Content, tasks and learning methods of biology


Content, tasks and learning methods of biology.
1. The formation of the science of biology.
2. Basic essences of life. The survival rate of creatures.
3. Scientific research methods of biology.
4. Problems of biology. Theoretical and practical importance of studying biology.
Biology is a living science that studies the existence and development of life as a certain form of matter. The term biology was introduced to the science in 1802 by the French scientist JB Lamarck and the German scientist GR Treviranus.
Humanity has always looked at life with curiosity. The view of life and livingness was interpreted only with the point of view of the concepts of the spiritual world. At the same time, as a result of various observations, worldly science information was collected. The study of living nature was reflected in the development of agricultural work. The extensive experience of mankind has given many practical results in the field of studying nature. Based on these practical results, biology was formed as a science. The formation and development of biological science took place. The historical development of biological science took place on the basis of spiritual sciences, religious views, and opinions based on materiality. At first, the ancient Greek philosophers approached the interpretation of natural phenomena and the natural origin of the world on the basis of materialism. Democritus said that all dead and living bodies consist of atoms, and that the properties of the material body depend on the size, shape, and quantity of these atoms.
Aristotle (20. 384 - 322) emphasized the real existence of the world and the possibility of understanding it. He did a lot of work in the field of biology and described 510 species of animals and gave their classification for the first time. He put forward ideas such as the complexity of nature in the process of general adaptation and development. The existence of change in nature and how it occurs has long been an interesting field for philosophers and naturalists, and there have been conflicting metaphysical and dialectical views. According to metaphysics, any phenomenon in nature does not change, if permanent change occurs, it changes in number, and the nature of the object and phenomenon remains unchanged. Creationism is a metaphysical worldview based on the organic universe. According to the creationist theory, the divine force that created plants, humans, and animals has not changed and will not change from the beginning of all living things. According to the dialectical worldview, existence changes regularly, develops due to the struggle of opposites, and quantitative changes lead to new qualitative changes. Many ancient thinkers (Hippocrates, Democritus) put forward the ideas of the natural origin and evolution of living things, as well as the struggle for existence, and thought based on the dialectical theory.
A critical period in the formation and development of biology was the great English scientist Ch. From Darwin's simple form to complex rock gradually over billions of years, it began with the creation of the theory of evolution of the earth. This theory fundamentally changed and reshaped the understanding of all complex processes in the plant and animal world. In the course of the development of the science of biology, networks were created that deeply study the structure, activity, development, evolution of the forms of creatures and their relationship with the environment. One of the important tasks of biology is to deeply analyze all the processes in living nature based on scientific theories, the secrets of the parts of the organism and the integrated activity in the organism, and the origin and evolution of life as a whole, its characteristic signs and characteristics.
One of the fundamental essences of life is the preservation of the characteristics characteristic of these organisms with the transfer of genetic characteristics characteristic of each organism to its descendants. This life takes place on the basis of the activities of nucleic acids due to the processes that ensure the spontaneous generation of the component part of the living being. Living beings are characterized by the appearance of signs, that is, variability. This process also occurs as a result of changes in genetic material - nucleic acids. Among all the signs and characteristics of living things described above, the modern concept of the complex processes such as adaptation to conditions, self-control, reproduction, as well as keeping all indicators of the internal environment in a stable state, i.e., determining the homeostasis of the organism, is the modern concept of the signs characteristic of every living being. .
The diverse flora and fauna of the Kurrai land does not just spread like this, but its spread is formed by a single cooperative system formed by an organic connection. This system includes producers, consumers, decomposers of organic matter, and partially non-living components of the environment. The relationship between the structural parts and the role of a person in this process is of great importance. The non-violence of the relationship between living things and the environment with the benefit of the human being from the inter-relational process is studied as an urgent issue of ecology.
In the formation of agronomists and breeders, the biological science is considered to be a scientific-natural one. On the one hand, modern biology is expressed by the rapidly developing knowledge of the physico-chemical foundations and systematic mechanisms of life, and on the other hand, the social essence of biology is increasing, that is, the organic connection of biology with the social life and its study object is increasing.
With the development of biology, its various branches are formed as a separate science, which is the direction of its development. The plant world-botany, the structure and activity of its creatures are studied by anatomy, histology, physiology, genetics of heredity, the development of the history of the organic world through evolution, and the organic relationship between creatures and the environment.
Therefore, modern biology consists of a set of complex sciences related to life.
5. Regardless of mutual similarities and differences among the group of beings, they, that is, all living beings, have a level of survival. The composition of each organism consists of chemical compounds. These substances form the basis of the cell, the simplest organizational level of the organism. Cells, in turn, form organs and tissues characteristic of the organism, and their complex interrelationship creates a whole organism. The concept that the structures of living beings are in the same order is reflected in the organizational level of living things. Molecular, sub-cellular tissue and organ, organism, population-species, biogeocenotic and biosphere levels of life are distinguished.
6. Scientific research methods are widely used in various fields of biology. Observation method, comparison method, historical method, experimental method, modeling method. The observation method allows to describe and analyze the phenomena occurring in organisms and their environment.
Various systematic groups, communities of living organisms are identified using the method of taxonomy of organisms, similarities and differences in their constituent parts. Different systematic groups of the organism and its organs in the historical process are analyzed using the historical method. Using this method, the evolutionary theory of the organic world was created. Using the experimental method, events in living nature and organisms are studied in depth compared to other methods. Recently, with the development of computer technology, the modeling method is also used in biological research.
In biology, like in other sciences, there are many problems, problems waiting for solution, mysteries of living nature. These problems are, firstly, to clarify the structure and function of molecules: secondly, to know the regulatory mechanisms of the development of unicellular and multicellular organisms; thirdly, to clarify the mechanisms of heredity in the personal development of organisms, that is, the stratification from oxyl biosynthesis to cell growth; fourth, to determine the historical development of organisms; fifth, solving the problem of the origin of life on earth and proving it experimentally; sixth, to know the positive and negative effects of humans on nature; seventhly, it is to solve some of the problems revealed by the emergence of man, solving the above-mentioned problems is the main task facing the biological science. But the science of biology is not limited to solving theoretical problems, it also takes an active part in solving problems of great practical importance.
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