Only girls should read: GIRLS who don’t want guys to get married


Every girl in the world dreams of getting married. However, some girls are beautiful in appearance, even if they are smart, they can’t make the meeting until the wedding. "Marry me!" The sentence is a dream for them. Or even if they offer, they refuse for various reasons. Want to know who such character girls are? Then read our article carefully.

1. Actress
How can you recognize him? This woman has a lot of charms and secrets. She always dreams of not being like anyone else, finding the role of a special girl and performing it in the eyes of the person she loves. Plays skillfully. Far from sincere.

Why avoid it? Everything has a limit. The brains of young men do not specialize in digesting the frequent changes and surprises that occur. Sooner or later, the young man realizes the insincerity of his lover and the role he is playing, and begins to distance himself from her.

2. Creative
How can you recognize him? Creativity in it is manifested not in the creation of masterpieces, but in a changing mood. The desires and attitudes in this woman change every two minutes, she can’t make a definite decision, so she needs a couple who understands her. Otherwise, the dissatisfaction with his life will intensify.

Why avoid it? The guy with such a girl next to him does not know what will happen tomorrow. This, in turn, causes him nervous tension, causing excessive anxiety and stress. Unable to determine the cause of the anxiety, the young man begins to think of himself as "I did something wrong."

3. A knowledgeable girl
How can you recognize him? This girl is a young man’s character, she knows exactly what they want. She has mastered the art of attracting and retaining guys. Her bookshelf is cluttered with books about family relationships. He has his own views on other topics as well. In a word, a really smart girl.

Why avoid it? The girl, who has her own views on everything, looks superficial from the outside. It is also possible to think of him as heartless. This leads to negative conclusions about the girl in the guys.

4. An unsatisfying duck
How can you recognize him? Everything in his life is bad: his life is hard, his body is awkward, his career is different, and the weather is very bad. When his bad mood disappears, he is immediately overwhelmed by depression and frustration. It is not able to make any change in your life with this mood.

Why avoid it? Guys are protectors, not psychologists. Every time a girl starts complaining to him about her life, pretending to be a victim, she tries to avoid him as much as possible so as not to infect that mood.

5. A girl who clings to the idea of ​​marriage
How can you recognize him? the only purpose in life is to get married. This woman is in constant search because she has already prepared herself for it: from every minute of her wedding, to the qualities her husband must have. Only that ideal guy is still missing. Not even found! After all, it is impossible to have such an ideal guy in life. Even if he goes to a meeting, the thought of pain will touch the ground.

Why avoid it? No one wants to be just a product of someone’s imagination. He doesn’t want to play the role of the groom, especially at a thought-provoking wedding. This makes them uncomfortable and tries not to ‘hang on’ as much as possible.

6. Independent
How can you recognize him? Loneliness does not bother these women. If a loved one appears - wonderful, if he doesn’t appear - no matter what, he can live without it. From the bottom of her heart, she admits that seeing her husband every day can hurt her at some point. And when he finds a good guy, he thinks he'll probably get even better.

Why avoid it? The young man is always tired of acting in accordance with the requirements of the ideal man. He wants them to accept him as he is. Comparisons with non-existent competitors dry up the silence. What's the use of having a relationship with a girl who always says I'm fine in this situation ?!

7. Snow Queen
How can you recognize him? Persuading her to get married, let alone dating, is a problem. Even if you go on a date, you can’t deal with the guy properly. He thinks a young man should do everything himself. Even if the girl is sitting at home and not joining any company, she should look for him and impress him.

Why avoid it? Such behavior becomes a problem for a young man to organize meetings. In addition, the fact that the girl does not believe in her own beauty frightens the groom. It's not okay to hang on to someone's neck, but too much indifference can hinder a relationship.

8. A girl who does not go out of the house

How can you recognize him? His whole life passes between work and home. There are no good guys at work, no one on the street wants to meet him, it follows that there is a decent guy somewhere, only his direction does not coincide with that of a girl.

Why avoid it? Anxiety extinguishes the light in her eyes, and a tired look can't fascinate the guys. Leave yourself a little free and meet new people. At least, on the way to work. Maybe the guy you like is right next to you.

9. Dear mother
How can you recognize him? Such a girl should always know whether the guy she loves is warmly dressed, in good condition, in a good mood. He calls many times a day, asking what you have for lunch. Even if you want to drink carbonated water, it can leave a ton of facts about its harms. He advises you to drink an oxygenated cocktail.

Why avoid it? For boys, one mother is enough, the other is not needed. Especially if this mother is in the form of a beloved daughter… She was once a boy and now she is a real man.

10. A girl who is not interested in anything
How can you recognize him? Such a girl has no specific interests and no purpose in life. Wherever they lead, they go. He does not know what it is to have his own opinion.

Why avoid it? Guys dream of a girl who can show her affection even after a complicated relationship. Boredom comes instantly. Because a girl with this kind of character gets annoyed quickly.

Prepared by Ozoda HALIMOVA.


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