, breaking its leg.
"My clever daughter will bring valuable goods," he said.
Seeing her daughter's arrival, the old woman was overjoyed. Neighbors gathered and tried to open the chest.
Then the old woman and her daughter said: "No, don't open it!" they threw themselves on the chest. Then they took him by the ears and brought him into the house.
In the middle of the night, the old woman and the girl closed the door and opened the chest and suddenly shouted "Voydad, save!", "Dragon!", "Voydad!" they shouted...
Two huge dragons were lying in the chest. The grumpy old woman and her quarrelsome daughter quarreled and wandered around the house, and could not open the locked door because they were afraid.
Two dragons swallowed the old woman and the girl and left through the window.
"Dod, wow!" the neighbors heard the voice and broke down the door and entered. If they look, there is no one. Neither the wicked old woman nor her quarrelsome daughter were found in the house.
After that, the white-hearted Zumrad and the father lived peacefully and pursued their goals.

Three brothers went hunting. After getting dark, they came to a forest and wanted to lie down. On the night of the first day, his older brother was playing football. He fell asleep after midnight, someone ate the food in the pot. The same incident happened again on the night when Ortancha's uncle was playing football. On the night of the third day, Kenja played a lot of tricks and fell asleep after midnight. Then he took a knife from his side and calmed down a little. He could not sleep because of his pain. After some time, something came out of the forest and landed right on top of the cauldron. The younger hero hides himself and watches what comes. This creature is one cubit tall and has a beard of ten cubits. While he was trying to slowly take the meat that was cooking in the pot, Kenja accidentally cut off his head with a sharp sword. The severed head was rolling away, the younger hero was chasing him.
Kalla rolled and fell into a thicket at the edge of the forest. The younger hero came back with a sign and cooked food.
In the morning, Kenja told his brothers about what happened last night. He led his brothers to the top of the cliff where the head had fallen. If you look at it, the hole is very deep. In the middle, Kenja's brother tied a rope around his elder brother's waist and lowered him. When he got to the middle of the fence, "Dod, pull it out!" he shouted. His two brothers took him away. Then the middle one fell down with a rope around his waist. He didn't go half way and said: "Dad, pull it out!" he shouted. He was also taken away. Finally, it was the turn of the Junior Captain.
The younger hero tied his waist tightly and said to his brothers: - Even if I cry and shout "Dad", don't pull it, leave the rope loose and let me down! he said. His brothers said "okay" and took him down. The little boy was falling and falling. Halfway through, his breathing became difficult, and even though he wanted to cry, he kept silent and kept going down. At one point, the long rope ended, and the young man reached the underground. The underground is dark and gloomy. Not knowing what to do, the young man crawled along the path. After walking for a while, a sula was seen. He is crawling towards Shula. The young hero walked out of the hole into a bright courtyard, straightened up. A house was seen in the distance. When he went to the window of the house and listened, a beautiful girl took his head in her hands and said:
"Didn't I tell you to be careful, don't go outside every day, if you get caught, they will kill you." Here is what I said. Your body is left on earth, your head is in my hands. What will we do now,' he said. At that moment, Kenja entered the girl's eyebrow. The girl was afraid and wanted to run away. Then the Junior Hero:
"Don't be afraid, sister, I'm here to set you free." Who are you, where are you from, why do you live here? he asked. The girl, who was afraid at first, saw the boy's kindness and conquered her. He answered the young man:
"I am the daughter of an earthly king." I was kidnapped by giants and brought here while hiking. This head Serka is the servant of the hero, the owner of underground wealth. Serka wanted to marry me.
From the youngest heroine:
- Where is Kalla's soul? he asked.
The girl took the boy into a house. He opened the box. Inside it was a small box, inside the box there was a worm wrapped in cotton. He showed it. The young man crushed the worm to death, and the head stopped moving. The younger hero asked for the key to forty rooms, the girl found the key and gave it to him. There are valuable goods, tools, jewelry, jewels, rubies, gold, and silver brought from different countries in the rooms. He wanted to put all these in boxes and send them out to the earth. He said to the girl:
"I saved you from evil forces, now I will take you to the earth," he said.
"Okay," he said. The young man lifted the boxes and brought them under the fence. He tied it to a rope. He moved the rope, his brothers pulled the rope. If you open the chest and look, you will find various valuable goods. He lowered the rope again and tugged. There are more gems in the chest...
His brothers lowered the rope again and pulled out a chest. If you open it and look inside, you will see a girl: she has the mouth of the moon and the eyes of the sun, she is extremely beautiful. When the brothers saw him, they fainted. They lowered the rope again, and when they pulled the rope, they saw Kenja batir coming out. Then the two consulted. Older brother:
- If our brother comes out, neither wealth nor a girl will touch us. Therefore, let's cut the rope," he said. The two cut the rope. Poor Kenja fell to the ground. Very upset: "Yes, I did good to my brothers, but they put me in this situation. What a story it was. "If my head is safe, I will finally reach the surface of the earth and reach my goal," he thought. After sitting and resting for a while, he returned to the yard, took the necessary things from there, and went underground. After walking for some time, a "ho-hok" sound was heard from afar. If he goes to the direction of the sound, an old man-farmer is driving a tractor. The young man went to the old man and said:
- Hello, father! he said.
old man:
"Slowly, slowly, my son, don't let the giants notice, they won't leave you alive if they do." what are you doing here After all, this is a place where a person's feet burn when he walks, and a bird's wings burn when he flies! he said. The young man to the old man:
"Father, I'm lost, show me the way to the surface!" he said. old man:
"My son, this is how you become careful." A maple is visible in the distance. On this plane tree there is a nest of the Semurg bird. On this day, Semurg opens a child. When Semurg goes to bring food to his children, a dragon comes and eats one of his children. "If you are a hero, if you kill this dragon, maybe Semurg will take you out to the earth," he said. The young man followed the path shown by the old man and went to the plane tree, took himself to the shelter and lay down. Once upon a time, a dragon came crawling and began to bite the maple tree. The children of Semurg giggled at the sight of the dragon.
The younger hero slowly got up, took his sword in his hand, went under the plane tree and cut the dragon in half. The dragon is dead.
Semurg's children remained healthy. One of Semurg's children, Kenja, took Batyr under his wing and kept him. In the evening, Semurg came flying in the sky. Semurg's children told their mother what happened. From the children of Semurg:
- Where is that human who saved you from the clutches of the dragon? he asked. Semurg' boy showed the young man who was hiding the youngest batir under his wing. Semurg' to the young man:
"Hey man, you saved my children from death." He said, "Make your wish." The young man asked Semurg to take him to earth. Semurg':
- You asked for a difficult job. Yeah, well, make two meshes for that. Let there be water in one mesh and meat in one mesh. If I say water, you give meat, if I say meat, you give water. "I will take you out to the earth," he said.
The young man agreed with what Semurg said. He prepared all his things. Semurg put the meat and water in the mesh on top of the bird and took it out himself. Semurg flew away. After some time, Semurg asked the young man:
"What does the underground look like?" he asked. Guy:
"Like a box," he answered.
Semurg accelerated his flight again. After a while, he asked, "What now?" "Like Danak," answered the young man.
"It's not long now," said Semurg as he flew away, "Water!" he said. The meat is finished. The young man cut off his thigh and gave it to Semurg. Semurg found out that it tasted like human flesh and put it under his tongue.
Semurg flew to the ground. He dropped the guy. Semurg' to the young man:
- Where did you get the next meat? he asked. Guy:
"From the meat in the mesh," he said. Semurg did not believe.
- Do not hide from me, tell the truth! he said.
- The meat in the mesh was finished. "I cut my right thigh," he said.
Semurg took the meat he kept under his tongue and stuck it to the young man's thigh. Then:
"Goodbye, young man, I took you out to earth," he said, and flew to his children.
The young man wandered around the earth and came to the forest where his brothers were. He saw that both of his brothers were sitting on top of that grove in the forest. It is said that if the eldest brother says: "I will take the girl", the middle one will say: "I will". The young man was upset that his brothers were quarreling. As soon as the girl Kenja saw the hero, she threw herself at him. His brothers were surprised and ashamed. Even though Kenja betrayed his two brothers, he did not punish his brothers. The younger hero also gave them gold and silver, married the girl himself, and achieved his goal.

Once upon a time there was a young man in a village. They named him Togryboy. He had nothing but a single thin horse. Gradually, there was no job in the village, and his situation worsened. The laborer with his horse went to work in another direction. The road is going, even if the road is going, there is plenty going on. On the way, he was accompanied by a young man on foot. The two are talking.
- Well, let there be a way? - said Togriboy.
"I'm going to a distant city to work," answered the young man on foot.
- What is your name?
- Egriboy.
"What about yours?"
- Exactly. Since we both have the same name, come, let's be friends, work together, walk together,' said Tog'riboy. They both agreed that.
The horseman took pity on his partner walking and gave him his horse. As soon as Egriboy sat in the saddle, he gave the horse a whip and quickly disappeared from sight. He was really surprised. "He did the enemy's work saying he was a friend," he thought. His color faded, his blood ran out. At the end, it was easy to walk. It's getting late. He got lost from the steep road and turned to a path. When the path disappeared into a thick forest, Togryboy was confused, not knowing where to go.
It is late autumn. The leaves of the trees have fallen, and the forest is bare and leafless. He is still looking for a way. It was getting dark in the evening. The stars began to appear in the sky. On the way he came across an old oven. He thought: "It's not good to walk in the forest on a dark night, let's spend the night in this oven" and went into the oven to sleep.
At that time, the lion was the king in the forest, the tiger was the minister, the wolf was the trumpeter, the fox was the trumpeter, and the fox was the storyteller. The place where the tandoor is still standing is their place of entertainment. After a while, a crow came, circled around the oven and howled. After a while, all the animals in the forest gathered here. Arslan sits in the king's place and continues the meeting of the forest people. The fox started the saga:
"Yorans, there is a cave in the mountain behind this forest. I have been living in that cave for ten years." What people have in their house, I have in my house. I have been collecting goods for ten years: carpets, rugs, blankets, beds - I have everything. There are also good foods.
Sitting in the oven, Tog'riboy thought to himself: "Well, I might as well go visit the fox boy." In turn, the rascal began:
- Your place is not interesting, fox boy. I have a mouse under this hill, and I watch it every day at noon. He has forty one gold. He takes them out of the nest and plays with them, then puts them in the middle, watches them, turns around, and then goes back to the nest.
Now listen to the legend of the bear:
"It's not interesting either," said the bear. The leaves of these branches are a cure for all diseases. The daughter of the king in this city has been ill for seven years. The king said: "Whoever heals this daughter of mine, I will give her to him." Kills anyone who cannot be healed. Many doctors were unable to heal the girl, and hanged themselves from the gallows. If that elm leaf were crushed and sprinkled on this girl, she would immediately recover and the person who did this would get the king's daughter.
Then the wolf began a legend:
"Yorans, we also have an interesting story." At the other end of this forest, a rich man has forty thousand sheep. I eat two sheep every day. They used all tricks to catch me. But they had no choice. The old man standing at the top of the nearby hill has a dog. If they bought this dog, he would bribe me.
At last the tiger spoke:
- The ten-thousand-year-old of the rich man that the wolf mentioned is grazing at one end of this forest. I eat a horse every day. But among these horses there is a stallion. If a man were to ride on this stallion and take a bow of forty strands in his hand, and in one hand he would hold a long staff and put the bow around my neck and beat me to death, I would not come close to this year. Little does he know that my greatest enemy is this stallion...
As soon as the tiger finished his legend, the morning dawned. All the animals are scattered.
He immediately left the oven and went to the fox's place. When he looks, everything is in place, there is meat, oil, and rice. As soon as he put oil in the cauldron and started to light the fire, he saw a fox coming over the top of the mountain and took shelter. When the fox came home, he was surprised to see that there was oil in the pot. Then Togriboy stomped and strangled the fox. He ate the soup, filled his stomach and went to sleep.
The next day, Tog'riboy went looking for the hill that the old man told him about. He also found it and killed the mouse and carried the gold on his back. Then the bear took the leaf of the elm.
Then he led the way towards the shepherd. He found the shepherd and asked him how he was doing. Then the shepherd:
"The situation is bad," he said, "for a long time, a wolf has been eating two of my sheep every day." I can't do anything. The boss will put me in trouble.
He directly asked:
- What will you give me if I save you from this wolf?
The shepherd promised to take forty sheep from the master.
Right away, he bought his grandfather's dog and gave it to the shepherd.
The shepherd survived the wolf disaster and took forty sheep from his master to Togryboy.
After that, Togriboy went to Yilkichi. After asking about the situation with him: this night saddle the stallion and straighten the bow of forty bows and three gas poles for me! he said.
He is riding a horse and is waiting for the trail where the tiger is coming. Suddenly a tiger ran out of the forest and threw itself between the horses. He straightened the bow and put it on the tiger's neck. In the forest, the tiger was turned around and beaten to death. The tiger collapsed. Yilqibon gave a stallion for Togriboy's service. He immediately rode a stallion to the city. When he went to the city, a herald was shouting in the bazaar: "The king's daughter has been sick for seven years, the king will give his daughter to whoever cures her!"
He immediately followed the herald to the king and promised to take care of his daughter. The king took Togriboi to his daughter's presence. He immediately crushed the leaf next to the girl and drank it. With that, the girl recovered in three days. The king gave his daughter to Togriboy.
The king asked Togriboy:
- Which city should I make you governor of now?
He directly said:
- I don't need a governorship. If you build a house on the mountain at the foot of the forest, that's it. I live by my work.
The king did as he said. Togriboy lived in the mountains with his wife. One day, at noon, he saw his companion Egriboy, who was riding his old horse. He called him and gave him a good feast. Curvy:
"My friend," he said, "how did you build a building on such a high place?" You have a house, where did you find these? A person who betrays someone is not satisfied. I ran away with your horse and ran away wherever I went. Since then, I don't know that I have had enough bread.
- There is a furnace in this forest. I achieved these things by lying in that oven for one night, Egriboy said:
"Be kind, show me, and I'll sleep in that oven for one night," he said.
He immediately led him and showed him the oven. Egriboy is lying in the oven.
Forest animals gathered again. The Lion King:
"Where is my legendary friend the fox?" he asked.
Kashkir stood up and said:
- Let the legend build: thanks to the legend of that day, you lost your fox friend, and I lost my golden mouse.
After him, the bear stood up:
"They took away the leaves of our pine," he said.
When it was the wolf's turn, he looked at the king and said:
- I parted with my food, the shepherd bought the dog I told him about, and took out my bribe. My limbs were swollen from the beating.
The lion king frowned and ordered:
- Catch and kill whoever is the thief!
Kashkir saw from the dust. Tustovuq said: "Chakimchi is in the oven" and flew away. All the animals rushed to the oven at once, caught Egriboi, who was hiding in it, and tore him to pieces, saying, "This is the punishment of the scavenger."
Thus, Togryboy has reached his goal. And Egriboy took his punishment for his crookedness.

One day, when a poor farmer was old, he gave his son Rafiq as an apprentice to a carpenter to teach him a trade, and said according to custom: "I have entrusted this boy to you with his flesh and bones." The carpenter took the boy and told him that he should learn the work diligently and overcome difficulties. Since Rafiq knew a little bit about black and white, he worked as a carpenter's assistant for several years and learned his trade thoroughly.
One day, Rafiq fell asleep. He had a dream. In the dream, a number of girls came and joked: "Get up, how long will you sleep?" One of these girls is very beautiful. He surrounded the girl with other girls and did not show it to Rafiq. Rafiq tried his best. When he got up, no one was there, he was sitting alone. Since that day, Rafiq has been thinking about the girl and losing weight more and more. Both the master carpenter and his father were surprised. He took medicine, but he did not recover. The carpenter and the boy's father wanted to know the reason for this. After his father refused, the boy told the story of his dream. He said that he was in love with this girl. A carpenter and his father made a wooden horse for this boy to send him on a journey. They prepared food for several days and wanted to send it on this wooden horse. The carpenter taught that "If you twist your right ear, it will go up, if you twist your left ear, it will go down." The boy went on a trip. After traveling for several days, he crossed the desert and reached a small village. Twisting the horse's left ear, he fell to the ground and entered the village.
An old woman lived on the edge of this village. He is the guard of a big pond in this village. Rafiq went to the old woman and greeted her. The old woman greeted the boy and said: "Oh, my child, in these places, if a bird flies, its wings will burn, and if a person walks, his feet will burn." What are you doing?' said. Rafiq told the old woman why he came boldly. After learning about the incident, the old woman wanted to help Rafiq and advised:
- My son, today a number of girls come to bathe in this pool. Your lover must be among these girls. Look carefully, if it's that girl, take her shirt quietly until they get out of the water. "After getting out of the water, the girl cannot find her shirt and has to stay by this pool," he said. Rafiq is hiding under a tree near the pond. At the time of Azan, a number of pigeons flew in, turned into a girl, and started bathing in the water. When Rafiq looked, it was the girls he saw in that dream. Among the girls, there is also a beloved daughter. When he was slowly going to take the girl's shirt, the girl noticed it, ran out of the water, slapped the guy and flew away like a pigeon. The girls who stayed behind him flew away like pigeons. Rafiq came to the old woman and told the story and asked the old woman where they live.
The old woman said: "Their place is on the sunrise side of the mountain." Rafiq rode his wooden horse again. After walking for several days, he reached the mountain that the old woman told him about. Looking from the top, he saw a group of girls walking and playing behind the mountain. Each of the girls seemed to shine like a star. Rafiq twisted his horse's left ear and went down. Seeing his lover among the girls, he hid his horse somewhere and went to a corner and sat in wait. After a while, the girls got tired of playing and fell asleep on the grass. Rafiq slowly went and took the ring from the girl's hand, put on his ring and sat back down. When the girl wakes up, the ring on her hand is not hers. He was surprised, but he did not tell anyone about this secret. Without telling the girls, he was looking for the owner of the ring. The girl walked and went under the tree where Rafik was sitting. Looking at the shelf:
"Hey, young man, what are you doing here?" If my father finds out, he will tear you to pieces.
Rafiq stood up and boldly said that he had seen her in a dream. The girl also fell in love with Rafiq. They came to the old woman's house, got married and lived there for some time. One day, Rafiq wanted to return to his city, and rode his horse at night. After a long journey, his wife gave birth to a son. Since there is neither water nor grass here, Rafiq went in search of grass and water. After walking for a long time, he saw smoke coming out of a house. He entered that house and asked for fire. The owner of the house gave fire. Rafiq didn't know how to take the grass away, so he burned one end of his belt and as he was flying with his horse, the grass touched the wooden horse, burned it and fell to the ground.
While the wife was waiting for him, the caravans arrived. The caravans took the wife with them and kept her in a palace. After a few years, his son Rasuljan became much older. One day, the wife hung Rafiq's picture on the street and told her son Rasuljon:
- You lie in wait on the street. "Whoever is holding his head while looking at this picture, inform me immediately," he said.
Rasuljon lay in wait for several days. One day, Rafiq came to this village after walking many roads.
While walking on the street, he was surprised to see his picture hanging on the door of a palace. Rasuljon saw the man staring at the picture and informed his mother. His mother came and recognized her husband Rafiq and was happy. Rafiq's hair has grown and his head is falling apart. His wife washed him and put on new clothes. One day Rafiq made a flying wooden horse using the carpentry skills he learned from his master. They lived in this palace for several days. Thanking those who brought his wife safely, Rafiq got on a flying horse with his son and left for his city.
He came to his country and met his father and carpenter teacher. The father was happy that his son brought the daughter he was looking for in good health and gave her a wedding. Rafiq thanked the carpenter for teaching him the trade. They have reached their goals.

Once upon a time there was a king's daughter. The girl has the mouth of the moon and the eyes of the sun, when she laughs, flowers pour out of her mouth, and when she walks, gold hairs fall from her feet. The girl was walking in the flower garden with her forty daughters. For some reason, the girl always looked sad since she was young. Forty girls tried to please Shirin as much as possible, but they were playing and laughing.
One day one of the maids:
"Why do you always look sad if you are not lacking in anything," he asked. Then Shirin:
What's the use of me playing and laughing while others are sad? - replied.
One day, Shirin was washing her hair by the river. An old woman came to him:
"My daughter, I wish there was a man worthy of your stature," she said. Dessert:
"I would also like that guy you mentioned," he said. The old woman who heard this word:
"Look, the guy you want is coming down the river," he said. When I looked at the sweet river, the golden comb on my head fell into the water.
The son of the king of another country was bathing in the river. Tila took hold of the comb and promised, "Whoever owns this comb, I will take it." Elda started to inquire. An old woman said that Shirin is the owner of this comb. The young man set out in search of the girl.
There was a king in Kunchikar, and he had only one son named Farhad. Farhad was sad and sad. One day, the father took his son out for a walk with forty young men. Farhad's eyes fell on the stone-faced master. Being fond of this craft, he began to study it. Even if his father turned him away from this job, he didn't stop. One day, Farhad got into his father's treasure. He opened the stone chest and looked at the world map in the mirror. He first saw the Guliqahqah fairy in the mirror. Then he saw Shirin flying towards the sun. When he fell in love with a girl and fell unconscious, the glass in his hand fell to the ground and broke. Farhad set out in search of Shirin.
On the road, he saw a young man sleeping in the shade of a tree. When a snake came down from the tree and was about to poison the young man, Farhad ran and killed the snake with a dagger. The young man woke up startled and told Farhad: "Now in my dream a person said, 'Get up, your friend has arrived'," and thanked Farhad for preventing this tragedy and saving him. He became a lifelong friend.
They traveled and reached Shirin's country. Farhad saw several thousand soldiers gathered at the foot of a mountain, and he learned from a shepherd who these soldiers belonged to. At that time Shirin came with forty maids. The wind lifted Shirin's veil. Farhad fell in love with her and fainted. His friend brought him to himself. However, Shirin and forty girls have left. Farhad asked where Shirin went. His friend said: "Shirin said that he will touch the guy who brought water to this mountain." Hearing these words, Farhad got excited and began to dig up the rocks. Finally, he finished this work and brought water to the mountain. His friend drew a picture of Shirin on one side of the mountain and Farhad on the other.
One day, Shirin came with forty concubines to see the pond built by Farhad at the foot of the mountain. He saw a prosperous place decorated with sweet fruit trees. This is the price that watered the desert and turned it into a garden. Seeing Farhad, Shirin also fell in love with him. He took Farhad to his palace and gave him a party.
Thus, they are fed to their goals.

Once upon a time there lived a young man named Baqijon. His parents died, and they were left with a small piece of land. Bakijon worked here day and night and supported his livelihood with the harvest he got. His crops are rich when they are ripe, usurers divert the water to their lands, and his crops wilt from lack of water. When a poor young man went and demanded mirab and water from the elders, they took a whip and drove him away. In such suffering, he barely lived without food and clothes. However, Baqijon has become a grown man, and now he dreams of getting married and starting a family. In the village where Baqijan lived, a poor farmer had a daughter named Guloyim. Guloyim is tall, has dark eyebrows and eyes, has the mouth of the moon, and the eyes of the sun. Bakijon fell in love with Guloyim when he went out into the water. Guloyim threw his handkerchief on his head, looked at Baqijon and smiled. Baqijon was worried about his love for Guloyim, not knowing whom to tell. When Baqijan went out into the water from time to time, he saw the girl, greeted her and asked how she was doing.
One day, Bakijon called his aunt to his house. He told him his wish. His aunt agreed to go to Guloy's house for a wedding.
One day, Baqijan's aunt went to Guloyim's house as a matchmaker. Guloyim's mother is aware of her daughter's behavior. Even my girlfriend
He told his mother that he liked Baqijan. However, Guloyim's father opposed this work. His father rejected one of the suitors who came to Guloym and sent him back, saying that he was a kiss and another was a kiss. But Bakijon's aunt kept going to the wedding. Finally, Guloyim's parents agreed. They had a small wedding in the village, and Baqijan and Guloyim started to live together.
Several years have passed since then. Bakijan and Guloyim worked hard, worked in their gardens and supported their livelihood with the crops they got.
One day, Bakijon fell seriously ill and lay down. The whole household, land work - farming fell on the head of Guloyim alone. Poor Guloym worked tirelessly from early in the morning until late at night. He treated Bakijan well, took care of the household, watered the crops, washed clothes, swept and mopped everywhere, and he never stopped. No doctor's medicine could cure the disease of Baqijan. His wound worsened, he became thin as a stick and could not move at all. Guloyim also lost weight from all this pain and worry, not knowing what to do, wondering who to ask for help. Since Guloy's parents were poor, they could not provide any help to them. Guloyim tried a lot to cure Baqijan's illness, but to no avail. He went to the houses of the rich, washed their clothes, performed their services, and fed Bakijan with the bread and food he earned. Now the word is spreading in the village. It is said that Baqijan has a bad wound and it is contagious to people. It is necessary to expel him from this village to another place, to the outskirts. Village elders, rich people and centurions spread this word. These words reached Guloyim's ears. He cried profusely without telling Baqijon.
One day someone knocked loudly on the door. Golyam said:
"Who are you, why did you come?" - he asked, and they are village elders, one or two big-mouthed korchalans. They said to Guloym:
- You must leave the village from this day. Because your husband is suffering from an infectious disease and has been in bed for several years. It affects us too. Therefore, leave the village as soon as today, there is nothing more to say! If you don't leave, we will bring horses and carts and drive you out into the fields,' they said. Poor Guloyim went to Baqijan, not knowing what to say, sobbing, "We don't even have this pain anymore."
"Today we have to leave our village, our home, somewhere else." The elders of the village came and appointed him," he said. Baqijan was crying in his bed, not knowing what to do and not finding any other option:
"So, where do we go from here and how do we live?" Guloyim asked. Guloyim:
"We will find a way, we will see what is written on our foreheads," he said. That night, Guloyim bathed Baqijan, and then left the village after washing her. He went up and down Baqijan and finally came to a steppe-desert and sat down to rest under a tree. He was so tired that he fell asleep. In the morning, he washed his face and hands, bathed Baqijan as well, and had breakfast with one loaf of bread. They made a place under this tree and built a tent. Bakijon sleeps in a tent, while Guloyim goes to the city and surrounding villages to look for work. He did everyone's work and brought what he found to Baqijan.
One day, Guloyim, unable to find a job, having no food to eat, and not knowing what to do, was wondering when he was returning home. He met a merchant on the road. He said to the merchant Guloy:
"Won't you sell me your hair?" he said. Guloyim's hair is twenty-five strands and falls on his back. Reluctantly, he agreed to sell five of them. Guloyim brought home bread and other food for money and came to Baqijan. Baqijon remained unaware of this incident. Guloyim also hides this secret.
One day, Bakijon looked and Guloyim's hair seemed to have decreased a little. Then he asked Guloyim. And Guloyim:
"It's pouring out," he said. Then Baqijan:
- You came to this situation after suffering your precious life because of me. Now I am in an incurable disaster. Don't waste your young life, go to your parents, I will live in this place until the end of my life, and I will see one day if I get well, - said Guloyim, crying:
"Who do you think I am?" Wouldn't it be a thousand times better for me to die than to leave you like this? I will not leave this place without fixing you and restoring our life, I will be with you until the end of my life. Do not torture yourself and me by saying such things. "As long as I have a soul, I am always ready to serve you," he said.
A few months later, when Guloyim was looking for a job, Baqijan had an accident. Baqijon told the old man about his past. Finally, he told me that he was suffering from this disease, that he was unable to recover, and that he was separated from his homeland because of this disease. The old man listened to the words of Baqijan and said to him:
- My son, don't worry too much, when you go this way, there is a big maple tree about three or four stones away from here, on the side of a mountain. A spring of water is boiling from under a maple tree. The water is hot. If you are able to go, why not go at night and bathe in that spring, and you will be cured.
When Guloym looked, her husband's face was open.
"Yes, what's the matter, do you look happy today?" Guloyim asked. Then Baqijan told about his conversation with Moysafid. Guloyim picked up Baqijan and headed towards the spring. After searching, they found the spring. Baqijan is bathed in spring water. They made a place near that spring. After a couple of months, Baqijan began to recover from the spring water. Finally, Baqijan became able to stand up, then walk, finally able to work. Two of Guloyim chose dry land from that place, two of them worked hard and built a house by drawing water. They made a garden around the yard. A fortress appeared in that place. Various fruits and flowers are planted in the yard and gardens. Other people also moved there and started living there. The people of that place gathered and named this fortress "Gulobod". Bakijon is calling Guloyim's parents. They are extremely happy to see the life of Bakijon and Guloyim. They have children and grandchildren, grow up, live their youth and achieve their goals.

Once upon a time, once upon a time there lived an old man. His wife died, and he was left alone with his grown-up son.
His father married his son after two years. His daughter-in-law is rude and rude. He used to quarrel over trivial things every day, and he didn't know about the old man's condition.
"What, did you take me as a slave to your father?" If I wash his clothes, if I do this, if I do this... I don't have ten lives, after all? - he muttered every day.
The poor old man was paralyzed, lying motionless in one place all day and night. The son finally got impatient and said to his wife:
- So, what is your goal, what should I do? he said.
"Get your father out of here." If possible, drop it off somewhere where you won't find a beggar! said his wife.
The son thought that "if I do this, I will get rid of this curse" and left his father with pity. Both the father and the son are walking silently as if they were fighting each other. All around is silent, except for the chirping of grasshoppers and the crunching of grass underfoot.
The boy is walking, even though he is walking, he is walking a lot, and finally he has reached the top of the mountain. One side of the mountain is a cliff. He thought to himself, "It would be unfair if I throw it into this cliff. Better, let him sit on the visible rock and leave. Then he will see everything on his forehead, whatever will happen," he thought.
"Father," he said, placing the old man on the stone, "you sit here and rest for a while, I will come right away."
The old man laughed. Surprised by this, his son stopped:
"Father, why are you laughing?" he asked.
"No, I'm like that, go away, don't get out of your way," answered his father and laughed again.
After the son said, "No, you say it" and stood there, the father was forced to say:
"The purpose of bringing me here is to leave." I know that. I also know that your wife forced you to do this. But I'm not sad. Because I have experienced it myself. I also left my father on the same rocky rock. The world is back. "Okay, my son, goodbye, be happy," the old man finished.
When his son heard this from his father, he remembered the saying: "You reap what you sow." Repenting of insulting his disabled father, he kindly took the old man back home and began to take care of him.

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