Scenario of the event 'Geography - the sultan of natural sciences'


"Geography is the sultan of natural sciences"

September is an event dedicated to the month of geography

"Geography is the Sultan of Natural Sciences ”

September - dedicated to the month of geography



The purpose of the event: to increase students' interest in geography, to teach them to use their free time effectively, to form in them feelings of devotion and love for the Motherland, to develop the skills of careful care of nature and rational use of its resources, respect for our great ancestors and fostering feelings of pride.

The school activists' hall will be festively decorated. Geographical visual aids, pictures of great scientists, computers and monitors, tape recorders, handouts.

The event will be opened by the hosts.

Beginner 1: The discovery of great traveler-scientists is

The melody that glorifies the earth is,

The free life of the creatures on earth is,

The lifeblood of our planet is geography.

Beginner 2: This means a set of courage,

This is the image of tourists.

The world of light, light,

This is the geography that teaches nature.

Beginner 1: In which all the secrets of the universe are gathered,

Such is the inspiration that captures the poet's heart,

The poems that enchant the imagination are the same,

My favorite thing is geography.

Beginner 2: From the beautiful, rare beauty of the earth,

The weather, the generosity,

Various creatures, plants,

Story-telling geography is.

1st starter: Al-Beruni, Babur Mirzo, wise Ulugbek,

Magellan, Columbus, Francis Drake,

The suckers who created philosophy are great,

The sultan of the natural sciences, geography is it.

Leader 2: Assalamu alaykum dear guests, dear teachers and parents!

Leader 1: Assalamu alaykum, dear students, dear peers, thirsty for knowledge! Welcome to our event "Geography is the Sultan of Natural Sciences" dedicated to September - the month of geography!

Beginner 2: Welcome to the most exciting geography holiday!

A word to Lola Asadovna Akbarova, a geography teacher (Teacher speaks).

Leader 1: Changes in the education system of the Republic set important tasks for general secondary schools.

Leader 2: These tasks require the constant search and dedication of knowledgeable and creative teachers in educating young people to be well-rounded, spiritually mature, independent-minded, and appreciative of our national heritage.

Beginner 1: Geography, like all other sciences, plays an important role in achieving such great goals. Because geography is the only discipline that studies the nature of the Earth, its population and its economic activities.

Starter 2: Tell me? Who is the founder of this science?

Leader 1: Let's hear it from geography itself!

Geography: (A student with the word "geography" on his head appears on the stage).

In ancient times, Eratosthenes,

That's the science I call it.

The Greek word "geo" - earth,

"Grafo," he says, "I'll write."

If we translate into Uzbek,

I mean the image of the earth.

This is done by all students,

Definitely need to know.

Leader 2: Here we also met the founder of the science of geography. Now let's turn to the participants of the event. With their help you will listen to and enjoy poems written in the language of geography. Please!

Student 1: Rich in content, "geography" - Greek:

"Geo" is the word "earth", "grafo" is the word "I write".

Literally, if we translate it into Uzbek,

The "image of the earth" means to know it.

Student 2: Learn about the nature of the Earth, economy, population,

Universal life and the state of the planet.

It is divided into two, social, natural,

The world seems mysterious, always remember.

Where? Why? When? Answer to the question:

If we love the map, our Earth is an interesting book.

Student 3: "About continents".

One third of the planet is land,

Large and small islands and six continents.

The highest and largest - Eurasia, of course.

The second is the hottest: Africa, that’s for sure.

The next will be North America,

The first to leave was Eric Raudi.

What about the fourth place? South America.

There is the wettest river, the name is Amazon.

It is the fifth coldest in Antarctica,

Its location is at the South Pole.

They say the driest and smallest Australia,

It is described as the "homeland of the sacks".

The nature of the continents are very mysterious children.

Read geography to know them.

Student 4: About the world's oceans.

They call it the "River of the World," the Latin ocean,

It is divided into four parts, which include:

The deepest and largest, the Pacific, of course

Atlantic second, Indian Ocean third,

The fourth is the Arctic Ocean.

All around the continents,

Seventy-one percent occupy the globe.

Student 5: About “Relief”.

The French word "relief" means "lift".

All forms of the earth include it:

Mountains, plains and hills, valleys, hills, hills,

An example of a sinkhole, a ravine and a jar.

Student 6: About "Scale".

How many times on the map

How much space is reduced,

The name of the term is scale.

O reader, you must know.

The synonym is "scale".

To be sure,

There are three types of scales, let me tell you:

One is linear, the other is numbered,

The third is called atalur.

The plan will be the same,

Master it firmly.

Student 7: I read, my planet, so mysterious,

The science of the world is very diverse.

The teachings of the teachers are bright in my path,

The most interesting science friends, geography.

Student 8: The map is a passionate light to my eyes,

The nature of my country is a joy to my soul,

Passion is intense and great in my heart,

The most interesting science friends, geography.

Student 9: Feelings of distant lands,

They are wonderfully enchanted in the book,

Enlightenment will be the garden of happiness of the Motherland,

The most interesting science friends, geography.

Student 10: My dream is to study this subject by heart,

Perfect knowledge of the world,

I sang in my poem, I composed rhyme,

The most interesting science friends, geography.

Beginner 1: Listening to the above poems, we learned a lot about this science. Who else, besides Eratosthenes, contributed to the development of this science?

Beginner 2: If you want to know more about this, turn to the “Historical Information” page!

Student 1: In the XNUMXth century BC, the Greek scientist Pythagoras said, "The earth is spherical."

Student 2: In the XNUMXth century BC, the Greek scientist Aristotle proved that the Earth is spherical.

Student 3: In the third century BC, the Greek scientist Hipparchus established the degree grid on the map.

Student 4: In the XNUMXnd century BC, the Greek scientist Crates made the first globe.

Student 5: In the first century BC, the Italian Pomponi Mela created the first world map.

Student 6: In the second century AD, Ptolemy wrote an eight-volume Handbook of Geography.

Student 7: In 1271-1295, the Italian Marco Polo traveled to Mongolia, China, India and wrote interesting information.

Student 8: In 1324-1353, the Arab scholar Ibn Battuta traveled for 29 years in the Orient and Africa, writing down information about this science.

Student 9: In 1492, Christopher Columbus officially discovered America.

Student 10: In 1595, the Dutch scientist Mercator was the first to create a geographical atlas.

Beginner 1: So this is one of the most ancient sciences ?!

Beginner 2: You are right, there is a lot of such interesting information, there is not enough time to tell everything. We will find out the rest in geography lessons!

Starter 1: Now we're announcing a music break (a group of girls are dancing).

Beginner 2: Now let's test our students' knowledge of geography. We invite 5 students to the stage, please! (The geography teacher gives geographical puzzles to those who come on stage and determines the winner).

Leader 1: We have also identified the winner of the puzzle, congratulations! Now, what would you say to our guests and peers about when the science of geography was founded in Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, who was its founder and which great scientists contributed to the development of this science?

Leader 2: You are right. Thus, the founder of Central Asian geography was the great scientist Al-Khwarizmi. He wrote a lot of geographical information in his work "Speed ​​of the Earth".

Beginner 1: The development of geography in Central Asia is conditionally studied in 7 periods.

Beginner 2: Period 1: Covers the IX-X centuries and is called the "Birth of Geography in Central Asia." This period was considered to be Al-Khwarizmi-Balkhi school of geography. The work of their contemporaries: Fergani, Jaykhani, Narshahi, Abu-Abdullah Khorezmi was the main direction of their time.

Beginner 1: Period 2: Continuing until the X-XIII centuries, Beruni was considered a school of geography. Under the influence of Beruni, Ibn Sino, Nasir Khisrov, Kashgari, Gardeziy and others made significant contributions to science.

Beginner 2: Period 3: This period covers the entire XNUMXth century, and this period is the Samarkand-Herat School of Geography. During this period, a number of scholars such as Mirzo Ulugbek and his contemporaries: Giyosiddin Naqqosh, Ali Kushchi, Zamakhshari, Abdurazzaq Samarkandi, in their works described the geographical location, map-scheme, nature and population, the Earth itself. The movement of the seasons and night and day, the rising of the seas and oceans, and the change in the latitude of the climate due to the movement of qi and the sun.

Beginner 1: Period 4: At the beginning and middle of the XNUMXth century, it was called the Hussein Kubrovi School of Geography. During this period, Zahiriddin Mirzo Babur, Muhammad Haydar Mirzo and their contemporaries, in particular, contributed to the development of natural science.

Beginner 2: Period 5: This period is the Balkh school of geography. z contributed.

Beginner 1: Period 6: The travels that took place during this period, including the end of the XVIII century and the beginning of the XX century, are studied in 2 stages.

Phase 1: Covers the end of the XNUMXth century and the first half of the XNUMXth century.

Phase 2: The 70s of the XNUMXth century and the beginning of the XNUMXth century are the period of some travel and geographical works. During this period, Munis, Bayani, Agahi, Hakimkhan Tora, Ahmad Donish, Haji Yusuf Hayati created their works and ensured the continuous development of geography.

Beginner 2: Period 7: This period is the period after the establishment of Soviet power in Central Asia, which is a period of geographical activity, which is new in content, purpose and form.

Beginner 1: Here you have learned the work of Central Asian scholars by period. We should be proud to live in the land of such great scholars and study their rich historical heritage.

Leader 2: You are right. What would you say if we invited 5 more students to the stage to make our event more interesting, gave them geographical assignments and determined the winner? (5 students are invited to the stage. They will be given the "Game of Capitals". Performed by the teacher).

1st place: We also determined the winner of the 2nd condition. Congratulations!

Leader 2: Our event continues. So, we learned that geography studies the nature of the Earth. Man gets everything he needs from nature. That's why we have to protect nature ?!

Beginner 1: Absolutely! We must keep all the resources of nature: water, air, soil clean, protect the flora and fauna, use the underground resources wisely.

Leader 2: Now it's the turn of the members of the "Young Geographers" circle. They will continue the event with poems and proverbs about nature, as well as instructive words. Welcome!

Student 1: The land of our ancestors is sacred! If we preserve our past, our future will be great!

Student 2: Cultivate the land! Respect the motherland! It is a sin to stick to the ground. If you feed the Earth, the Earth will feed you!

Student 3: Keep your house, your doorstep clean! Do not dispose of waste water! Contribute to clean air!

Student 4: Earth is the mother of wealth, labor is its father!

Student 5: Harvest's father is water, his mother is earth!

Student 6: Water is the source of life! Let’s save every drop of it!

Student 7: If there was no dust in the air, a person would live a thousand years. (Abu Ali Ibn Sino).

Student 8: Our time is beautiful, charming,

Nature is rich in generosity.

That is why from time immemorial

Knowledge and enlightenment at the height.

Lek is a big problem in the world

It has become Mother Nature.

Water is dirty, soil is harmful,

The victim is a total creature.

Let the whole universe be clean,

Long live Mother Nature!

Student 9: Nature is also an example of man,

He sincerely wants to be respected.

Neglected indifference

He can't speak, he can't speak.

We will not stop researching for a while,

Our motto is always research.

Let it be clean, let it be pure,

Earth and sky, the whole universe.

Let the whole universe be clean,

Long live Mother Nature.

Student 10: "Let's appreciate water!"

Do not pollute the water, do not fill it with waste.

Do not poison plants and animals.

They are a sign of health and cleanliness.

If it gets dirty, it's nature's fault.

Student 11: Children, plant seedlings along the water basin.

Poplar is a solid wood for everyone's home.

My dear friends, let me tell you why,

Let the water be always clean, let's protect!

Student 12: “Citizens are obliged to treat the environment with care” (Article 50 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan).

Student 13: "Land, subsoil resources, water, flora and fauna and natural resources are national wealth, they must be used wisely and are under state protection" (Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Article 55).

Leader 1: So, if we protect nature and use its resources wisely, the next generation will have the opportunity to enjoy the great blessings of nature.

Beginner 2: Geography teaches us such important knowledge. Therefore, we need to study this science in depth.

Leader 1: Our event continues. We are announcing a music break. We invite you to listen to songs with the participation of participants of the event. Please! (The song is played).

Leader 2: Dear students! Our event "Geography is the sultan of natural sciences" is coming to an end. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to take an active part in the events, open classes and competitions held this month!

Leader 1: Here, dear guests, parents, dear teachers and dear students! At the end of this event, we wish you good health, success in your studies and work, peace and prosperity to your family, and give the floor to the director of our school Sattarova Muqaddas Qahhorovna to say goodbye to you and say goodbye to you. Thank you very much for your attention!

Starter 2: Well, be healthy.

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