Choosing toys for children


Every parent wants to entertain their children with different toys. But are all toys suitable for children? If you don't want to buy toys that will make them happy, pay attention to these tips.
For 1-2 years: Wooden board; Vibrating horse (for boys); Wheelchair doll (for girls); Drinking boxes; Bucket and shovel set; wheeled toy (butterfly, bird); Musical box (piano, guitar); Koptok; Colorful rubber, plastic toys; Machine, tank, truck (soundproof); Toy phone.
For 2-3 years: Balls of different sizes; Dolls; Soft toys; Cubes; Three-wheeled bicycle; Plasticine. Board board; Colored paper; Colored pencils, felt-tip pens and paints (for learning to draw); Tables and chairs; Trolley; Fonarcha; Horticultural toys; Musical instruments (drum, bell, tanbur) Simple mosaic pictures; Constructive games (assembling, assembling, building).
For 3-6 years: Balls, plasticine, cubes; Professional toys: doctors, construction, carpentry tools; Large car toys (KamAZ, wagon, plane, train); Pen, felt-tip pen, watercolor, glue, paper; Board games - dominoes; skates, changʼi; Bathing balloon; Painting books; Home; A set of letters.
Fact: While 20% of a child's mental capacity is hereditary, the rest develops through the environment and communication.
How to distinguish harmful toys?
Appearance: they should be light in color, dolls and animals should be gentle, smiling, away from aggression. The child should be happy to see it. Size: The child should be able to lift it, but not fit in the mouth. Large toys can be up to three times larger than a child. Safety: Sound toy lights must not harm a child in the event of carelessness. Quality: Do not buy toys without any labels or markings. They may be made of hazardous material. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the contents of the toy.
What toys are not recommended!
Animals in the form of giant creatures, in the form of robots. Such toys, designed to play "War War", arouse the child's aggressive spirit.
Wool fluffy toys: teddy bears, rabbit fur can get into a child's mouth, itch, cause allergies. It is possible that the child will swallow the eye buttons.
Some of the noisiest toy musical instruments have such hilarious music as rock and rap. Be sure to listen to musical toys, choose one that is calm and uplifting. Don’t buy a nerve-wracking and loud one.
Submachine guns are also not recommended. It is difficult to say that their militant voice and the set of bullets have a positive effect on the child.
Barbie dolls. Such dolls in the image of a young woman in thin, modern, fancy and open clothes are suitable for school-age girls, but not for children. Because they also have body parts that are unfamiliar to the child…
When can I read a book?
The child's first book should be illustrated. It depicts bright and large animals, houses, trees. It is best if each photo is on a separate piece of cardboard. The child learns to distinguish them. Such books can be shown to a child from 4-6 months. The skin of the book should be smooth and thick, not easy to chew. After the age of one, the child can start reading fairy tales with easy and short plots. At the age of 12-18 months, the child quickly absorbs small fairy tales with a poetic tone. These tales, of course, must be pictorial. The child understands the fairy tale through pictures because he does not yet know how to imagine. A two-year-old child should be taught fairy tales that have an educational value and end well. He remembers the plot. At this stage, listening to fairy tales and sleeping have a positive effect on the child's peace of mind and mental stability. He begins to bring the fairy tale to life in his mind.
Make your children happy with the right toys. Enter the world of books and enrich your spirituality. After all, the fact that our future generations will grow up intelligent, educated and talented will greatly contribute to the prosperity of our country.

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