How exactly do fuels harm the atmosphere?


How exactly do fuels harm the atmosphere?

This would be a very controversial question, because some people say that electricity is the most harmless source of energy for the atmosphere, while others say that methane is the most harmless. In fact, each of them has a sufficient effect on the atmosphere.

Gasoline - cars running on gasoline emit carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides, small harmful particles (PM - particulate matter).
Diesel — Nitrogen oxides (more than gasoline), CO2, PM
Liquefied natural gas (LPG) - this type of gas emits less harmful substances compared to gasoline and diesel. But it also emits CO2 and PM
Compressed natural gas (CNG) is considered cleaner than all the above fuels and emits fewer pollutants and greenhouse gases. But it also contains C02,PM
Hydrogen is a type of gas that is harmless to the air because it emits water vapor when burned. But hydrogen production is also an energy-intensive process, and its impact depends on the source used for the hydrogen
Electric - electric machines do not emit anything. But this electricity generation itself is produced from fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas, which can contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

P.S. In short, as stated in the law of conservation of energy, energy does not disappear from existence, and it does not appear from nothing.


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