Thymus in children.


Thymus in children.

Among them, the thymus occupies a special place. Gland in young animals.
removal or its development in the infant lymphoid complex
has a negative effect. Lymph nodes are atrophied, erythro- and in the spleen
At a time when myelopoiesis continues, the development of lymphoid follicles
stops, lymphopenia is observed in the blood, the production of immune cells
sharply shrinks. Therefore thymus lymphocytopoiesis and immunogenesis
central member. T-lymphocytes that pass from the bone marrow to the gland
providing cellular immunity from the past and humoral immunity
T-lymphocytes involved in control mature.
The thymus of a newborn is 7,7-34,0 g. The child is 3 years old
it grows until it matures. Between the ages of 3-20, the size of the gland is normal
and then shrinks.
During the growth of the child, the cortex and core parts of the thymus
the ratio varies: in the baby, the part of the cortex is larger than the part of the nucleus. In children 1–3 years of age, these parts are equalized, in children 4–9 years of age, the part of the bark is significantly reduced, and this process continues even later. Decreased part of the thymus cortex slows down the maturation of lymphocytes. Cells in the core of the thymus do not slow down with age. The Gassal cells found in this layer are involved in the breakdown of physiologically active peptides. The thymus is a member of the "immunological memory". In other organs, mature lymphocytes acquire certain information during the transition from it and enter an immunocompetent (immune-providing) state. In addition, humoral factors released when thymocytes are degraded give immunocompetence to lymphocytes in the lymph nodes. Humoral factors synthesized in the thymus stimulate the development of the lymphoid system and increase the immune activity of lymphocytes.

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