Which operating system should I use, Windows, MacOS or Linux?


Which operating system should I use, Windows, MacOS or Linux?

Today, there are 3 main operating systems used for computers. As you can see in the picture above, you have three options

Brief description:

1. Windows - As you know, it needs to be repaired and repaired. It's a paid, but free, Microsoft product. Errors in the installation of programs, their configuration, the compatibility of drivers, the search for libraries for the program to work. However, it does not look nice to the user.

2. MacOS - Real beauty, very nice interface and everything is made for you. There are no problems with the software, because all the software belongs to Apple, but it is a completely closed system, you can not do anything on your own.

3. Linux - In real Linux systems, you are given a single terminal to write commands, through which you set up the system

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