Uzbek proverbs about guests and hospitality


Uzbek proverbs about guests and hospitality

  1. First food, then words/First food, then words — Snachala eda (ugoshchenie), a potom beseda
  2. Don't stay where you said, don't go where you didn't say
  3. A miser avoids a gift, a miser avoids a guest/A miser avoids a gift, a miser avoids a guest — Skupoy ot dobrogo dela bejit, skryaga ot gostey bejit (izbegaet gostey)
  4. Say hello to the place where you drank salt for forty days
  5. There will be rice soup, the guest will be happy/There will be rice soup, the guest will be happy — Gorstka risa stanet plovom, serdtse gostya raduy slovom
  6. The guest comes through the door, the food comes through the hole
  7. Put the baby down when the guest comes/Put the baby down when the guest comes — Kogda u tebya gost, ne rugay svoego rebenka (Gost mojet prinyat na svoy schet)
  8. Put soup in front of the guest, keep both hands free
  9. The guest who came by himself is a special god, the guest who told him is a disaster/The guest who came by himself is a special god, the guest who told him is a disaster - Nezvanyy gost - podarok, zvanyy gost - napast. (cogda preduprejdayut — necessarily gototitsya, pokupat produkti i dr raskhody)

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