About the benefits of a favorite porridge or oatmeal for a child


Every mother tries to prepare a nutritious and healthy breakfast for her child in the morning. In particular, a variety of delicious porridges are a favorite food of children. In particular, oatmeal is distinguished by its usefulness in cereals.

This dish is traditionally prepared in the Scandinavian countries and Russia. The Eastern Slavs cooked it in water and milk. This porridge, which gives energy, lifts the mood and keeps a person full for a long time, has been recognized by nutritionists as the most useful breakfast.
This cereal contains antioxidants against cancer. It is rich in phosphorus and calcium and is beneficial for bones. Due to the abundance of iron, the mine benefits from anemia. It has a positive effect against inflammation of the gastric mucosa, when there is pain in the abdomen and when the abdomen is at rest. This cereal cleanses the intestines. As a result, the body is cleansed of excess and harmful toxins.
Porridge has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents cancer in this area. It also prevents the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Due to the abundance of various vitamins, it also has a positive effect on the skin. It contains potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and vitamins V1, V2, RR, Ye. It is quickly digested in the body.
Recent studies have found a beta-glucan element in a plate of oatmeal that breaks down bad cholesterol. It breaks down bad cholesterol in the blood by 8-23 percent.
Oats also contain 6,2 percent vegetable oil, large amounts of phosphorus and magnesium. Again, the coarse fiber in the cereal helps keep blood sugar levels in check. The more liquid the porridge is prepared, the greater the benefit.
Some people steam it to make the cereal in the dish granular. However, the healing properties of steamed food are less. This dish can be eaten with salt or sugar, milk, butter, yogurt and various fruit peels, jam, bananas, pomegranates, honey, raisins, cinnamon, nuts and even cheese. When the oatmeal is whole, the porridge is cooked for an hour. If it is crumbly, the food will cook in half an hour.
Due to the fiber it contains, gastrointestinal movement is smooth. We believe that patients suffering from constipation (constipation) will definitely recover because of this dietary food if they consume oatmeal frequently. However, for children with chilla ulcers (diathesis), asthma and allergies, it is recommended to cook this dish in water and mix it with butter or eat it with nonfat yogurt.
Maina Hasanova


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