Sewing shop business plan


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Business plan for starting a small clothing business 2016-2019
NAVOY -2016
The business plan of the project of an individual entrepreneur ____________________________ is presented for the purpose of substantiating the organization of production of sewing products in Karmana district as a result of financing through the mechanism of microcredits provided from the resources of a commercial bank, in accordance with the regulation No. 902 adopted by the Ministry of Justice.
The initiator of the project, as a result of researching and analyzing the market of sewing products in Karmana district, decided to organize small-scale production of sewing products. The conditions that have arisen in the market of urban sewing products, that is, the great demand for low-priced, high-quality sewing products, have given rise to such a decision.
For the implementation of the project, sewing machines purchased on credit, owned by individual businessman Nusratullayev Abdulkhay, the initiator of the project, will be placed in the production area in the fall.
The implementation of this project will create an internal opportunity to fill the internal consumer market of our city with high-quality, low-cost, locally produced products, and to direct the profit obtained as a result of the positive implementation of the project to the expansion of production.
The purpose of the implementation of this project is to justify the organization of small-scale production of sewing products.
There is an internal conflict between the overall business strategy of an individual entrepreneur ____________________________ and the project of organizing the production of sewing products.
According to the reasons for the project initiator's intention to implement the project:
- quick payback of capital costs due to low cost of production,
— the fact that the raw material suppliers and the channels selling finished products are organized and have sufficient experience shows the suitability of the project.
Negotiations between the project initiator and the suppliers of raw materials and potential buyers of manufactured finished products on this project showed that they have a great interest and desire to cooperate on this project. Due to the location of the regional capital, as well as the wideness of the purchase market for manufactured tire products, a very good opportunity is created for the implementation of the project.
Sewing products are mainly imported to the territory of Navoi region and Karmana district. Garment factories located in Karmana district mainly produce special work clothes, clothing and other products used in industry. Garment shops of household service houses operating in Karmana district mainly work on individual orders.
The fact that the sewing products produced by the above-mentioned enterprises are not in the market segment that the initiator of the project intends to implement is the reason for not accepting them as potential competitors. The main competitors operate outside the region. Therefore, it is appropriate to organize the production of sewing products in the city of Navoi that fully meet the demands of the domestic and foreign consumer markets in terms of quality.
According to statistical data, the population of Kura, Navoi region in 01.09.99 was 1 people, the population of Karmana district was 155 people. Every year, on average, 200 to 329000 new families are registered in the region. This number shows that there is a certain demand for sewing products by the population. Because among the population, young people who have started a new family and are growing up are the main buyers of sewing products. Apart from this, there are very few enterprises and organizations, firms that trade in sewing products, as well as potential buyers of this product, and small-scale production of sewing products in the city of Navoi. The competitive strength of such enterprises is primarily determined by the generality of the ability to quickly adapt to changes in market demand. Adherence to the above-mentioned features guarantees that the implemented project will have the ability to change and adapt the assortment and nomenclature of the manufactured products in a short period of time, in the production of products, low internal costs of production, and withstand competition, first of all, depending on the demand.
Manufactured sewing products can be purchased from direct contracts with consumers located in the region and the city of Navoi, and from shops operated by entrepreneurs to provide services.
The strategy of the sales program, the quality of the manufactured products, the constant study of the demand for the type of manufactured product, the rapid adaptation to the changes in the market conditions, and, based on the above-mentioned considerations, the tactics of quick adaptation of the price for the finished product are determined.
The total cost of the project is 30 soums.
In order to implement the project, the initiator of the project will spend 15 for raw materials, purchase sewing machines from the bank in the amount of 000 sums.
15 sums received from the bank will be used for the purchase of 000 simple sewing machines of the "Juyeta" model.
15 sums will be spent on materials and other details
A car is pawned for credit
Table 3.1 clearly shows the cost of the project.
The total cost of the project
Table 3.1.
No. Contribution of the initiator (amount) Bank loan (amount) Total amount (amount)
1. Pryamshen sewing machine 10 15 000 000 15 000 000
2. Raw materials 15 000
TOTAL 15 000 000
In percentage 50% 50% 100%
Terms of microcredit accepted for calculations in the project
1. Loan amount - 15 sums
2. The repayment term is 3 years
3. Grace period - 0 months
4. Annual interest rate – 9%
5. Pay off the loan - repayment in equal installments every quarter.
Production plan.
Real service in the 1st year
Product name Price 1 day 1 month (26 days) 1 year
Special clothes 33 000
780 9360
Total 990 000 25
Scheduled service in 2nd year
Product name price in 1 day 1 month (26 days) 1 year
Special clothes 33 000 35 520 6240
Total 1 155 000
3-year plan service
Product name Price 1 day 1 month (26 days) 1 year
Special clothes 35 000 25 650 7800
Total 875 000 22
Capital expenditure

Total net profit in 36 months:
94 332 000

Before presenting this project, the initiator of the project made a deep analysis of the situation in the garment market in Navoi city and Karmana district, taking into account all the factors affecting the implementation of the project.
The results of the mentioned financial indicators, as well as the analysis of the whole program for the organization of small-scale production of sewing products, taking into account the conditions in the domestic market, primarily the supply of raw materials, the competition faced by such enterprises, possible risks in production and other factors. as a result of the analysis, a conclusion is made about the effectiveness and purpose of all the actions taken by the project initiator in the implementation of the project.
The implementation of this project will make it possible to fully implement the idea of ​​the initiator of the project, as well as to contribute to the economic reforms carried out in our Republic.

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