Our grandfather Amir Temur


Our grandfather Amir Temur
Our grandfather Amir Temur,
Our brave grandfather.
The battle raged,
He built a great state and country.
Eternal Immortal Name,
The word in our language.
We will never forget,
Great grandfather!

Survived through the years,
He conquered the throne of tyranny and fell,
The torch of independence is lost,
May the sky be the head of the Uzbek today,
May the story of the Uzbek be epic today!
Beruni with his creation,
With John Tabibi-ibn Sinosi,
May the Uzbek be tall today,
Let the body of the Uzbek be a graft today!
Amir Temur with his horseman grandfather,
With the melody created by Pearl,
With Intizor Baburi Mirzo,
May the generation of the Uzbek be great today,
May the sustenance of the Uzbek be full today!


My grandfather
Temur restored the great kingdom,
Desire: my generation has a great vein,
Mulki Turan is the ring of the world,
My people live peacefully.

The story of Pirs
- Temur the horse wrestler,
Perfect when you find –
I sympathize with him
Sheikh Shamsiddin Kulol.
- Your blessings
One was Sheikh Kulol.
Taragai Bahadir's
Piri was Sheikh Kulol.
- Amir Temur enjoys it
From Pir's fertilizers.
He held on sincerely
From the bar of Sheikh Kulol.
- He used it from one side
Suyub Said Baraka.
It would not have happened without him
Consultation is a campaign.
- It is a great kingdom
The world is in turmoil.
All bowed
To Temur Sahibkiran.
- Breath of great breeds
Always use it!
My homeland forever
Go to victory!

Temur restored the great kingdom,
Desire: my generation has a great vein,
Mulki Turan is the ring of the world,
My people live peacefully.
The host says: O my children,
The apple of my eye, my dear ones.
Be the medicine for the nation's pain,
Do not loosen my joints.
Stand for justice, freedom,
Evil, be happy.
Do not sow the eggs of discord,
Goodness, goodness be true!
There is good in Jahangir's words.
May it be a beacon for us.
Let the generations learn from us,
Then Temurdain will be satisfied.

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