6 products that cause gradual weight gain


6 products that cause gradual weight gain
Some products have been preventing weight loss for years. It is recommended to consume as little as possible of the 6 types of this product offered by The Voice Mag. (https://www.thevoicemag.ru/beauty/body/top-6-kovarnyh-produktov-iz-za-kotoryh-my-nezametno-nabiraem-ves/)
Packaged juices
A glass of purchased juice contains 30 grams of sugar. That means more than half of the daily requirement. Therefore, packaged juices should be limited as much as possible.
Cornmeal and muesli
These products also seem to be beneficial in appearance. In fact, the average serving contains about 30 grams of sugar, which is more than half of the daily value according to the standards recommended by WHO. It is more beneficial to replace muesli or cereal with a simple porridge.
Yogurt and cottage cheese
In addition to lactose, these products, which are often noted to be beneficial, also contain sugar. Except yogurt and cottage cheese without additives. But be careful: sometimes manufacturers try to add sugar and preservatives to the composition of the pure product as well.
All three have coffee at once
Most employees drink coffee one to three times a day during work hours and don’t notice how they are gaining weight. After all, one serving of this beloved drink contains 70 calories and 10 grams of sugar.
No one should think about it, but even in whole grain bread, the amount of sugar is about 100 grams per 4 grams of product. It should also be remembered that bread is primarily carbohydrate, which means that all the sugar in it immediately causes fat to accumulate in the stomach.
Sausages and hot dogs
Many people believe that eating any food in moderation is harmless to the body. However, the high content of fat, trans fats and sodium glutamate in sausage products means that they should be excluded from the diet.

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