A collection of poems about school


A wonderful collection of poems from each other about school and about dear classmates. Please take a look.

The first teacher

I'm the first to hold a pen in my hand,
Teacher who taught writing and drawing!
Remember we have many of you,
The first Master who taught!

The work you did was not in vain,
All the best for you.
If you don't read, you are like children,
The first Master who sacrificed his life!

To the perfection that leads us,
Don't go away when he gives knowledge.
The truth is all these things,
The fountain of knowledge is the first Master!

Even if we hurt you a lot,
You taught us everything you know.
The child makes fun of me,
We patted our head again, Master!

I still miss my youth
You say these are my students.
When you see me on the street, my sons and daughters,
I will read again, the first Master!

Spring returns, youth does not return,
I can't forget my past childhood.
My innocent moments are waiting for me,
I would get excellent grades, Master!

Shamshad Safar, your youth has passed.
Have a lot of innocent fun.
Your dream came true, dear school,
You are the first Master in honor!

My classmates

I remember my youth,
My beautiful youth,
How are you?
Dear classmates!

Your eyes before my eyes,
your words in my ear
I want to see you
Dear classmates!

Our kingdom is one sky,
We were playing happily,
Do you still remember
Dear classmates!

Hello classmates!
Happy moon beautiful faces,
You are still the same
Dear classmates!

Waiting for you every day
From your hair,
I was talking,
Dear classmates!

Wider than the arms of the heart,
One collar, one sleeve,
Most of me,
Dear classmates!

Let's think about it,
Let's load each other,
Let's be consequential
Dear classmates!

A poem about the teacher

The root of great knowledge is embodied in you,
You give education from different fields.
When I listen to it, even a small body,
Grow up like a mature person, teacher.

Knowledge always shines in your heart,
It is as if he calls us like a light.
You are my bright star in the night
Without a bright day, dear teacher.

Hello School — John School

We said goodbye to kindergarten,
We have grown up, we have matured.
Boys and girls in kindergarten,
Our students are now us.

We are six years old,
We came to school laughing.
Hello school, hello school,
Hello school!

As long as the school is warm,
His books are interesting.
Filled with a wide class,
Let's listen to the lesson carefully.

I turned seven years old

I was seven years old,
I was playing and laughing.
Now it's your turn to read,
To learn "Alphabet".

Goodbye my favorite garden,
Good toys.
I go to school,
Goodbye, my dolls.

Taught fairy tales,
When we sleep, God says,
Good morning,
Always be healthy.

Singing with us,
He memorized a poem with us.
Well, music teacher,
We really miss you

On the sports field
We have become stronger and stronger.
chasing each other
We were fed up with the game.

As long as you like
We played hide and seek,
When you suddenly find,
We rejoiced together at that moment.

Motherland, the motherland,
We know the meaning.
The anthem of my country
We listened.

The flag of my country,
Beacon of Glory,
Understand the meaning of colors
I understand the crescent.

Huma bird wings,
The writing bar,
About the coat of arms of my country,
Let me tell you.

Goodbye my dolls,
Goodbye toys
Goodbye, my dear,
My dear garden.

Hello school

Hello dear school,
Blessed place, school!
The light of knowledge shines on the heart,
Bamisli sun school!

I cried in your arms,
We came to your garden of knowledge,
An example of mother Munis
Kind to us, school.

Like a candle that radiates light,
gardener to the garden of science,
Teachers teach,
We are a nursery school.

How many great people,
All the worlds,
The education you received,
You are a bright boston, school!

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