First aid when blood pressure rises


Causes of high blood pressure

The normal adult blood pressure is systolic (high) 120 mmHg and diastolic (80 mmHg). The first occurs when the heart contracts, and the second when the heart relaxes. Of course, these values ​​are relatively average, and each organism has its own normal blood pressure. Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure above 140 mmHg and a diastolic value above 90 mmHg. Blood pressure above these values ​​requires special treatment. If your blood pressure is between 180 and 110 and above, seek medical attention immediately.

In 90% of cases, it is not possible to determine the cause of hypertension. This condition is called primary hypertension. Secondary hypertension (10%) is a consequence or complication of another disease. Such diseases may include:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.

Primary hypertension is caused by a variety of factors. Such factors include:

  • Hereditary factor;
  • Excess body weight;
  • Stress and tension;
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, drinking coffee and other energy drinks;
  • Malnutrition.

Symptoms of hypertensive crisis and first aid

Hypertension is usually asymptomatic, the person does not notice the pathological condition in the body at first. Failure to take timely action can lead to serious consequences, such as a hypertensive crisis and other serious complications.

Hypertensive crisis - a sudden rise in blood pressure and a rise in blood pressure above critical scales are often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Chest pain, tachycardia;
  • Severe headache, dizziness;
  • Vision problems, redness, increased intraocular pressure;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Redness of the skin and a slight increase in temperature;
  • Whitening of certain areas of the body or arms and legs.

The above symptoms can occur in other diseases, so blood pressure should be measured as soon as symptoms appear, and if the symptoms are critical, seek immediate medical attention.

The following precautions should be taken before the doctor arrives:

  1. Placing the patient in a comfortable position, slightly raising the upper body (restricting any physical activity, not moving the patient);
  2. The patient's clothes are loosened, that is, the neck buttons are removed, the belts are loosened;
  3. Windows and window panes open to allow fresh air to enter.
  4. If the patient has been prescribed antihypertensive drugs in advance, take them out of the regimen. Nifedipine or Captopril tablets may be given as an ambulance for sublingual administration (as recommended by your doctor). Nitroglycerin tablets for pain in the chest and back of the chest;
  5. Giving sedatives also gives good results (Corvalol, Valocordin) - they calm the patient and improve the general condition;
  6. Warm treatments (mustard, hot water bottles) also lower blood pressure.

Having a light conversation with the patient and distracting him also helps the patient not to worry too much about the disease.

Treatment and prevention of hypertension

Treatment of the underlying disease in secondary hypertension also eliminates the spontaneous increase in blood pressure. In other cases, lifestyle changes, routines, habits, and diets may need to be changed in the early stages of hypertension and disease prevention. To this end, experts offer the following recommendations:

The most effective way to lower blood pressure is to control your weight. The easy way to do this is to eat less and healthier foods, especially fried, sweet, and smoked foods, and be more active;

Stress is the most negative condition that leads to an increase in blood pressure. Hormones released during stress narrow blood vessels and cause high blood pressure. Therefore, you should try not to get stressed, just keep calm;

Fatigue and constant stress at work is a form of stress that is even more dangerous than a one-time stressful situation. Studies show that working more than 41 hours a week increases the risk of developing hypertension by 15%;

Sleep is the most important physiological condition for the health of the body. Prolonged sleep in the early stages of hypertension leads to normalization of blood pressure;

Physical activity is an effective method in the prevention of hypertension. Walking for 30 minutes lowers blood pressure to 8 mm.Hg. In addition, any sport, any physical activity is good for the body;

Too much salt can cause high blood pressure. Even a small reduction in salt from the diet can lead to a drop in blood pressure. The daily salt intake should not exceed 1,5-2 g;

There are also some products that lower blood pressure. These include fruits and vegetables, especially those that are high in potassium and magnesium. Such fruits include potatoes, beets, tomatoes, legumes, bananas, oranges, kiwis, grapes and figs. In addition, yarrow, ginger, turmeric, garlic, olive oil and walnuts are important in lowering blood pressure.

Drugs used in first aid for high blood pressure

Nifedipine (Phenygidine)

A drug that lowers blood pressure. Lowers blood pressure, improves coronary circulation, dilates peripheral blood vessels. It is usually prescribed in tablet form and contains 10 mg of the active substance. During a hypertensive crisis, 1 tablet (10 mg) is injected under the tongue. If necessary, another tablet can be absorbed after 30 minutes. Long-term use of this drug is prescribed only by a medical professional.


Hypotensive agent - dilates blood vessels, reduces peripheral flow resistance and improves coronary circulation. During a hypertensive crisis, one tablet is injected sublingually (25 mg). Available in tablet form 12,5 mg, 25 mg or 50 mg.


A preparation containing substances such as ethylbromizovalerianate, phenobarbital, peppermint oil and xmel. It has a sedative and mild sleep-inducing effect, antispasmodic and vasodilator. It is released in the form of drops and is taken orally. For short-term effect, the drug is dissolved in 40 drops of water.

Valeriana tincture

It has a sedative, mild antispasmodic and mild sleep-inducing effect. It is effective in the early stages of hypertension. It is used as a sedative in case of high blood pressure, reduces the excitability of the nervous system, is dissolved in no more than 20-30 drops of tincture in water and prescribed to the patient to drink.

The information in this article is for informational purposes only. This article contains contraindications to the use of these drugs. You should consult a specialist before use. If you are worried about high blood pressure, we recommend that you seek emergency medical care and a doctor for prophylaxis.

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