Secrets of word memorization that you do not know


- You know, my friend, I started learning English.
"Oh, how wonderful!" So isn't it hard?
"I'm having a little trouble." Especially vocabulary memorization is a problem. No matter how many words I memorize, after a while they fade from my memory, and I wonder what to do about it. I don't know if I have the ability to learn foreign languages. "
Conversations like this ring in our ears almost every day. In fact, this is not due to a lack of ability to learn a language, but to a lack of ability to direct mental energy properly.
Let’s say a reader is reading a book in English. His whole gaze is on the book, but his imagination is distracted. Why? Because so many words in the book are unfamiliar to him. Picking up the dictionary, he gets tired and bored until he finds a translation of each new word. If you ignore new words, the information you need can also be overlooked. As a result, he neither learns new words effectively nor understands the book he is reading well.
In fact, the biggest problem in learning any foreign language is memorizing the word. Because in the process, you are required to learn thousands of new words, not dozens or hundreds. Your vocabulary is closely related to how well you know the language and is also the key to your future success in other areas.
It is also worth mentioning how many words a person learning English needs to memorize. According to experts, it is required to know 1200-2000 words for daily communication, regardless of the language. So, it is enough to know so many words to communicate fluently in English. According to experienced teachers, in order to successfully solve test questions in English during the entrance exams to higher education institutions of Uzbekistan 4500-5000 words required to know.
A student who wants to get a high score on the IELTS exam for admission to foreign universities must know at least 7000 words perfectly. Scholars, writers, and poets working in English have been found to be able to use 12000-15000 words.
What is clear is that no matter for what purpose and for how long you are learning English, you definitely need to master a few thousand words. This does not happen by itself. Have you ever wondered why students learning a foreign language often find memorizing words a difficult and tedious task? In our opinion, this is due to the fact that the methods of word memorization in the period of learning foreign languages ​​were not so advanced and convenient.
It is no exaggeration to say that there are hundreds of methods and rules for learning new words in a foreign language. We present some of them for you.
Mnemonics is a set of special styles for expanding memory capacity based on similarity, connection, and remembering the necessary information. In this way, new unknown concepts are linked to information that already exists in the human mind, and as a result, new information becomes easier to remember.
Let’s look at an example of this style: which months of the year are 31 days and which are 30 days are not always memorable. You can easily learn this using the following English poem.
Thirty days have September,
April, June and November,
All the rest have thirty-one;
February has twenty-eight alone,
In addition, mnemonics also allows you to use your ingenuity to make it easier to remember certain information.
For example, in English, the word "low" is used in the first 30 minutes of the hour: 05:20 twenty low five - five minutes passed. Now, if you look at a mechanical watch, you will see that the arrows are moving downwards in the first half of each watch. This means that when the word low is used in English, the hands of the clock move downwards.
In the second half of the hour, the English preposition "to" is used: 08:43 - seventeen to nine - seventeen to nine. In this case, let’s imagine that the arrow, which went down for 30 minutes, now rises for up to 60 minutes. Anyone who has learned to tell time in this way will probably never forget it.
The main idea of ​​this method is to find a way to easily memorize complex information in our brain. Our brains are adapted to remember pictures, colors, shapes, sounds.
Focus on keyword method or phonetics
The basic technique here is the "keyword" technique, also known as the pronunciation technique. Let's say you think of a word, for example, "a dish" (meaning "dish" in English). Now you pay attention to how it is pronounced and connect it with the melodic concept you know. Then, based on this, you find an unusual idea, place it in a familiar space, and talk about a new concept that has emerged.
Bizarre / biza: / - strange. We associate this word with the word market in Uzbek. Imagine that our market seemed strange to a foreign visitor, who would buy things from the market, saying, "Bizarre is the market."
Push / push / - push. For this word we choose the Uzbek "Posh-posh!" When we think of the market again, we imagine a cart driver pushing a cart there.
Eminent / eminent / - famous. It's not a problem to find a rhyme that you know - singer Eminem. Imagine that while the famous rap singer Eminem was singing, suddenly the lights went out and it became clear that he was singing on the phonogram. In short, Eminent Eminem couldn't sing very well.
Method of adaptation to the Uzbek language
A reader who memorizes a word in English may encounter another interesting situation. It is also the fact that some English words are not only melodic but also meaningful with Uzbek words. Of course, words like this are few, but through effort and research, you can find many such words and increase your vocabulary even more.
The following are examples of such words:
To chop - to chop
Daddy - daddy
The wall
A voice - ovoz
Asphalt - asphalt
Pistachio - pistachio
Candy - sugar
Candle - chandelier
A dish is a dish
The art of keeping a dictionary
A dictionary is a tool that a person learning any language should have. Most people’s dictionary notebooks will be boring, careless, cluttered. Students don’t even think about the fact that such a disorder can negatively affect the memory of new words.
Use different colored pens in your dictionary notebook. The biggest mistake in keeping a dictionary is to use a pen of the same color. Imagine, all the words in the dictionary are written in blue, they are indistinguishable, how boring the landscape! That's when the child gets bored of reading. The creativity of the student decreases. As a result, our brain does not want to focus on what is boring.
Draw pictures next to the words. Studies show that if you put a picture next to a word and memorize it, you are more likely to remember it. You especially need to draw pictures of new memorized words in your dictionary that are difficult and prone to vivid imagery. The most important thing is not to draw nicely, but to adapt to a new word. You should not be ashamed of it. How long will you be ashamed and refrain from useful deeds ?! Plus, the picture will liven up your photographic memory a little bit.
Use your creative ability. Use different patterns and decorate your notebook. Be envious when you look at it later. However, when memorizing a dictionary, memorizing a dictionary of rules for yourself gives good results. One such rule is to group these words and write them down with different pens. You can write verbs with a black pen, horses with a blue pen, and adjectives with a red pen. Of course, it is your independent choice which color to write the words in which group.
Make up sentences in front of the words. Composing sentences leads to active memorization of words and makes it easier to use them later in other sentences. If it is not difficult, the result will be even better if you write a poem, aphorisms with new words that are entering your diary.
As the wise say, "Learning another language is not just learning other words, it's also learning to think differently about things." The ability to quickly and easily master these concepts also depends in every way on how well we can put the secrets of word memorization into practice.


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