Is there a risk of swelling during pregnancy?


Congratulations you will soon be a mother! Now you need to be prepared for various changes in your body. Don't be surprised if you look in the mirror when you wake up and you look like you gained 5 kilos in one night. These are tumors that are observed in many women, and you can learn about their causes and consequences from a high-class obstetrician-gynecologist Nilufar BOSTONOVA.

What causes swelling in pregnancy?
What causes swelling in pregnancy?

What causes swelling in pregnancy?

Tumors are caused by fluid leaking from a pregnant woman's body into the tissues. When the mother's body is deficient in albumin, water leaks out of the veins. This protein is produced in the liver from edible products. So, it is very important to follow a diet to eliminate tumors in this delicate phase.

Is there damage from tumors?

As mentioned above, tumors are caused by the accumulation of internal water, so the satellite is the first to swell. Swelling of the internal organs, especially the placenta, makes it difficult for the baby to get oxygen. This increases the risk of developing hypoxia. It also causes bleeding when fluid leaks out of the arteries. As a result, kidney function is impaired, and the liver and heart become heavier as a result of thick blood flow. The rapid increase in weight makes the situation even more difficult.

How much water should I drink during pregnancy?

Up to two liters of water is allowed to relieve toxicosis and abdominal relaxation in early pregnancy. However, from the second trimester onwards, changes occur in the endocrine system and kidneys. Therefore, by this time, it is important for a pregnant woman to control the fluid she drinks. From the 20th week onwards, it is advisable to limit salt intake.

This is because salt causes the body to accumulate fluid and increase the feeling of thirst. A variety of fruits and vegetables also quench thirst, making it easier for the expectant mother. A pregnant woman should consult her doctor about how much water to drink during this period. This is because women with pyelonephritis or urolithiasis cannot limit fluid intake.

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Are all fluids helpful too?

Ninety percent of the fetus in the mother's womb is water, and hydration is very important for both mother and baby. However, it is important to drink healthy fluids from the first trimester. So do you know which drinks are good and which are bad?

Coffee has a diuretic and thirst-quenching effect. Because caffeine accelerates the excretion of fluids from the body, you will need to drink a few extra cups of fluid for each cup of coffee you drink.

A cup of freshly brewed bitter tea contains more caffeine than coffee. This means that you should be careful when drinking bitter tea.

Carbonated sweet drinks, juices made from various concentrates are also not thirst quenching drinks. Due to the color and flavor additives, they can quench thirst.

This means that if there is swelling during pregnancy, there is cause for concern. Because a safe pregnancy without complications is the greatest gift you can give your baby…