When to drink tea?


Canadian and British dietitians have concluded that products such as lemons, milk and sugar, which are traditionally added to tea, can exacerbate health problems.

Researchers say consuming any product to improve the taste of tea can lead to cancer.

In particular, tea should not be drunk with sugar. Because this habit leads to the development of insulin resistance, resulting in various dangerous changes in the functioning of internal organs and systems. When drinking tea with natural honey, its temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

When it comes to lemon, experts recommend consuming it in cold tea. If you put lemon peel in boiling tea, the beneficial vitamins in the product, especially vitamin C, will lose their beneficial properties.

Adding milk to tea leads to a decrease in the number of natural antioxidants it contains. In particular, the human body is depleted of catechins, which fight the development of cancer and diabetes.



Teacher of the 44th comprehensive school in Tashkent


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