Facial care at home - information for you


Skin care: about the rules of treatments, medications and cosmetics.
One of the problems with the skin is caused by inflammation of the intestines. Beautiful skin can be said to be radiant, soft and smooth. But not everyone can boast of such skin. It is influenced by ecology, diet and the cosmetics they use at the same time. We will tell you how to take care of it.
How to develop an individual program of proper skin care.
  • Oily face is the first sign: excessive separation of oils and shiny face. Facial pores are enlarged and the appearance of the skin is not good. An oily face often has a tendency to have acne. Small facial wrinkles appear much later than such a face.
  • Dry face: The opposite of an oily face. There is less oil separation and the skin does not shine. Dry face is delicate and wrinkles on such skins appear at an early age. Sometimes this condition is observed in the 30s. In this type of skin, facial pores are less visible.
  • —  normal face skinsgolden mean and this facial skin is rare kam encounters in the end entersYog ' separation normal va shines.
Mixed facial skin:
The face above is above the skin types. If anyone has this skin type, the T-section may have enlarged facial pores. In some parts of the face, oil separations are observed, which leads to the appearance of acne. Typically, those with combination facial skin are less prone to premature aging. This should be taken into consideration when paying attention to facial skin or when choosing any cream for the face.
If you use care or creams that are not suitable for this facial skin, the set goal will not be achieved. You can do harm as you benefit. For example; if the owner of dry-faced skin is peeling the face with rough movements, it can damage the skin. If you have an oily face, you need to be careful when using daily tools.
This condition can damage the upper part of the facial skin. At the same time, facial care, which is a secret for everyone, remains a mystery. So the rules of facial care at home - it is necessary to determine the type of skin.
If your skin is normal, you can easily make a list of care for yourself in this case. We recommend that owners of dry and oily and combination facial skin consult a specialist. These specialists are cosmetologists or dermatologists. This is the only way to get out of problems, not to reinforce them.
 Important information!
Everyone knows that if you don’t have normal facial skin, you can’t choose what you need for facial care. That is the first reason. Dryness of the face can have a detrimental effect on facial skin, reducing the activity of the oil. The owner of a dry face can use moisturizers at home.
           In all likelihood, it is advisable to consult a specialist when choosing creams for the face. Experts add 3 steps in focusing on the face; cleaning, soaking and absorption. However, facial care tips vary depending on the situation.
Normal facial skin care.
This may seem very simple to you. But it has its own rules and ways. Washing the face requires the use of something that does not have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. The scrub should only be used once a week. It is not possible to use products that contain alcohol in the face dryer, alcohol dries the face. Instead, use a comet that contains a set of plants. These include chamomile, aloe, calendula, etc. They improve and smooth the appearance of the face.
Day creams used for a normal face should contain a sunscreen. This prevents the face from drying out.
Note: Weak mixtures can be used after the age of 25 (stage rH5-6,5) example - grape.
 Proper care of oily face
An oily face requires special attention. In such care it is necessary to use products that do not increase fat and do not contain fat. Oily facial skin often suffers from facial redness.
The main directions for oily facial care:
  • Cleaning quality
  • Bactericidal cleansing of the skin
  • Reduce fat layer
  • Humidification
  • Cleanse the area where oil has accumulated on the face
We recommend using neutral (7) or rH (4.5-5.2) means for washing the face. It is also recommended to use a special soap. This medium contains lactate ammonia. This puts the oil separation in the right direction and dries the face lightly and well. You can wash your face 2-3 times a week and scrub the appendix.
This will help get rid of facial skin problems. However, the use of creams and gels also shows its effectiveness. It is also best to use non-alcoholic products to normalize the face. Sometimes they think they don’t need to moisturize oily facial skin. Of course this is wrong. However, moisturizers should be applied to an oily face. It is better to use gels, molochko or serums, rather than creams to moisturize the face.
If the facial skin is prone to colds, in such cases it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory agents. Example - bisabolol. Be aware that these creams cannot be used on cold days. In winter, these creams are best served in the evening.
Dry face care
         There may be a damaged face. This dry face can be genetic and acquired. Due to hormonal changes, the face becomes oily or oily. However, dryness of the face can be the result of improper care. An example is frequent peeling. Dry face care should be done very carefully.
It is not recommended to use facial cleansers when washing the face. It washes away lipids from the face. It is advisable to have oil in the face cleanser. However, washing with hot water is not recommended. The water should be warm and pleasant.
In the care of dry face will need to use a tool containing ceramide, cholesterol and free fat types. These tools normalize the upper skin of the face. If there are cracks on the face, make sure it contains a thin film that retains water. These agents include paraffin and glycerin. Again, pay attention to your diet. Include fish in your diet. Fish is rich in omega-3 fat.
Ways to properly care for combination facial skin
              It is necessary to determine the structure of this type of face and which areas are oily, which areas are dry. The oily part is observed in the T-zone and requires special attention to itself. It is recommended to cleanse the mixed facial skin, ie peeling, twice a week. This affects the creams and makes the face look beautiful. However, if there is inflammation in the T-zone, peeling is not recommended.
And in the second case - this stage is nourishing the skin: it is necessary to use different means on different parts of the face. For example, you will need to apply matte or drying creams to oily areas. It is recommended to apply moisturizers on the forehead and cheeks.
 Ways to care for the face against premature aging
            With age, a number of changes occur in the body. Metabolism slows down, tissues regenerate, the amount of water decreases, and eventually leads to a loss of tone. Hormonal changes also have an effect on the skin in turn. Water is reduced and wrinkles are reduced. Therefore, with age, the skin needs regular care.
  • biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid;
  • ozone therapy - ozone depletion on the skin;
  • photomolysis - obstruction of the photolaser;
  • facial massage;
  •  The use of retinoic acid - vitamin A helps in the renewal of skin cells.
All this is important for dehydration, increase tone and protect against radicals.
Caring for problem skin
Of course, it is most accurate to say that facial problems are a problem. The appearance of spots on the face from time to time after getting nervous is a problem for everyone.
  • Erythrosis i couperoz(redness of the skin - temporary or permanent). Those who have such a problem should use a very gentle way when cleaning the face and make sure that the tools they use are not hard. However, protective equipment must be used. It is recommended to avoid things that have a negative effect on the skin, avoid baths, saunas, baths in hot water. Phototherapy (light therapy), mesotherapy (subcutaneous delivery) can be used.
  • Seborrhea- Disorders of fat production. To improve this condition it is necessary to take a mineral bath.
  • Acne va Ugris increase. We stop on light windswept roads. If the cold is severe, we use the duration of treatment. Particular attention is paid to cleansing the skin in the window. Each treatment should last 1-2 minutes. Problematic facial skin, on the other hand, requires a lot of time.
  • HyperpigmentationThe causes of spots on the skin are different. However, with age, such problems can occur. There are many ways to deal with this problem: for example laser peeling. It is recommended to carry out complex procedures to remove skin blemishes.
Help in the fight for beautiful and healthy skin
Problems with the skin can have a variety of causes, as mentioned above. When a person is healthy on the inside, this condition is reflected on his face. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the bowel and use its cleansers. Lactofiltrum will help us with this. Lactofiltrum has two effects at once: it rids the body of toxins, allergens, bacteria, and helps the gut to function better.

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