November 30 - American writer Mark Twain was born


November 30 - American writer Mark Twain was born.

Nickname of Mark Twain; original name Samuel Langhorne Clemens) was born in Florida (Missouri) on November 1835, 30. The famous leaping frog from Calaveras (1865), based on a folklore plot, depicts the humor and life of simple-minded Americans. ” (1873, in collaboration with Ch. Warner) is a novel about financial and political corruption, and the satirical novel “Shining Age” (1874) satirizes society's ills. "Old and New Stories" (1875), "Tennessee Journalism" (1869), "How I Was Elected Governor" (1870), "How I Became the Editor of an Agricultural Gazette" (1870) written in humorous and satirical style In his works included in the collections, various aspects of American life are described.

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