Why does the child stutter?


Its causes and consequences
 Madinah's three-year-old daughter, Farangiz, was stunned shortly after she went to kindergarten. Relatives advised that the girl should be shown to a specialist. When the mother went to the doctor’s office, she learned that the child’s speech development was caused by her speaking different languages ​​in the family, in kindergarten, and among her peers.
In fact, some parents try to teach their child foreign languages ​​from an early age. According to experts, this condition leads to tension in the child's nervous system. As a result, there are various problems in the speech of a child who is now developing language.
It should be noted that stuttering occurs mainly in young children. Experts advise mothers to be extremely attentive to their child during speech development. If she notices a seizure in her child, she is advised to see a doctor immediately.
- The causes of stuttering in children are different, - says the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Dilbar Nurkeldiyeva. - This is due to the weakness of the little nervous system, strong fear, vomiting, infections, physical stress, his tendency to stutter, hereditary stuttering and stuttering on the basis of imitation. This is not the case when the child's tongue comes out and begins to pronounce certain words. Basically, stuttering occurs after sentences begin to be used in speech. The little one's speech should be in his mother tongue only.
Today, parents want their children to be smart from infancy. They try to teach Uzbek at home, Russian in kindergarten and English in addition. As a result, the child receives information from the environment in three languages. He will have to analyze all the information in his brain. At that point, he finds it difficult to choose a word. Even at this time, the little one may stumble. Therefore, his speech should be formed in one language.

Stuttering comes in two different forms: clonic and tonic. Such children are treated jointly by a neurologist and a speech therapist. The treatment is complex, in the process of which the share of speech organs is observed.

It is recommended that adults speak to the patient in a low voice during treatment. She is told to sleep on time, not to cry too much and not to be nervous. Otherwise, the stuttering may intensify and lead to negative consequences. This condition is mainly exacerbated in autumn and spring. Therapeutic procedures are also more common in these seasons. Most importantly, parents should strictly follow the advice given by the expert.
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Another thing is that it is absolutely impossible to force a child to speak without stuttering and to put pressure on him. His ridicule in the family and in the circle of friends can also contribute to the escalation of this negative situation. In such a situation, he withdraws from communication. This has a serious effect on the psyche of boys and girls whose speech is not fluent.
- The stuttering is spontaneous kpediatric neurologist Farogat Pardayeva says. - His reasons are different. If the patient is not treated in time, it will be difficult to prevent stuttering. Parental support is especially important in its treatment. In addition, the toddler needs to work harder on himself. It also gives good results, especially when looking in the mirror, repeating the words that have been tortured over and over again. Only then will his self-confidence increase. Doctors recommend brain-calming and nourishing treatments based on the patient in the treatment of stuttering. In addition, swimming, massage, various sports also have a positive effect on the child.
If you want your child to grow up healthy in all respects, never be indifferent to his health.

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