Use of drugs in children


Use of drugs in children:
It's flu and cold season. All the parents are running to the doctor, even if the child coughs a little. This can also be seen in the long queues at hospitals. I respect all doctors. However, according to reports from acquaintances and members of the channel, almost all doctors are prescribing antibiotics. If we look at the most developed countries, they do not prescribe antibiotics in mild form, even in infectious diseases. Only general supportive medications are given to relieve symptoms and improve the general condition.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Loving parents make a serious decision before using antibiotics on your child. Antibiotics should only be used if there is a vital indication. Many disadvantages of antibiotics:
❌ Antibiotics are processed by the liver. This adversely affects liver function. The chemicals in the antibiotics damage the liver cells and strain the liver of a small child. In addition, bile is produced in the liver. Bile fluid is involved in digestion. When liver function declines, problems with bile production occur. Then the parents ask the child why he is not feeling well.
❌ Antibiotics kill not only pathogenic bacteria but also bacteria in the normal intestinal microflora. Therefore, a number of problems also occur in the gut, including more constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.
❌ An antibiotic is a very delicate drug. Before using it, bacterial ointment should be taken to assess their sensitivity. Thereafter, the appropriate antibiotic should be dosed according to the body weight of the child or adult. I have not yet seen a doctor prescribe antibiotics in this order (if there are such doctors, thank you).
❌ An antibiotic is something that after taking a single course, the next time a weaker or lower dose of it no longer affects the body. The reason is that bacteria are also living organisms. They also struggle to survive. They remember the antibiotic they used before and become more resistant to it. Therefore, next time you will have to take a stronger and higher dose of antibiotics than before.

The reason doctors often prescribe antibiotics is that even a simple throat infection in a young child can quickly spread to the lungs and cause pneumonia. However, I am against the use of antibiotics immediately.
With good child care, any illness can be treated without antibiotics. In my next posts about this.
(Iramox is also an antibiotic. It is best not to use it if your child does not have a fever.)

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